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1、历年高考英语完形填空高频词汇总结动词类:1“看”look 看的动作 / see 看的结果 ;watch观察 /observe 为了研究进行的观察 ; Notice注意 catch sight of 看见 /stare 好奇地看 / glare 瞪着看Glance 瞅见 /glimpse 瞥见see a film watch TV2“说”telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth告诉的内容talk with sb about sth强调说话者之间的交流Say sth 诉说的内容speak in English 说的语言 whisper sth to sb 耳语Inform sb o

2、f sth 通知某人某事reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 Bargain 讨价还价chat聊天repeat 重复explain 解释warn 警告remind 提醒 Discuss讨论 debate 辩论figure指出 declare 宣布 claim 自称mention提起admit承认 deny否绝 describe 描述 announce 公布 introduce介绍 complain抱怨3“叫”cry 哭叫call 叫shout 大喊scream 尖叫 moan 呻吟sigh 叹气 quarrel 大吵4“问”ask 询问

3、interview采访 express 表达question 审问5“答”answer 回答respond 回应 (用其他方式回应 )reply回复6 “听”listen to 听的动作hear 听的结果pick up 收听overhear 无意听到7“写”dictate 听写write sth写 describe 描写drop a line写信 draw 画take down/write down 写下,记下8“拿 /放” take 拿走bring拿来hold举着carry 扛,挑(无方向性)fetch 拿来拿去lift 举Put 放 lay 铺 /放置pull 拉 /push 推9“抓”t

4、ake hold of抓着 seize 紧抓grasp 握住 scratch抠10“打”hit 一次性的打击beat 不间断的打击strike 突然的击打 /突然想到blow 吹刮attack攻击11“扔”throw 扔drop 掉 放弃 错过 fall倒下无意掉下来wave 招手 shake 摇12“送”send 寄送deliver递送give 给offer主动给予see off 给某人送行13“摸 /抱” touch 摸/fold 折叠/embrace 拥抱/ hug 抱 /hold握in one s arms14“踢 /碰”kick 踢 /knock 敲 / tip 轻敲15“行”wal

5、krunclimbjumpskip单腿跳slip 溜 come/goenter 进入move 搬迁第 1页 共1 6页drive 开车ride 骑 flycrawl 匍匐前进16“坐”sit downbe seatedseat oneselftake a seat/ stand 站,耸立 / lean 斜靠17“睡 /休息”lie /on one s back/ on one side/ on one achstay ins stombedhave a resttake a nap 打盹be asleepbendturn over 翻身rest18“笑”smile 微笑(不出声)laughbu

6、rst into laughterburst out laughing19“哭”cryshed tears 留泪weep 呜咽地哭sob 抽泣burst into tears/burst out crying20“找 /查”find 找到look for 正在找过程find out查明discover/explore发现 /探索hunt forsearch forseek/ seek forin search of 寻找Search sb 搜身search sp. for sth为某物而搜寻某地Check 检查,核实examine 考察发现问题/体检test 检测,检验inspect 视察21

7、“穿”put on动作wear 穿戴have on 试穿be dressed in穿的状态make-up 化装get changed 换衣服be in redTake off脱 remove 去除22“吃 /喝”eat/drinksip 吮吸have a mealhave suppertoasttastetreat sb to 请某人吃help oneself to随便吃23“得”getobtainacquire 获得知识和技能gainpossess24“失”lose 丢了be lost/be missing 人错过失踪, 不见gone 不见(物)great lossdiedie off 相继

8、死去die away 逐渐消失25“有”have有own 是自己的conquer 征服occupy 占有 =possess26“无”nothing leftthe remainingthingdisappearbemissing /gone27“增 /减”rise / go up /drop人主动抬价raise /bring dow n /reduceincrease/decrease28“买 /卖”buypurchaseaffordpaypay offpay forsellon salebargainBill /cheque /cash/credit cardnotes/ coinsdisc

9、ounts29“存在 /消失” come into beingexistappearsurviveliveshowturn upDisappear diedie outpass awaybe out of sight30“变化”developimprovebecomegrowgo+ bad /wrong/ sour /without( negativeadj. ) turn + colourchange /change intoreform31“认识的过程”feelsenseguesssupposewonderdoubtknow /learn realizeUnderstandremember

10、be familiar withrecallreciteapplyto32“成功 /失败” make itsucceedmake progresscome truerealize one s dreamwin第 2页 共2 6页Losefail to dofailuredefeatsuffer loss beatturn sth. Into reality33“努力”try /managemake effortsattemptdo ones bestdo as much as one can to do34 祝贺congratulations on sbcelebrateobserve 庆祝g

11、et together聚会35 赞美 /批评praisethink highly of /criticize /scold sb. for sth.blame sb for sth/ sb is to blamehave a low opinion of sbSpeak ill of36喜 /恶likelove be fond ofbe keen onbe crazy aboutadorebe into preferenjoyin favor ofDislikehatebeawful/disgustingignoreturn off37判断thinkbelieve considerfindfe

12、elconclude inferdoubt38到达 arrive atreachreturn toget tostay in spvisitleaveleave foron one s way to upon one s arrivalon doing sth39受伤 hurtinjuredwoundcutkilldrownbleedget burnt suffer fromsuffer a loss40损坏 damagedestroyruinbreak downbe brokencrash41修复repairrebuildrestorefixrecover oneself42支持 /反对 agreedisagreeacceptreceiverefuseturn downbe againstelectvote for/ against43做饭cookwashcutchopboilfrysteam makemix cleanbrushcoveruncovercooker44建议 advisesuggestrecommendurgeproposedemandpersuade说服45花费sth/doing sth+cost



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