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1、M4U1 A visit to a farm一、单词学习:visit参观;拜访,hay干草,grass草,corn谷物,meat肉,litter乱扔(垃圾),walk走,pick摘;捡,throw扔,stone石头,dont不要,rubbish垃圾(不可数), bin垃圾箱 二、句子学习:1.On his farm he has three sheep.在他的农场上有三只绵羊。 2. Dont litter. 不要乱扔垃圾。 3. Dont walk on the grass. 不要在草地上走。 4.Dont pick flowers.不要摘花。 5. Dont throw stones.不要

2、扔石头。 6. Please put the rubbish in the rubbish bin.请把垃圾放在垃圾箱里。 7. Now lets visit the farm.现在让我们参观农场。 8. What do they eat? 它们吃什么? 9. They eat hay.它们吃干草。 10. He feeds the pig with the corn.他用谷物喂养猪。 11. The pig lives in a pen.猪住在围栏里。 12. It is angry.它生气了。 三、掌握语法: 1.单复数:sheep-sheep(单复同形); horse-horses; c

3、hild-children this-these; that-those 2.hay, grass, corn, meat, rubbish(垃圾),都是不可数名词。 3. feed the animals喂养动物; grow the plants种植植物 4. Dont litter. (换一种说法) You cant litter. Dont walk on the grass. (换一种说法) You cant walk on the grass. 5. lets = let us让我们,后面跟动词原形: Lets go. Lets play. Lets sing and dance.

4、6. take a visit to + 地点, 一次去的参观 Lets visit the farm. = Lets take a visit to the farm. M4U2 At Century Park一、单词学习: know=no, butter, candy, sketchbook ,cap , camera-cameras, an aviary -aviaries , fountain, photo -photos , pond , lovely =cute, where-wear sign , on -under,二、 词组:at Century Park in the pi

5、cnic basket, let me see, some peanut butter, have a picnic , take the school bus= go there by bus , be ready for far away from -near , look at the map of the park , beautiful flowers and plants, the plant house, some aviaries, next to =beside = near home for birds , go and have a look , of course =s

6、ure, take some photos show them, beside the fountain, play on the swing , watch the fish and ducks, under the tree, play in the garden ,swing very high , slide very fast三、 基本句型1 Where is Century Park? Its far away from our school.2. Whats in the picnic basket?Theres some peanut butter and some bread

7、 and candy.There are some bananas.3.Where are the students?Theyre at Century Park.4.Dont feed the birds.M4U3 Weather单词:1. sunny 晴朗的2. rainy有雨的3. cloudy 多云的4. windy 有风的5.Monday 周一6.Tuesday 周二7.Wednesday周三8.Thursday 周四9.Friday周五10.Saturday 周六11.snow雪,下雪12.often经常13.January 一月14.February 二月15.March三月16

8、.April 四月17.May五月18.June 六月19.July 七月20.August 八月21September九月22. October 十月23.November 11月24.December 12月25.begin开始26.sunshine阳光27.fill充满28.soon不久29. always 一直 30.Christmas圣诞31.end结束32. China中国33.Chinese中国的34. Amy艾米35. Australia澳大利亚36.Australian澳大利亚的37.north北38. shine照耀39. fun 有趣的事40.fall 落下41.snow

9、y 有雪的42.warm 温暖的43.hot 热的44.cold 冷的45.cool 凉爽的46.wet 潮湿的47.dry 干燥的48.Sunday周日词组1. in January在一月2. begin to do sth 开始做某事3.On Monday 在周一4. rainy days 下雨天5. start to do sth 开始做某事6. the end of the year年末7. be from来自8. come from来自9. make phone calls to each other互通电话10. go north向北走11. on the path 在小路上12.

10、 at Christmas 在圣诞节13. receive an e-mail from Amy 收到Amy的一封信14. go to the beach 去沙滩15. go swimming 去游泳16. have a Christmas party 举行圣诞晚会17 Christmas tree圣诞树18. tell sb about sth 告知某人某事19. go outing 去郊游20.go boating 去划船21. have a sunbath晒日光浴句型1. How is the weather in? -Its天气怎么样? 天气。2. It often rains in

11、January and February.一月、二月经常下雨。3. There are many rainy days in April and May 四月、五月有很多下雨天。4. Is it very cold in December in Australia?澳大利亚的12月份很冷吗?5. November is always cold and dry. 11月份总是又冷又干。6. Now its the end of the year.现在是年末了。7. Where are you from? Im from Australia.你来自哪里? 我来自澳大利亚。8. -Where do

12、you come from? I come from Australia. 你来自哪里?我来自澳大利亚。9. I want to eat the rat!我想吃掉这只老鼠。10. Merry Christmas! Best wishes! 圣诞快乐!致以我良好的祝愿。11. How are you going?你那里一切都顺利吗12. In Australia, summer comes in December, January and February. 澳大利亚的夏天是12月、1月和2月。13. The sun shines and shines. 太阳照耀着。14. Its fun.这是件有趣的事。Its very funny. 这很有趣。4



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