20192020高中英语 Unit 1 Cultural relics period 3(1)课件 新人教必修2(通用)

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1、Module2,Unit1 Cultural relics,Unit 1 Cultural relics,Language points,The Amber Room,Have a try,rare,valuable,survive,vase,amazing,honey,select,design,fancy,artist,jewel,remove,wooden,a troop of,doubt,dynasty,belong to,in return,less than,at war,style,former,1. Is it enough to have survived for a lon

2、g time? 存留很长时间就足够么? survive 1 vi 幸免,幸存,生还 eg These customs have survived from earlier times. 2 vt 从逃生 eg He felt lucky to have survived the war. 同根词:survival /svavl/ n.存活 survivor/svav(r)/ n.幸存者,1. He _(在这次坠机事故中幸存下来)the plane crash 2. The house _(经受住了暴风雨). 3. This custom _( 还保存着). 4. She lived five

3、years longer than her husband. = She _ her husband _ five years,survived (in,survived the storm,still survives,survived,by,2. in search of the amber room寻找琥珀屋 in search of 固定搭配 表示“寻找”,在句中常做目的状语或表语。 eg The scientists are in search of a new element. 拓展:search vt.搜身 所查 search for 动词短语,加名词或代词,in search

4、of search for search sb / sth in the / ones search for,搜寻,寻找,搜查某物/ 搜身,在寻找中,1) They started off at once in search _ the missing child . 2) So far , they have been unlucky in their search _(介词)gold and have no money left . 3) He _ all his pockets but failed to find his ID. A. searched B. searched for

5、C. in search of D. looked for,of,for,A,3. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. (P1, L1) could not/never have done 对过去所发生事情的否定推测 eg. He couldnt have gone abroad , as I saw him just now,must

6、 have done 用于对过去的行为有把握推测(想必做过某事) eg. It is surprising that you can drive. You must have learned it before. could have done “可能做过某事”, “本来可以做到,但实际并没有做到 eg. We could have lent him the money but he didnt tell us he needed the money,情态动词+have done” 的含义小结: could not/never have done sth.过去不可能 could have do

7、ne sth. 本来可以做(却没有做)某事 cant have done 过去不可能做过某事 must have done 过去一定做过某事 may/might have done 过去可能做过某事 should have done 本该做(但没有做)某事 neednt have done本不必做某事,1)His brother met him at the Great Theatre yesterday afternoon , so he _ have attended your lecture. A. couldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt 2)-Y

8、our mother was really anxious about you. -I know. I _ home without a word . A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave,A,B,gift n. 礼物,天赋,天资,adj. gifted 有天才的,有天赋的,have a gift for 对有天赋,He is a student who _(对数学有天赋,has a gift for math,amazing amazed,I am amazed by the am

9、azing news. 词组:be amazed at(by)对大为惊奇,4 .The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown color like honey.(P1 L3) select vt.挑选 选择 eg.Please select a few nice apples for my mother adj.精选的,择优的 eg.The captain needs a select crew for this dangerous job. 派生词:selection n.挑选,选拔 selective adj.善于挑选的

10、,5.The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.(P1 L4) design n.设计 图案 e g .They think highly of my design. vt.设计,计划 e g.The room is designed for their daughter. 词组:be designed for sb/sth be designed to do sth 计划,目的是 by design 故意的,fancy 1. adj. 奇特的,花样的 I dont feel like making

11、a fancy meal. 2.vt. 想象,推测,假想 Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work. 3.vt .喜欢 I think he fancies me,vt. 想象,推测,假想 1) Dont fancy that you can succeed without hard work. 2) I cant fancy his doing such a thing. 3) I fancied him to be dead. 4) He fancies himself as a good writer. 5) Do you fan

12、cy a glass of coffee? 6) I dont fancy walking in the rain. fancy + that-/ones doing sth/sb to be/sb as/sth/doing sth,6. It was also a treasuredecorated with gold and jewels,which took the countrys best artists ten years to make.(P1 L5) decorate v.装饰 e g.I want to decorate my room this summer vocatio

13、n. 词组: be decorated with用装饰 派生词:decoration n.装饰 decorative adj。有装饰的,7. Frederick William ,to whom the amber room belonged ,decided not to keep it.(P2 L8) belong to 1)to be the property of eg That coat belongs to me. 2)to be a part of eg That mouse belongs to the computer. 3)to be a member of eg He b

14、elongs to a large family belong to is not used in the continuous tense or the passive tense.(p3,8. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.(P2 L10) in return 作为报答 回报 后不接宾语 e g. he gave her some roses in return. in return for 作为对的报答 后接n/pron e g. what did the rich man give her in re

15、turn for her help,serve as 充当,用作 The entrance hall also serves as a dining-room. work as 充当 serve 加名词,(为-)工作,服务 She served the family as a cook for fifteen years. She served her father as a capable secretary,9. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.

16、 (Para2, L9,have sb /sth do 使-做- (主谓关系,一次性动作) have sb/sth doing 使-一直做(一直处于某种状态) have sth to do have 译为“有” 即“有某事要做” Who did you have paint the wall yesterday? Jack had the candle burning throughout the whole night. Her mother has much housework to do today,10. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to a place,练习: I had my watch _(repair) in the street yesterday. She had her house _


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