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1、五年级下册英语期末复习测试卷 班级 姓名 一、找出划线部分发音不同的一项( )1.A.study B.rugby C. move D.some( )2.game B.any C.paper D.grape( )3. A.trip B.write C. sixty D.chick( )4. A.lesson B.very C.fever D. cherry( )5.A. hockey B.social C.open D.cold( )6. A.thirty B.my C.city D.study( )7. A. flower B.lower B. elbow D.borrow( )8. A. t

2、here B. tooth C. thank D.thing二、按要求完成下列各题1.girl(对应词)_ 2.city(复数)_3.friendly(名词)_3.studies(原形)_4.arent(完整形式)_4.plant(复数) _5writing(原形)_6.play(现在分词) _7.feet(单数)_ 7.cherry(复数)_9.I ll(完整形式)_10.go(单数第三人称) _11.一双鞋(英语)_12. radio(复数)_ 13.can not(缩写)_14. ¥80英语表示法_ 三、找出每组中不同类的一项( )1. A .fever B. cough C.grape

3、 ( )2. A .hand B. some C.face( )3. A .cherry B. arm C.banana( )4 A .head B. headache C.foot( )5. A .open B. lower C.bad( )6. A.soap B.towel C. rdcorder ( ) 7. A.T-shirt B.shoes C.want( )8. A.sixty B.take C.fifty ( )9 . A.comb B.tape C.radio ( )10. A.show B.help C. bad四、单项选择( )1. Our lessons are very

4、 _. A.interest B.interesting C. interested( )2. _ do you play football? A. Where B. What C.How many( )3.They are _on the cloth now. A.printing B. print C. prints( )4. There is _ a science corner. A. either B. too C.also ( )5.You have to take _medcine. A. some B.any C. a( )6.Here _ the money.A. are B

5、. is C.some( )7.You should go to _a doctor. A.sees B.see C. seeing( )8. Mimi _ a bad stomachache. A. have B. has C.is ( )9.Do you want _else? A.nothing B. anything C.something( )10.This is Liu _. A.speak B. speaks C. speaking11.I hope youll get _ soon.A. good B. much C. well12.Take good care of _. A

6、.yourself B.yours B. your13.He often plays _basketball. A.the B. a C. 五、按要求完成下列句子1.Is there a library in your school ? (否定回答)No,_ _ .2.We play rugby on the field.( 就划线部分提问)_ _ _ play rugby?3.There are many story books .(改为单数形式). _ _ _ _.4.Are there any projects to do here?(肯定回答)Yes , _ _.5. What abo

7、ut this pair? (变同意句)_ _ this pair?6.chairs,all ,and, desks ,in, groups, the, are(.)连词成句_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. .Kate feels well today .( 变否定句). Kate _ _ well today.8. Here are strawberries for you(改为单数形式)_ _ _ _for you.9._ _ _ _?I have a bad cold.(根据答句写出问句)10. Can I help you ?(变同意句)_ _ _ _ _ you? 六、用适当的介

8、词填空1.Mark comes_ Britain. 2.He has a video to show _ his school.3.My school is famous_its sports.4. We often go _field trips.5. Can I try _?6. You have to stay_bed7.Dont worry _your lessons 8. Here are some _you.9. Can I have a look_ this one ?10. They want to help her_ your lessons.七、用所给词的适当形式填空gro

9、up, have, studies, good at, projects,doctor,interesting ,else, read, playing1.I like my _.2. Oh , you are _ PE.3.We have many _ to do.4.We usually do _ work.5.We _ twelve computers in our classroom.6.We can _ storybooks there.7. Do you want anything _?8.Our lessons are very _.9.They are waiting outside the _ office.10.Look! They are _ hockey now.


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