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1、赣马高级中学高二年级M5U2学案 Period Seven主备人:刘芹编制时间编号一词组1全球问题 _2打扫,清扫 _3从衣服下面 _4海关官员 _5紧密观察 _6从事于 _7下结论 _8排队 _9根据 _10采取措施做_ 11储备有 _12以形式 _13辨别出,选出 _14引起国内外的关注_15依靠,指望 _16导致 _17建立组织 _18濒危动物 _19就某事给某人忠告 _20在进行中_21第三大河流 _22解决问题的方法_二单词拼写1. The time is a_ when we must think about buying a new house.2. They have made

2、 an agreement b_ to all countries.3. He made an i_ of the school.4. In order to make a correct decision, they pay close attention to thes_ at home and abroad.5.The factory was shut down because it used to give out p_ gases.6.I don t like him because he is always j_ of others success.7.The prisoner h

3、as a_ his guilt.8.We live in an _( 气氛) of freedom.9._ ( 有效的 ) measures should be taken to educate the pupilsto obey school rules.10. The company was e_ in 1860三完成句子1. 一脱下他的衣服,就发现一只睡着的乌龟在他肚子上。_ _ _ his jacket, _ _ _ was found on his_.2. 他坐在那儿,不知道该说什么。He sat there,_ _ _ _ _.3 工农业的飞速发展,加上人口的迅速猛长,不仅意味着从

4、长江的取水量在增长,同时回放到长江的废弃物也在增长。Rapid agricultural and _ _ _ hugepopulation growth hasmeant that not only _ _ _ _water_ from theriver_,but the waste being put back intothe riverhas also been increasing.4 要解决关于长江的所有问题我们还有很长的路要走。We still have _ _ _ _to solve all the problems _theYangtze River.5 为了保证白鳍豚的安全,渔

5、船禁止进入这片水域。Boats are _ _ _ this area in order to _the dolphins_ .6 长江是众多鱼类和动物的家园,这其中就包括依赖长江生存的珍稀哺乳动物白鳍豚。TheYangtze Riveris _ _ _ _ _ _ fishand animals_ the white-flagdolphins,a rareChinese mammalwhich _the Yangtze River for_.赣马高级中学高二年级M5U2学案 Period Eight主备人:刘芹编制时间编号一单项选择1. The country has _.A. the po

6、pulation of eighteen millionB. eighteen million peoplesC. a population of eighteen millionD. eighteen million population2. The old man is badly ill and he needs _ at once.A. to operateB. operatingingC. being operatedD. operated3. His failure in the driving test _ his carelessness.A. resulted fromB.

7、led toC. brought aboutD. resulted in4. I _ to go to the lecture yesterday, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. meantB. would mean C. was to meanD. had meant5.Therearestillmany peoplesufferinga lot,and we aretodo somethingto_ poverty.A. keep outB. wipe outC. give outD. run out6. Whatever he promises,

8、you cant _ anything.A. rely on his doingB. depend on his doingC. rely on him to doD. advise him to do7. When he came back, his _ look on his face meaned that he failed in the interview.A. disappointedB. disappointingC. encouraged D. encouraging8. Nobody is think the film is _ worth _ again.A. very;

9、to seeB. well; to be seenC. well; seeingD. very; being seen二阅读理解Some time ago, I discovered that one of my chairs had a broken leg. I didn t think there wouldbe any difficultyin getting itmended, as there was alotofantique (古董) shops near my home.So I left home one morning, carrying the chair with m

10、e. I went into the first shop, expectinga friendly reception. I was quite wrong. The man didnt even look at my chair.The second shop, though slightly more polite, was just the same, and the third and the fourth-so I decided that my approach(way) must be wrong.I went into the fifth shop with a plan in my mind. I placed the chair on the floor and said tothe shopkeeper, “ Would you like to buy a chair?” He looked it over carefully and said,“ Yes,nota bad c



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