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1、小学五年级英语第九册(第1-4课)单元形成性训练卷(06、9)学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _等级评价_Listening (50%)I. 听录音,找出你听到的单词,将编号填在括号内。(念两遍)(10%)( )1. A. thirsty B. hungry C. greedy D. happy( )2 A. anything B. nothing C. something D. someone( )3. A. kitchen B. chicken C. didnt D. children( )4. A. sink B. bin C. cupboard D. fridge( )5. A. anyth

2、ing B. nothing C. something D. someone( )6. A. empty B. full C. dirty D. clean( )7. A. how B. now C. cow D. about( )8. A. food B. foot C. fool D. cool( )9. A. are B. is C. were D. was( )10. A. carrying B. carry C. bring D. bringingII. 学校要开兴趣俱乐部,同学们都争先恐后地讨论起来了。请听一听,把同学们兴趣爱好的编号填在相应的空格里。(念两遍)(10%)A. pl

3、ay chess B. play the piano C. watch films D. clean my room E. shopping F. listen to music G. play computer games H. surf the Internet I. fishing J. have a picnicNamehobbyNamehobbySusanCandyMaryDan TomJennyBenSamBettyJudyIII. Alan没有参与讨论,他实在是太累了,昨天,他做了许多事情,请将他经历的事情用1、2、3按顺序排列起来。(念两遍)(8%)IV. Alan收到澳大利亚

4、的笔友寄来的一封信。可是信纸被水浸湿了,有些地方看不清了,请根据录音补写出来。(念三遍)(12%)Dear Alan,How are you? It _ my birthday last Sunday. I _ a party at home. I invited lots of _. We _ many games. But _ the party, the room was very _. The bin was _. The walls _ clean. Even the new _ was dirty, too. I felt sorry. So I _ the room myself

5、. Now _ is OK. Whats _ about you? Write soon. Yours, MaggieV. 请仔细听Alan写的回信,判断下面的说法是否正确。用“T”或“F”表示出来。(念三遍)(10%)( ) 1. Last Sunday, Maggie had a birthday party.( ) 2. It rained heavily in Australia last Sunday.( ) 3. Alan was tired, so he listened to music.( ) 4. Alan played the piano before 6:00 in t

6、he afternoon.( ) 5. Alan went to bed at 21:00.Writing (50%)I. 选择填空(5%)( ) 1. My brother likes _ hamburgers very much.A. eat B. eating C. eats D. ate( ) 2. Can I talk _ Tim, please?A. to B. in C. for D. with( ) 3. What did you do last night? _A. I played piano. B. I played chess. C. I play basketball

7、. D. I played the ball.( ) 4. Yesterday he played football but now he _ volleyball.A. plays B. play C. played D. is playing( ) 5. It was a _ day yesterday.A. rain B. raining C. rained D. rainy( ) 6. A big cloud has _ water.A. lot of B. lots of C. many D. a little( ) 7. _ there _ people at the park y

8、esterday?A. Areany B. Aresome C. Wereany D. Weresome ( ) 8. Where _ you yesterday evening?A. are B. were C. was D. is( ) 9. My brother is going to _ the zoo.A. have B. has C. visit D. write( )10. Tim usually _ a film on Saturday afternoon. But he _ it last Sunday morning. And he will _ it next Sunda

9、y afternoon. A. watched / watches / watch B. watches / watched / watches C. watches / watched / watch D. watch / watched / watchesII. Alan的日记丢三落四,请帮他将单词补写完整。(10%)L_ week, we h_ a very happy weekend. We w_ to the beach. The w_ was good. I m_ a sandcastle. It was big and tall, but unfortunately, the s

10、ea water washed it away soon. What a pity! My parents played v_ on the beach. I dont like playing volleyball, so I p_ chess with my brother Jim. My sister Jane w_ to fish. I like f_. She said. She sat there for only five minutes and then ran away. So she d_ catch any fish.It was a great weekend and

11、we had so much fun.III. 给下列问句找出相应的答句,将编号写在前面的括号内。(5%)( ) 1. What is your favourite hobby? A. No, its very boring.( ) 2. Do you like playing basketball? B. We can play basketball.( ) 3. What do you usually do on rainy days? C. Its rainy.( ) 4. Whats the weather like today? D. I like playing basketbal

12、l. ( ) 5. What can you do after school? E. Three.( ) 6. What are you doing? F. Very bad.( ) 7. What does your father usually do? G. Surf the Internet.( ) 8. How is your kitchen today? H. Its tidy.( ) 9. How many people are there in your family? I. We usually watch TV.( )10. What do you think of throwing rubbish everywhere? J. I am reading a book.IV. 下列句子都有一处错误,请把它圈出来,并在后面的横线上更正。(10%)1. The kitchen is very messy last night. _2. My sister like s



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