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1、托福写作话题解析及高分范文 作者: 日期:2 7月1日托福写作话题解析及高分范文!先奉上7月1日托福独立写作真题Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. Use specific details and examples to support your opinion.朋友类朋友类!这是我们预测里面的话题类别,所以吧,我们的预测有参考性吧看这里,这是我们北美考试帮对7月1日考试的预测截图:上次说


3、让朋友互相诋毁。所以这篇文章的构思就有了。 废话不多说,直接上范文(刚写的,新鲜出炉我似乎看了热气哈哈)范文:From ancient time to modern days, friendship has played a key role in our daily life. However, it is unavoidable for friends to compete for a stuff in such an increasing interactive and connecting world, such as for a school or for a job. As far

4、 as I am concerned, honestly, competition does have a negative influence on friendships among involvers, which will be illustrated in three aspects.To begin with, competition will teach friends to conceal something from each other. Owing to the fact that nearly all of them desire to achieve the goal

5、, competitors will lie to others more or less to lower others vigilance or to confuse rivals. To be more specific,in the process of preparing for a test, test takers , who are friends and competitors, will not tell opponents which material is significant and which stage they are in; in the pursuit o

6、f an advanced position, opponents, to a large extent, will engage in something under the rose, such as treating the boss or bribing voters. A good case in this point is that before taking college entrance examination, one of my friends always did not tell me the books she had read and learned. Due t

7、o competition, friends are not honest any more like before.In addition, lending friends a hand cannot be expected in competition. As an old saying said, a friend in need is a friend indeed.Competition, however, will hinder companion do others a favor on the ground that helping friends is to set obst

8、acles or increase difficulties for themselves. That is to say, it is more hazardous for them to reach the target. Plenty of evidence in our life has proved it. Two boys chasing the same girl definitely do not give advice to each other; two competitive tenders will drive the price higher rather than

9、lower for auction goods; two actresses for a role are unlikely to help the other illustrate the feelings of the role. In short, competition makes friends hesitate to assist each other.What was worse, some opponents even do some harmful things to defame friends. These behaviors include publicizing fr

10、iends physical disadvantages, previous relationship and family condition and criticizing friends dressing style, economic condition and eating habits. To illustrate,in order to win the position of president, Obamas group claimed Hillary was too old and uglified her photos. Without any doubt, these b

11、ehaviors break the friendship to some extent.From what have been discussed above, I am extremely convinced that competition between friends will damage friendship and even make them to become enemy not only because competition gives birth to lies, but also friends are unlikely to aid each other as well as it is possible for them to implement some defaming behaviors.看了范文,可以再好好复习里面的词语和句型表达。天道在线课堂http:/ 更多精彩等你来!6 / 6



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