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1、2021年英语四级高频考点干货听力类别词汇:娱乐Global theatre 环球剧院drama 戏剧Grand theatre 大剧院impressive 令人印象深刻的too dramatic to be true 太假了audience 观众play the boss 扮演老板out of the way 太远了the greatest hit 大片a long queue 长队appreciate 欣赏sold out 卖完了basketball season 篮球赛季tennis 网球camping 野营badminton 羽毛球jogging 慢跑performance 表现fis

2、hing 钓鱼keep fit 保持健康scenery 风景Greek style 希腊风格lawn 草地museum 博物馆column 柱子statue 塑像四级口语单词A: The barracks were burned down during the fighting.B: Was anyone injured?barrackv. 起哄,喝倒彩n. pl. 兵营,营房A: These fields are so barren I am amazed that even grass can grow on them.B: It can just about, but it has di

3、fficulty.barrena. 1.(土地等)贫瘠的,荒芜的; 2.不结果实的,不(生)育的; 3.无益的,没有结果的A: My little brother has barricaded himself into his bedroom and refused to come out.B: Dont worry, when he gets hungry he will come out.A: The old town walls were initially built as barricades to keep the enemy out.B: It is a shame that t

4、hey have been so badly damaged!barricaden. 路障,栅栏,障碍vt. 设路障于,挡住A: Do you have a basement in your house?B: Yes, but we only use it for storage.basementn. 地下室A: This music is terrible.B: I think that it is just because the bass is too loud.bassn. 1.男低音,低声部,低音乐器; 2.鲈鱼A: I once read a book about an unwan

5、ted bastard child that was left to grow up alone in a forest.B: I think that I may have read that one also.bastardn. 1.坏蛋,混蛋; 2.私生子A: There is a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.B: I am glad that you like it, I have just made a batch of biscuits.batchn. 1.一批,一组,一群; 2.一批生产量A: The woman was hor

6、ribly battered by her husband.B: How awful, I hope that she left himA: Do you like pancakes?B: No, and nothing else that is made out of batter.batterv. 连续猛击n. (用鸡蛋,牛奶等调制的)面糊A: Where did you buy your necklace?B: Oh, I just bought the beads and made it myself.beadn. 1.小珠子; 2.(水,血,汗的)小滴A: I beckoned hi

7、m to come, but he refused to move.B: Perhaps you were not polite enough.beckonv. 示意,召唤A: Watch out, there is a beetle crawling under your leg.B: Ah, I hate insects.beetlen. 甲虫A: You should have telephoned me beforehand when you knew you were going to be late.B: I am sorry, but my mobile phone is bro

8、ken.beforehandad. 预先,事先binocularsn. 双筒望远镜A: You have had such an interesting life, I would love to read your biography some day.B: Oh, really. I hadnt planned on writing one.biographyn. 传记A: Last night was bizarre, it snowed when it should have been dry.B: Well, it is difficult to predict the weathe

9、r.bizarrea. 奇形怪状的,怪诞的A: Why did you steal the money?B: I was blackmailed into it.blackmailvt./n. 敲诈,勒索,要挟A: My grandfather used to work with horses.B: Was he a blacksmith?blacksmithn. 铁匠, 锻工A: Is there a toilet in this building? My bladder is about to burst.B: Just down the hallway, on the right.bla

10、ddern 1.膀胱; 2.囊状物.A: The food that I cook is usually very bland.B: No, I think it is quite spicy actually.blanda. 1.温和的, 无动于衷的; 2.(食物)清淡的,枯燥乏味的A: The concert was incredible, the lead singer nearly blazed the house down with his energy.B: Gosh, it sounds almost dangerous.blazevi. 1.熊熊燃烧,着火; 2.发(强)光,放

11、光彩; 3.迸发,爆发n. 1.火焰,烈火; 2.光辉,强烈(或眩目)的光; 3.迸发,爆发; 4.灿烂,炫耀blaze a trail 开拓道路,作先导A: Have you cleaned the bath yet?B: No, sorry. I ran out of bleach.bleachn. 漂白剂v. (使)变白,漂白A: Winter is my favourite season.B: Oh, winters are too bleak for me, I prefer autumn.bleaka. 1.没有希望的,凄凉的; 2.荒凉的; 3.寒冷刺骨的A: My grandm

12、other used to bless herself every time she passes a church.B: She must have been very religious.blessvt. 1.(with) 使有幸得到,使具有; 2.为祈神赐福(或保佑)A: Did you have a good crop of potatoes this year?B: Unfortunately not, they were hit by blight.blightn. 1.(植物等)枯萎病; 2.造成破坏(或损坏)的因素vt. 破坏,摧残A: I blinked and missed

13、 the town. It was so small.B: Drive more slowly then!A: With each blink I get older.B: Well, I am sorry, but I can not do anything to stop time passing.blinkvi. 1.眨眼睛; 2.闪亮,闪烁n. 眨眼睛,一瞬间on the blink (机器等)坏了,出故障A: Did anybody witness the accident?B: Yes, a blonde was walking down the street.blondea. 金

14、发的n. 金发女子A: Zoe blossomed into a world class pianist.B: She must have practiced very hard.blossomn. (尤指果树的)花vi. 1.(植物)开花; 2.(out, into)发展,长成in (full) blossom 正开着花听力常考话题:图书馆shelf 书架librarian 图书管理员the stacks 书库return 归还fine 罚款magazine 杂志copier 复印机overdue 过期未还的reading room 阅览室reference room 资料室periodic

15、al room 期刊阅览室study lounge 自习室catalogue 书目index 索引keyword 关键词volume 卷,宗library card 借书卡book reservation 图书预订periodical 期刊quarterly 季刊back issue 过刊current issue 现刊latest number 最新一期writing permission 书面许可check out 外借put on reserve 被限制在馆内阅读四级备考短语blow ones top (美)气急败坏;发脾气blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸on board 在船(车、飞机)上boast of 吹牛,自夸,夸耀border on 接界;接近,非常像born of 源于;出生于both.and. 既又,不但而且be bound to 一定会,必然be bound up in 热心


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