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1、 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 1 页 共 2 页2017 考研英语:测试你的“表情符号智商”在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考 2017 考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!凯程考研频道考研分享2017 考研英语阅读精选,一起来学习吧!Emoji are being adopted at a faster rate than any other language - and eight in 10 of us now use the colourful symb

2、ols to communicate.与其他任何“语言”相比,表情符号的采用速度要快得多,现在 80%的人在使用多种多样的表情符号进行交流。To plot this popularity, a linguistics professor has conducted the first Emoji IQ study looking at how the pictures are used and by whom.为了证明表情符号的流行度,一位语言学教授进行了一项名为“表情符号智商”的研究,旨在探寻是什么人,在如何使用这类表情图片,这类研究尚属首次。测试你的“表情符号智商”.pngAnd she

3、has created an online test to determine how well you know your confused face from your angry face to determine if youre an emoji master.语言学教授创建了一个在线测试,看受测者是否能区分“困惑”的表情及“愤怒”的表情,以确定受测者是否是一位表情符号达人。The test contains 10 questions that ask users to identify the meaning of certain symbols, and how they wou

4、ld write sentences using emoji.测试包含 10 个问题,皆在让受试者识别某些表情符号的含义以及如何运用表情符号编写句子。At the end of the test they are given a percentage score - rather than an IQ score as the tests name suggests - and the aim is to be an Emoji Master with a perfect score.每个受试者在测试结束时会得到一个百分比的分数,这个数字和测试题目所示的那种智商分数不一样,拿到高分的人会成为“

5、表情符号达人”。According to the study, four in 10 people send messages made up entirely of emoji and 18 to 25-year-olds find it easier to express emotions using the symbols.根据这项研究,40%的受试者可以完全通过表情符号传递信息,研究还发现 1825 岁的年轻人更容易使用这些符号表达感情。More than half of this group admitted emoji has improved their ability to i

6、nteract with others.超过一半以上的受试者承认表情符号提高了他们与别人交往的能力。But for the over 40s the language is lost in translation.但是,对 40 岁以上的人来说,用表情符号表达信息有点困难。More than half (54 per cent) admitted to being confused about what the symbols mean, while a third claimed to have avoided using emoji in text, instant messaging a

7、nd apps because they lacked the confidence to use them appropriately.一半以上的人(占 54%)表示弄不清表情符号表示的意思,三分之一的人称他们不会在文本、短信及应用程序中使用这些表情符号,因为他们不确定是否会运用得当。 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!第 2 页 共 2 页TalkTalk Mobile teamed up with Vyv Evans, linguistics professor at Bangor University to launch the study and improve underst

8、anding of emoji with the Emoji IQ tutorial.TalkTalk Mobile 公司与班戈大学的语言学教授 Vyv Evans 合作进行了这项“表情符号智商”测试的研究,帮助理解表情符号的意义。Emoji is the fastest growing form of language ever based on its incredible adoption rate and speed of evolution, said Professor Evans.Evans 教授说道:“表情符号使用率高、发展速度快,成为了有史以来发展速度最快的语言形式。”As a visual language emoji has already far eclipsed hieroglyphics, its ancient Egyptian precursor which took centuries to develop.“作为一种视觉语言,表情符号的发展速度已经远远超过了古埃及人的象形文字,后者的发展经历了几百年时间。”


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