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1、立达八年级2017学年第二学期期中考试试卷Part II Phonetics、Vocabulary and Grammar26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A. conferenceB. commandC. involveD. volunteer27.The story happened in _ European country.A. aB. /C. anD. the28.We will need _ money if we want to buy that

2、 new flat.A. fewB. manyC. a large number ofD. a huge amount of29.Jack is a good musician. We all have confidence in _.A. hisB. heC. himD. well30._ a sunny afternoon, Jim and Jill had a heart- to heart talk.A. In B. OnC. AtD. With31.Young people should learn how to care for _ and how to respect all l

3、iving things.A. anotherB. otherC. othersD. the others32.The old lady looked _ at the timetable to check the airline for Britain.A. faithfullyB. kindlyC. friendlyD. carefully33.Id like to have a trip in Thailand _ next year and enjoy the beautiful sunset there.A. some timeB. sometimesC. some timesD.

4、sometime34.This match provides us _ at an excellent chance to try out some new players.A. from B. aboutC. for D. with35.She doesnt dance as often as she _.A. is used toB. was used toC. uses toD. used to36.Hi, have you got a minute? Ive got something funny to tell youSure. _ you make it a short story

5、. I have a class to attend in 5 minutes.A. butB. and C. orD. so37.My sister made me _ all the chores without lifting a finger to help.A. doingB. doC. didD. to do38.-Why didnt you come to his birthday party yesterday afternoon?-I _ a wonderful football match.A have watchedB. am watchingC. was watchin

6、gD. will watch39.It took us quite a long time to get to our hometown. It was _ journey.A. three hourB. three-hourC. a three hourD. a three-hour40._ bad weather it is! We have to put off the picnic.A. HowB. How aC. WhatD. What a 41.If I cant finish _ my homework now, I will go on with after supper.A.

7、 doB. doing C. to doD. did42.He suggested Tom _ the children to the zoo.A. takeB. takingC. to takeD. took43.Peter was late for the meeting _ his car broke down this morning.A becauseB. butC. althoughD. until44.-You look so sad, Betty. Whats the matter with you?-_.A. My parents wont let me go to the

8、summer camp.B. I m sorry to hear that.C. I dont quite agree with you.D. Air pollution has become the most serious problem now.45.-Would you like me to carry the bag for you?-_.A. Yes, Id love to.B. Its my pleasure.C. Id love to, but can do it.D. Its very kind of you.Complete the following passage wi

9、th the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):A. on purpose B. forbids C. term D. specialized E. stopsBirgit is from Sweden. She traveled to Australia on vocation. “I was in a restaurant that _46_ in fish. I heard some other people order flake, so

10、 I ordered some, too. It was delicious! Later, I learned that flakes is an Australian _47_ for shark. Now, whenever I see a new food, I try it _48_. You know why? I remember how much I enjoyed flake.”Chandra is a dentist in Texas. She is from India. “ I m afraid to try new foods because maybe there

11、is beef in them. Im a Hindu(印度教信徒)and my religion(信仰) _49_ me from eating meat from the cow. Thats why I cant eat hamburgers or noodles with meatballs.”A. think of B. recently C. easier D. quickly E. specialDo you use the same password for almost every online account? If you do, you need to be caref

12、ul. An America website has _50_ rated the 25 worst passwords used by U.S. Internet users. It is dangerous to use them because the users may lose their personal information. Face book, a famous social networking website, has said that hackers break into hundreds of thousands of Facebook accounts ever

13、y day. They try to get the users messages, photos and other information.An expert said that 30 percent people online are using the same passwords for all of their digital accounts, now its becoming _51_ to break into their accounts. Web users need to _52_ better passwords for their e-mail, e-bank an

14、d other digital services in order to bock hackers. To solve this problem, experts have given several tips:1. Use different types of characters in your passwords including numbers, letters and _53_ characters.2. Choose passwords of eight characters or more.3. Dont use the same password for every website.II. Complete the sentences with the words given in their proper forms (用所给词的适当形式填空)6%54. They have made her feel like a _ wheel. (five)55. Confucius is not only a great thinker and educator, but also a great _. (music)56. At the end of game, players traditionally _ shi



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