语法填空句子分解练习——名词策略 教案

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1、语法填空句子分解练习名词策略(教 案) Learning aims: Be able to fill in blanks using proper forms of given nouns.Master some strategies to deal with noun-related rational clozes. Lead in: Review some basic grammar points about noun. 表一: 名词分类个体名词可数名词集体名词物质名词普通名词 名词不可数名词抽象名词专有名词表二:注意事项:2.集体名词的主谓一致问题1.个体名词变复数的规则 语法填空题型分

2、析体裁:内容各异、形式多变的语言材料 字数:180-230 个单词能力:语法知识融入语篇,在语篇中综合运用语言知识的能力设空情况通常有两种:一:给提示词(实词)给提示词的主要是考查动词、形容词、名词 (可数、不可数)、副词等实义词。二:不给提示词(虚词)不给提示词的主要是考查冠词、连词、代词、介词和固定搭配。探讨解题策略:语法填空句子分解练习:名词专项题组一提示:解题并思考本题组考点是什么,是怎样的解题思路? 【衡中一调】Does my room have twin beds or a double? I have a 1 (prefer) for a room with twin beds.

3、【衡中二调】She asked me whether I would give a one-day lecture on stress 2 (manage) to 200 medical workers.【衡中三调】It was such a shock when they announced the 3 (win) was Jim.【衡中三调】We all thought Samanthas 4 (pronounce) was the best.【中原名校一】I had no 5 (choose) but to prepare for it, though.【衡水金卷三】Have you e

4、ver forgotten an 6 (appoint) at the doctors or been late in getting to your part-time job?【百校联盟一】The 7 (combine) of computers with communication technology happened later, which turned down .【百校联盟一】Moreover, through the computer, companies get into a direct 8 (connect) with their bank accounts.【09广东

5、】But Jane knew from past experience that her 9 (choose)of ties hardly ever pleased her father【延中例考14】For another,it is a useful way to release their 10 (press).语法填空句子分解练习:名词专项题组二提示:解题并思考本题组考点是什么,是怎样的解题思路? 【衡水金卷一】I think it important for women to do some direct 1 (achievement), because chances are th

6、at women will live alone in later life【豫北名校一】Lana was several 2 (minute) late. Mr. Baker wasnt in the office when she got there.【焦作定位卷】Of course, study life isnt everything at university. Most people also make life-long 3 (friend) on campus.【14课标一】While there are amazing stories of instant transform

7、ation, for most of us the 4 (change) are gradual and require a lot of effort an work【延中例考03】Youve been there and you said its got lots of 5 (place) of interest and you enjoyed your trip very much.【延中例考08】The 6 (thing) I chose were already in short supply and in demand.【延中竞赛09】Secondly, we must be ab

8、le to speak it ourselves correctly with confidence and without 7 (hesitate).【延中竞赛11】As far as I am concerned, my 8 (suggest) is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach.【中原名校一】But my 9 (listen) were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me.【延中

9、竞赛08】We must take all these 10 (frustrate)out of our chest and start all over again with the consistent faith that we will get what are deserved(应得的)语法填空句子分解练习:名词专项题组三提示:解题并思考本题组考点是什么,是怎样的解题思路? 【延中竞赛04】It was his ninth year of school and his academic career seemed to be in ruins, so I was full of 1

10、(angry).【延中竞赛06】Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 2 (strong) to move it.【延中竞赛14】In order to prevent this case occurring again, we are supposed to improve our 3 (aware) of saving water, making proper use of water and recycling water.【适应性测试2014】The 4 (excite) wears off

11、 quickly, especially after you see how much homework you get.【14课标一】for most of us the changes are gradual Just be 5 (patience).【衡中二调卷】“Why has my life become so sad?” I thought 6 (pain).【衡中期中卷】Often this child grows up to be funny. But a recent study saw things quite 7 (difference). 【14样卷】I must have put them in there when the phone rang. Oh, dear. I really must be losing my 8 .【14辽宁卷】Unbelievable! Oh, if you dont mind, Ill stop and take a deep 9 .本节自主总结:


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