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1、We will continue to improve thecompanys internal control system, and steady improvement inability to manage and control,optimizebusiness processes, t o ensure smoothprocesse s, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal contr ols,playa control post independentoversight role of evaluat

2、ion complying wit h third -party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit toolsdetectpotential management, streamline,standardize related transa ctions, strengthe ning operations in accorda nce with law. Deepening t he information management to ensure fullcommunication zero resistance.

3、o constantly perfect ERP, andBFS+, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM, information system based constructi on, full i ntegration informationsystem, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system applicationof breadthand depth, play i nformationsystem on enterprise of Assistant role; to perfec

4、t daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysiBFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology appli cation of training, improveemployees applicati on information system of capacity and level. Humanistic car e to ensure zero.To strengthening Humanitiescare, continue s to foster comp

5、any wind clear, and gas are, andheart Shunof culture atmospherestrengthening love helped trapped, care difficultemployees; carried out style activities, rich employees life;strengthe ninghealthand labour protecti on,organization career health medical, controlcareer agai nst;conti nues to implementat

6、ion psychological warning preventionsystem, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprisi ng of attitude,created friendly fraternity of Humanitiesenvironment.o strengthe n risk management, ensure t hat the businessof zero risk. To strengthene d busi ness plans management,

7、 will busistrengthening track, active should; to implementation State-owned assets method, further specificati on business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieve d risk recognition, and measure, a nd assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management,

8、improve risk preventioncapa city.To further standardize trading, a nd strive to achieve according to law, standardize a nd fair. Innovation of performance ma nagement, toensure that potential employees zero fly. To stre ngthenperformance management, process control, enhance employee e valuation and

9、levels of effective communication t o improve performance management.o further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full playparty, a nd branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in theof core rol e, and fighting fortress role and pione er modelole;to conti nue s to strength

10、ening four good leadershi p construction工业设计系学生会干部考核方案为了加强工业设计系学生会干部工作管理的规范化、制度化、一体化,加强干部的责任感,提高工作的积极性与主动性,现将学生会干部考核评优制度修订如下:一、考核时间: 每月进行一次月评,到本学期结束前进行总评。二、考核对象: 工业设计系学生会全体成员。三、考核部门: 办公室、学习部、文艺部、体育部、组宣部、生活部主要负责人:学生会主席、副主席协助人员:办公室主任、副主任四、考核内容:(一)基本条件考核:1. 思想进步,思想道德品质高,工作热情,奉献精神强,本着为全系老师同学服务的宗旨。2. 自觉遵

11、守学院各项规章制度,事事起模范带头作用。3. 严于律己,以身作则,不徇私。弘扬正气,敢于同不良倾向做斗争。(二)会议及值班情况考核:1. 参加全体例会及本部例会情况。 (考勤状况)2. 学生会各成员必须严格遵守会议纪律,如 ; 不得随意讲话,手机应调为振动或关机,不可接听电话。 (除有事情外)3. 凡请假者应在会议或活动前各部部长报办公室,要严格执行请假程序。(每月请假最多不能超过 3 次,每月不能无故旷会 2 次,lay levels cadres in enterprisedevel opment in theof back bone backbone role; to full stre

12、ngthening members youth work, full play youthemployees in compa ny developme nt in the of force role; to improve inde pendentCommissionagainstcorruption work level, strengthening on enterprisebusiness key link of effectiveness monitored. , And maintain stability.To further strengthenpublicity and ed

13、ucation, improve the overall legal system. We must strengthensafety management, establish and improve the education, supervision, andevaluation asone of the traffic safety managementmechanism.o conscientiously sumup the Olympic securitycontrols,promoting integrated management to ahigher level, highe

14、r sta ndards, a higher level of development. Employees, today is lunarcalendar on December 24, the ox Bell is about to ring, at this time of year, we clearly feel the pulseof the XX power generation company to flourish, to more clearlyhearXX power generation companies mature and symmetry breathing. Recallingpast one another acr oss a railing, we are enthusiastic and full of confidence. Futuredevelopmentopportunities, we more exciting f


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