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1、http:/ 2017 年 6 月英语六级写作范文:合作2016 年 12 月英语四六级考试已经于 12 月 17 日下午 5 点 25 分顺利结束了。没有考好的同学要“化悲伤为力量”,不能因为没考好而气馁。四六级考试网小编会一直陪伴着大家一起继续加油努力复习的!这次的考试虽然结束了,但是对于英语六级写作的复习可是不能落下的,跟文都网校小编一起来看看 2017 年英语六级写作范文话题,每天看一看,写作或许就能变得简单点!英语六级写作范文:合作CooperationWith the growingly fast living tempo, an increasing number of peop

2、le pay close attention to competition. However, although competition is all around us, cooperation is also an essential part of the society in which we live.To begin with, people need cooperative skills to get along with others and to build relationships. No collective undertaking could ever succeed

3、 without the willingness of individuals to work together in a harmonious and organized way. In any corporate work-place, cooperation is needed within and between departments in order to make the business run smoothly. Furthermore, few employers would even consider hiring someone they believed could

4、not work effectively as part of a team. In addition, cooperation increases creativity. For instance, according to findings issued by many institutes, scientists who consider themselves cooperative tend to have more published articles than http:/ their competitive colleagues;cooperative businesspeopl

5、e have higher salaries. From elementary grades to college, cooperative students have higher salaries; from elementary grads to college, cooperative students have higher grade point averages.Cooperation is as old as the human race itself. Since a cooperative spirit is important to survive and succeed, I believe that it should receive high emphasis in this era.以上就是 2017 年 6 月英语六级写作范文,同学们有时间一定要练习一下哦!只有广泛涉猎,每种类型的作文题材都接触到了,在考试中才不用担心会为作文绞尽脑汁。每天进步一点点,6 月通关大可期!2017 年 6 月英语四六级备考之路,文都网校四六级资讯站愿助您一臂之力!更多 2017 年 6 月英语四六级备考资讯,请点击文都网校四六级资讯站!


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