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1、Chapter IV Equipment (Spudding) Inspection By Company HSE Officer And Drilling SupervisorHSE 官员及甲方钻井监督设备(开钻)验收At the entrance of the site, 8:00 a.m, the Rig Manager, the machinist andthe electrician were waiting for the Company HSE officer and the Drilling Supervisor for equipment (spudding) inspect

2、ion.早上 8:00,井场入口处。平台经理、机械技师、电器技师正在等待甲方钻井监督和 HSE 官员的到来,进行设备验收(开钻验收)。“Good morning, gentlemen,” the HSE officer greeted them. “早上好,先生们。”HSE 官员向他们问候道。“Morning, Marsood. Morning, Email.” “早上好,Marsood 。早上好,Email。”“George, todays inspection will be strictly performed depending on HSE principles and the re

3、gulations of Company.” Email said to the Rig Manager, very seriously: “This morning well inspect the rig site and afternoon well inspect the campsite.”“George, 今天的开钻验收将严格按照 HSE 管理条例和甲方的条例要求执行。” Email 对平台经理道,神情很严肃。“上午验收井场,下午验收营地。”“And Ill fill in this Inspection Report in practice,” the HSE officer a

4、dded, waving the paper in his hand. “我将根据验收的实际情况填写这份验收报告,”HSE 官员挥舞着手中的开钻验收报告补充道。“Take it easy, Email, Marsood. This is not our first time to take in Spudding Inspection. We are full of confidences.” “放心好了。Email,Marsood,开钻验收不是第一次,我们有信心。”“Very good!” said the HSE officer: “There are 36 items to be fil

5、led in the report. If each item is filled in Yes, youll be OK.” “有信心就好。”HSE 官员道:“这份报告要填写 36 项,只要这份报告的每一项都填上Yes,你们就 O.K 了。”“Mr. Hu, Mr. Ran, did you hear? Any equipment and anywhere pointed out by the HSE officer or the Supervisor need to be modified, you must organize people to complete the modifica

6、tion as soon as possible, never influence the spudding date due to delaying.” George instructed the two guys beside him.“胡技、冉技,对 HSE 官员和监督指正的地方或需要整改的地方,立即组织人员加班加点的完成,决不能影响开钻计划。”平台经理对身边的两位技师吩咐道。“I bring my notebook,” said the machinist. “我带着笔记本呢。”胡技道。“Ok. Lets begin, my Lord.” George posed himself fo

7、r invitation. “开始吧,大人。”George 对 HSE 官员、钻井监督做出请的姿势。There was a desk used to register for visitor at the entrance of the site. The HSE officer began to fill in the Spudding Record.在井场入口处有一张来访者填写来访登记用的桌子。HSE 官员开始在桌上填写他的开钻记录。“Site warning line, Yes; Emergence gathering point, Yes; Caution Board, Yes; Si

8、gn Boards for putting on safety hat, uniform, shoes, Yes.” The HSE officer soliloquized while he filled. “井场警戒线,有。紧急集合点,有。警示牌,有。戴安全帽、穿工装、工鞋的标志牌,有。”HSE 官员边填边自语道。“Wheres the Record of Site Entry Register?” asked the HSE officer. “入场登记记录呢?”HSE 官员问。“In the drawer of the desk.” “在桌子抽屉里。”Hu picked it out

9、from the drawer and handed it to the HSE officer for checking.胡技师从抽屉里拿出来,递给 HSE 官员检查。“The rest? Such as: Vehicle Pass In & Out Register; Fire Permit At Site Hazardous Area; Waste Treatment Records; Fire Emergency Program; Blowout Emergency Program etc.”“其它哪些记录呢?如:车辆出入登记、井场危险区动火许可证、废物处理记录、火灾应急程序、井喷应急

10、程序等等在哪里?”“Oh, they are in the meeting room,” Hu answered. “Shall I bring them for you to check now?” “我们都有,在会议室里。要不要现在拿来检查?”胡技师问。“No, thanks. Ill check them later.” “不用。等会儿再去检查。”The HSE officer patrolled around the site to check whether the base of the site was level or not, whether the runway, the

11、ramp and the casingframe were fixed well.HSE 官员绕场巡视一周查看井场基础是否平整, 跑道、坡道、套管架是否安装好。“All the surface casings and casing accessories for 26” hole have arrived?”“固 26”井眼的表层套管及附件都到齐了吗?”“Not yet. BMC promised to send the rest 20 joints of 26”casing prior to the first spudding.”“只差 20 根 20”套管,BMC 公司答应在一开前保证送

12、到。”“Email, help George to hasten BMC to send the rest casings as soon as possible.” HSE officer said to Email.“Email, 你帮他们催促一下。”HSE 官员对监督道。“OK, no problem.” “行,没问题。”“How many tons of cement have been delivered now?” “水泥到了多少吨?”“There are 200t in four cement tanks. Enough for the first spudding”, answ

13、ered George.“四个灰罐里还有 200 吨。完全够一开固井用了。”George 回答道。On the way to the substructure, the HSE officer inspected the workers, who were busy on the site, whether their dresses met with the requirements of HSE在走向钻机底座的路上,HSE 官员检查了场地上干活的工人们的着装是否符合HSE 的要求。In the cellar, HSEofficer asked the electrician: “Are t

14、he plug and the receptacle of submersible pump explosion-proof?”在方井里,HSE 官员问电器技师;“排污用潜水泵的插头、插座都是防暴的吗?”“Yes.” “是的。”“Turn on the lights, I am going to check the illuminating system of the substructure.”“打开底座照明灯,我要检查底座的照明系统。”The HSE officer climbed up the substructure to check the head-lamp one by one,

15、 meanwhile he also checked the connecting pins, safety pins and split pins that used to connect and fix the substructure.HSE 官员爬上底座对每盏照明灯逐一进行检查, 同时检查底座连接销、安全销、开口销等。Email checked the diverting device (poor boy), trip tank and drainage ditch, etc. beside the substructure.Email 却在检查底座旁的分流器、补给灌、排污沟。A moment later, they gathered by the cellar again. 一会儿后,他们又聚集在方井旁。“The lampshade threads of a light in the right substructure have been damaged. Need to change a new one.” The HSE officer found out the problem and filled it in the


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