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1、2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,1,Project Doing research on the Internet,Unit 3,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,2,Part A Reading Researching on the Internet,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,3,What do you do step by step when you research information on the Internet,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,4,Read the

2、information sheet about Internet research carefully and try to fill in the following forms,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,5,the key word(s) you type in,which contain the word(s) you ask for,unevaluated contents,the full article or pages,a bunch of titles of articles or pages,evaluated, relevant and c

3、orrect information, not up to date,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,6,Part B Giving an oral report,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,7,Planning,Preparing,Producing,Presenting,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,8,Planning Work in small groups and choose a topic which your group will search information for on the

4、 Internet. All the group members should agree on the topic you choose,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,9,Preparing,Now that you have chosen your topic, your group will need to discuss and agree on an answer to each of the following questions: What information will you try to find? How can you find the

5、information? What each group member will be responsible for to finish each task,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,10,Producing Some group members write down the topic to be searched on the Internet. Some search the information on the Internet. Some write down the final conclusions,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Proj

6、ect网上调查,11,Presenting Now its time to present your findings to the class in an oral report and prepare to answer any questions your classmates have about your searching or result,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,12,Language points,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,13,1. do research on 2. the more the more

7、3. keep in mind 4. be based on 5. ask for 6. be patient 7. be divided into 8. up to date,Important phrases,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,14,9. at the bottom of 10. as a general rule 11. be (not) sure about 12. make a difference 13. search for 14. belong to 15. make a list of 16. follow these tips,20

8、17英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,15,The more you know about Internet research, the faster you will find what you are looking for, and the better your information will be. (P46) The +比较级,the +比较级: 表示越,就越。 The more you practise, the better you speak. The older I get, the happier I am.The sooner you start,

9、the more early youll get there,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,16,高考链接,The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _I did.A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,17,research noun U a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to

10、 discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding: scientific/medical researchThey are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins. verb I or T Shes researching into possible cures for AIDS.Journalists were frantically researching the new Prime M

11、inisters background, family and interests,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,18,classify,按学科将图书分类 classify books by subjects 分成为.类,The books on the shelf are classified as novels,vt.评价, 估计,evaluate,The research project has only been under way for three months, so its too early to evaluate its success. 这个

12、研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。 I cant evaluate his ability without seeing his work. 我没有看到他的工作情况,无法评论他的能力,evaluation form 成绩评量表格, 评价表,evaluation,be classified as,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,19,n.资格, 条件, 赋予资格,qualification,admission qualification 入学资格 professional qualification 业务能力条件 with certain q

13、ualifications 附带某些条件 a doctors qualification 当医生的资格,be qualified as a teacher 有资格当教师 qualifying examination (资格)检定考试,qualify,v.(使)具有资格, 取得资格,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,20,I hope to qualify as a doctor after four-year study at college. 我希望通过四年的大学学习能取得医生资格。 你所持的护照可使你享有免费医疗。 Your passport qualifies

14、you to receive free medical treatment. Our team has qualified for the semi-final. 我队已有资格进入半决赛,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,21,obtain verb T FORMAL to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it or producing it from something else,取得某物;(经买,借,拿等)获得,得到某物,我在哪儿可以买到她最新出版的书? Wher

15、e can I obtain a copy of her latest book? 他总有办法得到他想要的东西。 He always manages to obtain what he wants. 得奖 obtain a prize,v. (指规则,风俗等)通行,流行,The practice still obtains in some areas of England. 这种做法在英格兰一些地区仍很流行,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,22,relate to to be connected to, or to be about someone or somet

16、hing; be in relationship with, have reference to: Chapter nine relates to the effects of inflation on consumers. This paragraph relates to the October Revolution,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit3Project网上调查,23,comb,n. 梳子v. 梳理;梳头,v. 撤底搜寻人/物,comb (through) sth. for sb./sth. to do sth,我每天早上梳头。 I comb my hair every morning,我们搜遍全市以找寻失踪的孩子。 We combed the city to find the lost child. 在大地震后,许多搜救队在废墟中搜寻生还者。 After the big earthquake, many rescue teams combed through the ruins to save survivors,2017英语选修牛津译林版Unit


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