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1、单元核心素养演练,字母组合ch和sh的发音 1.ch发音/t/ 例如: Chinachickenlunch sh发音/ 例如: sheepfishshirt 2.发音要领: /t/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。舌尖抵住上齿龈,让气流从舌齿间的缝隙中冲挤而出。/是清辅音,发音时声带不振动,舌身整个抬起,舌前部整个接近上齿龈,让气流从舌面与上腭间的隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音,When is the party?聚会什么时候举行? Its in April. 在四月。 这是一个由when引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问时间,用来表示什么时候。 When is+活动/节日?是什么时候? Its in+季节/月份.

2、它在 When is the party?聚会什么时候举行? Its in May. 在五月。 When is Fathers Day?父亲节是什么时候? Its in June. 在六月,根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.今年的(秋)游在什么时候? 在10月。 When is the trip this year? Its in October. 2.我们将去长城。 Well go to the Great Wall,小超人与 Mike在谈论节日,请与同伴读一读并试着编新对话。 :When is English party?英语聚会在什么时候? :Its in April. 在4月。 :What

3、will you do?你们将做什么? :Well play many games. 我们将玩许多游戏,Hello, my name is Li Ming. My birthday is on June 9th. My mothers birthday is on June 14th. My grandpas birthday is on June 23rd. My grandpa is in America, and he lives with my uncle and aunt, so I usually send an e-card to him for his birthday. 读短

4、文,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( F )1.There are two birthdays in June. ( T )2.His grandpa lives with his uncle and aunt in the USA. ( F )3.Li Ming will send an e-mail for his grandpas birthday,答题指导 寻读法。1.根据短文的2、3、4句知道有3个人的生日在6月,不是2个人,故填“F”。 2.根据短文的第5句知道Li Ming的爷爷与他的叔叔阿姨一起住在美国,USA是美国的另外一种表达方式,判断此句与短文相符,故填“T”。 3.根据短文的

5、第5句知道Li Ming通常在爷爷生日时寄一张电子贺卡,不是发电子邮件,故填“F,请你以“My birthday party”为题写一篇小短文,生日聚会都是令人难忘的,在你的生日聚会上都将有哪些活动?快来和大家分享一下吧! 1.写作思路:这篇作文主要描述每年如何过生日,可以用一般将来时重点介绍生日时进行的一些活动。 2.可能用到的短语:light the candles, sing the birthday song, make a wish, cut the cake, eat the cake, sing and dance, play games,My birthday party I will have a birthday party on my birthday. My parents will invite my friends to come to our house to celebrate my birthday. We will sing the birthday song. We will eat the birthday cake and play many games. I will get many beautiful presents



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