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1、PEP三年级英语下册第四单元试卷班级_姓名_得分 _前言:这份卷子有点难哦,一定要细心细心,考出好成绩啊。一、根据汉语提示,选择正确的单词把句子补全,并在四线三格上正确书写一遍。(每题2分,共12分) toy chair book box map desk1、That is a (书桌). 2、This is my (椅子).3、The pen is in the (盒子). 4、This is his (玩具).5. Read a ( 地图 ) 6.Its under your (书本) 二、搭配单词及其汉语意思。(每题2分,共10分)小汽车 小船 地图 帽子 球( ) ( ) ( ) (

2、) ( )A. ball B. map C. car D. boat E. cap三、选出不同类的单词(每题2分,共10分)( )1、A. on B. under C. mum( )2、A. desk B. monkey C. elephant( )3、A. cap B. dog C. giraffe( )4、A. that B. boat C. car( )5、A. where B. ball C. what四、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)( )1、- _ is the box? - Its under the bag. A. Where B. What C. Who( )2、- Wher

3、e is my car? - It _ in the toy box. A. am B. is C. are( )3、- _ in the desk? - Yes, it is. A. Is it B. It is C. Are you( )4、This is a _ of China. You can find(找到)Shanghai here. A. box B. map C. ball( )5、You like books. But(但是)I like _. A. ball B. boat C. toys( )6、- Where is my cap? - _ A. Its on the

4、desk. B. Hes my friend, Tom. C. Its a desk.( )7、- Is it under the box? - _ A. No, he isnt. B. No, she isnt. C. No, it isnt.( )8、-Whats that? - _ A. Its a blue boat. B. Its blue. C. Its under the blue boat.( )9、-Whats under the chair? - _ A. A map. B. Its in the bag. C. Thank you.( )10、-Is it on the

5、chair? - _ A. No, she isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. No, he isnt.五、搭配问句和答语。(每题2分,共10分)( )1、Where is my pencil? A. Yes, it is.( )2、Is it under the map? B. Shes in the classroom(教室).( )3、Can I use(使用)your pencil? C. Im from the UK.( )4、Where is Amy? D. Its on the book.( )5、Where are you from? E. Sure(当然). H

6、ere you are.六、用1、2、3、4、5给下列句子排列顺序。(每题2分,共10分)( )Is it in the toy box?( )Dad!Where is my ball?( )Its not in the toy box. Let me see. (让我想想) Is it under the desk?( )Yes, it is. Thank you, Dad.( )No, it isnt.七、选择正确的选项完成对话,将其字母序号填写在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)A. Where is my cap? D. your toy boxB. it isnt E. Is it on

7、C. Thank youA: Excuse me, mom! _B: Is it in _?A: No, _.B: _the chair?A: Oh, yes! _, mom.八、连词成句。(注意大写及标点)(每题2分,共10分)1、is in the pencil box it . _2、under the chair is the cat ._3、is where ball my ?_4、it is yes ._, _5、it is on the desk?_九、选词填空。(每题2分,共8分)Look!This is a big _. There are many things.(那里有很多东西)The _ is on the desk. The pencil box is _ the desk, too. The ball is _ the desk. A. desk B. on C. under D. map



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