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1、Lgdennis专题之十 词汇复习(1)一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1.What is your sisters _ _ .(最喜欢的科目)2. I am _ ( interest ) in English .3. I want a _ _ (笔友) in your country .4. Sorry, I cant understand you . I can speak just _ _ (一点) French . 5. English is my second _(语言) and I like it very much .6. My sister _ _ _. (中等身材)7. Ja

2、ne always _ (穿着) a red skirt.8. Tommy has _ (卷曲的) brown hair.9. What does he _ _ (长什么样) ?10.Her sister is thin, but she is very _ (健康的)11.Id like to have a bowl of _(牛肉) noodles.12.What kind of _(面条) would you like?13.My sister doesnt like _(白菜).14.Make a survey about the childrens _(最喜欢的) food.15.W

3、hat _(尺寸) of sweater does your mother wear?16. She likes to drink _(绿茶). Its very hot.17. Today we have two new great _(特价菜).18. What size bowl of noodles would you like? Small , _(中等的) or large?19. I like to have _(甜品) after a meal.20. Chinese people always eat _(饺子) at Spring Festival (春节).21. 1.W

4、hat is your sister Nancy doing?22. She is _ _( 和玩 ) a bird .23. The homework is too difficult. Do you want to _ _ _ _ (看电影) with me to relax.24. Please _ _ _ ( 等等我 ). I am coming !25. _ _(谢谢) your letter and Im very happy to hear from you.26. In this photo , my grandfather is _ _(和交谈) my mother.27.

5、Last weekend we _ _ _ (看望了约翰叔叔).28. Do you really want to _ _ _ (呆在家里)?29. He sat there and _ _ (没做任何事情).30. Do you _ _ _ (起床早) in the morning?31. This math problem is _ _ _ (有点难).32. 那个长头发的女孩子是谁? _ is the girl _ long hair?33. 他哥哥中等体形。 His brother _ _ build.34. 你认识Lucky吗?她长什么样?Do you know Lucky? Wha

6、t does she _ _?35. 你有兄弟姐妹吗? _ you _ any brothers or sisters?36. 她不经常戴眼镜。 She _ often _ glasses.37. 饺子屋有很棒的特色菜。There are _ _ at the House of Dumplings.38. - 你想要什么? -我想要冰茶和汉堡。- What _ you like? - I would like _ _ and a _.39. 我不喜欢面条,鱼和桔汁。I _ _ noodles, fish_ orange juice.40. 我想要西红柿牛肉面。 Id like _ _ nood

7、les.41. 你想吃这种美味的蛋糕吗?_you like this kind of _ _?42. 你去哪儿度假了? _ did you _ on vacation ?43. 我爸爸去纽约度假了。My father _ _ New York on vacation .44. 她去中央公园了吗?_ she _ to Central Park ?45. 我们全家决定去海南度假。Our family _ _ _ to Hainan on vacation .46. 孩子们在海滩上玩得非常愉快。The children _ _ _ _on the beach .47. -What do you th

8、ink of _ ?(肥皂剧)-I dont mind them .48. -Do you like the _(访谈节目)“Tell it like it is ” ?- I cant stand it .49. All my friends like _ (体育新闻节目) ,but I dont .50. What does your mother think of _(走遍世界节目)?She likes it very much .51. We often watch _ (动物世界)。52. I _ _ (不在意) what others think of me .53. My unc

9、le has a _ (十岁的) boy .54. My grandmother always wears colorful clothes because she_ _ _ _ (想变得年轻).55. I really cant stand _ _ _ _(这种想法).56. We _ _ (喜欢读书) very much .57. Dont be _ _ _ (上课迟到)。58. Dont run _ _ _ .(在走廊里)59. You have to _ _ _ .(穿制服)60. Can we _ _ _ (听音乐) in the classroom ?61. We cant go out _ _ . (放学后)62. 她中等身材,留着长发。She _ medium _ and _ long hair .63. 那个卷头发,瘦高个的男孩是谁?_ _ the tall , thin boy _ curly hair ?64. 那儿的天气怎么样?在下雨。_ _ _ _ there ? It was raining .65. 上个周末人人在家都过得很愉快。_ _ everyone _ _ at home .66. 你觉得这部电视剧怎么样?无聊,我简直无法忍受。_ do you _ _ this TV play ? Its boring , I cant _ it .6



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