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1、Unit 1Sharing3.Answers : b-e-f-d-c-a4. 2 45.anti-social aware of appreciate attitudetolerantcome to an endwalk awayimpressListening2.22.3peacefulbeautifullovely partpartywith a passionlast secondwalking their dogswith a bounceawaythe best part of the daythinking straightat my sharpestwe had children

2、in the morningsin the eveningsView it2.2 2 4Role-playing1.2 Answers: g-a-f-h-b-d-c-eConversations1.DABCC2.CBDAPassages1.ACDC2. distressing desperate urge acquireare totally unaware of are isolated from affirminteract with impulseare convinced ofUnit test1.DDBCD2.CAAAD3.CBDDC4.atsectionconnectsat the

3、 bottom ofshiningAscrossrunning away fromrunning away fromdestroyedUnit 3Task2(l)enjoy (2) free3) music (4)internationally(5)festivals6)spend your free timeTask3d-e-g-h-b-a-c-fTask410. 2 3 5 6 Task511. 2 4 5 812.ListeningTask 2 Activity 1a-d-g-e-b-f-cActivity 21368(1)She feels it seems very shallow.

4、(2) She has now grown up and matured.(3) She is very happy with where she is now. I She doesnt think life has to be the perfect image she pictured.Viewingl)husky sledding(2)38 3)wing-walking 4)35 5)driving on Route 66 I driving on Route Sixty-six 6) 197)bungee Jumping 8)179)swimming-with dolphins(10

5、) 1Task 2 Activity 2247 89Role-PlayingTask 1 Activity 1(l)Four / 4(2)a swimming pool 3)covered by another wall( 4)the same position as the shape in the hole(5)what shape the hole will be until the last moment6)Not to get knocked into the pool7) gets through the most shapesTask 1 Activity 2134713.14.

6、PresentingGet ideas 1I partly disagree with the writers view that today most people spend their freetime doing things that do not contribute to their development and are essentiallyunproductive.Inmy opinion,many peopletodayactuallyuse the additionalfreetimethattechnologyhas createdforworkingmore,rat

7、her than forinteractingwithnetfriendsor forotherleisureactivities.For instance,many people haveformedthehabitofcheckingcompany emailsfrequentlyeven duringtheiroff-work hours 。 theyare disturbedby cellphone callsconcerningwork wherever theyare even on weekends。they are obliged to bring their computer

8、s with them even when going on a vacation.They never seem to have realfreedom afterwork owing tothe advancement of technologyand the popularizationof modern communicationsdevices.However, althoughtheylivein such constant chaos, the truth is, this kind of life allows them no chance tospend time waste

9、fully,and itoftencontributesto theircareerdevelopmentand makesthem more productive.Organize ideasMeaningful leisure activitiesReasons for being meaningful1Outdoor activities such as going to parks, mountains and beaches? build health? prevent and reduce stress? improve social life2Surfing the Intern

10、et? keep people well-informed? communicate with people all over the world easily? get entertainment through watching TV series or 1novies online 3 Reading books? make people think more deeply? improve concentration4? make people smarter? relieve stress and bring fun More practice in listening Short

11、conversation23. resorts24. sprung up25. dramatically26. having an adverse effect on27. combat28. wilderness29. unspoiled30. streams of31. guidelines32. auction off33.UNIT testPART IABB BCPart II CCDDBPart IIIDAB CDPart IV23. audience24. teenage25. celebrate26. Popular27. conquers28. columns29. is ce

12、ntral to30. a private arrangement31. to choose32. apart fromUNIT5SharingTask 1(1) the arts(2) what areas of the arts they enjoy, what exhibition or performance they went to recently, and whether they think the arts are importantTask2(!)Photography and dance. (2) The small, intimate exhibitions.(3) The arts.Task3


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