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1、培训体系与实施Training System Johnson MFG John & Jimmy Procurement Tommy 确定全体受训人员 Confirm trainees 组一:生产拉长及以上人员(包括领料员) 组二:全体品管人员及工程人员 组三:货仓全体人员 组四:办公室人员(采购/助理/财务/进出口,4/19/2021,7,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,培训专题(二)Training Special Topics 2,制定培训与发展课程表 Constitute training and development course schedule *见附件二 Re

2、fer to Appendix 2 制定课程登记表 Constitute course registration form *见附件三 Refer to Appendix 2 培训记录 Constitute training recording *见附件四 Refer to Appendix 3,4/19/2021,8,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,培训专题(三) Training Special Topics 3,培训方法 Training Methods 课堂授课 Classroom-teaching 小组讨论 Panel discussion 案例分析 Case an

3、alysis 录象 Video 测试 Examination,4/19/2021,9,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,培训效果评估Training Effect Evaluation,四级培训效果评估 4 Levels Training 学员的反应 Reaction of Participants 对主要概念的理解 Understanding of main concept 行为的改变 Change of behaviors 绩效 Results & Performance,4/19/2021,10,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,Appendix 1,In

4、terviewee: Date: Interviewer: Please answer the following questions: 1. For your dept, what are the most important things you would like to improve?(对于你的部门,哪些方面你认为需要提高?) 2. For employees (your manager), what would you like them to improve? (对于你部门的员工或经理,你认为首先在哪些方面需要提高?) 3. For yourself, what would you like to improve? (对于你自己,你认为首先哪些方面需要提高?) 4. For yourself, what would you like to share from related departments? (对于你自己,你认为其他部门的哪些信息对你有用,4/19/2021,11,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,4/19/2021,12,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,Appendix 3,4/19/2021,13,DataED Shenzhen Co., Ltd,演讲完毕,谢谢观看



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