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1、UNIT 5Visiting the Moon重点单词diary日记复数: diariesleave离开,剩下,留下able adj.能;能够space 太空,不可数spaceship宇宙飞船spacesuit宇航服nervousadj.紧张的gravityfloatv.漂浮重力ourselves我们自己的without缺乏,没有tiev.捆;系;绑tied,tied ,tyingbreathe呼吸if如果camera 相 机garden花园postcard n.work v.运转;运行rock岩石明信片machine 机 器return不及物动词,回来,返回=e back及物动词,归还 =g

2、ive backweak虚弱的,无力的he is weak in English.重点短语leave for动身去某地more than超过,多余more than比更be able totake photos会,能拍照have toas不得不as one canso that尽某人所能以便as soon as possible尽可能快地that is也就是说such as 例 如at the moment现在,此刻(可用于现在时和过去时)III 常考句型1.How far?2.so that3.I m going to4.Thats a good idea.IV 详细讲解1. Itll ta

3、ke us to the Moon.(page59)它将把我们带到月球。taketo 把带到take拿,带。强调将某人/ 某物从说话的地点带到其他地方去如: I want to take some books to classroom.bring刚好相反,强调将某人/ 某物从别处带到说话的地方。如: Could youbring mea pen?2. Itll take us about four days to get there.( page59)将花费我们大约四天时间到达那里。It will take sb. some time to do sth.花费某人多少时间做某事一般现在时的结构

4、:It takes sb. some time to do sth.一般过去时的结构:It took sb. some time to do sth.3. well allbe able to float around in the spaceship.(page59)我们都能在飞船里漂浮。be able to表示经过努力能达到的目的可以用在将来时和完成时中can表示有能力做某事只有现在时和过去时(过去时中可以和beable to 互 用 )4. Well have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we wont float away in our s

5、leep!( page59)我们不得不把我们自己系在床上,以便我们睡着时不会漂走。have to必须,不得不,后面加动词原形。have to侧重客观上的“必须”I have to study hard.(爸爸压着)比 must 更多时态上的变化否定形式: don t/doesn t have tomust侧重个人主观意愿“必须”Imust studyhard. (想上大学)可以表示现在和将来, 人称和数不用变化直接在后面加“not ”,是“禁止”的意思。5. feed sth. to sb.用食物喂某人或动物feed 后加的是食物, to后加的是动物或者小孩feed sb. on sth.给某

6、人或动物喂点食物 feed 后加人或动物名称,on 后加食物in the future在将来,在未来时间范围比in future大还in future今后,从此以后指离现在较近的一段时间in futurein the future巧计:这个的单词组成较长,所以时间6. We will be able to build hotels there in the future.(page68) 在将来我们将能在那里建造旅馆范围也比较长7. Thousands ofyears ago, therewas a Chinese storyabout Chang e flying to the Moon.(

7、 page70)几千年前,有一个嫦娥奔月的中国传说。thousands of数以千计的 hundred ( 百),thousand(千),million (百万)等用复数形式修饰时要有 of+复数名词,前面不能加具体的数字。 hundred, thousand ,million,billion(十亿)前面如有具体数字,不能在他们后面加“ s”IV语法一般将来时:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或者存在的状态,常与一些表示将来的时间的状语连用。1. 基本结构:一般由“助动词will+动词原形”或者“ be going to +动词原形” 构成。2. 注意: will是助动词,不能独立使用,前面的主语

8、无论是什么人称,后面都是 will。它的否定形式是will not,缩写为 wont.3. 时间状语: tomorrow ,next time/week,in a month/week, from nowon ,soon.4. 基本句型:( 1)肯定句:主语 +will/be going to +动词原形 +其他如: He will e here at once.( 2)否定句:主语 +wont/be not going to +动词原形 +其他如: He will not go to Shenzhen.( 3)一般疑问句: will+主语+动词原形 +其他?be(am,are , is )+

9、主语+动词原形 +其他? 如: Will you help me with my English?Are you going to Happy Valley of Shenzhen?( 4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?What will the students have for breakfast?5. will和 be going to的区别:(1) ) will:与主观意图无关的将来,表示必然要发生的客观规律。如: The flowers will e out in a few days.(2) ) be going to :一般表示计划、打算或准备要做的事情,和有迹象将要发生或者肯

10、定要发生的事情。如: Look! It s going to rain.课堂练习一翻译一下单词diarygravityweakrock太空able呼吸spaceship明信片照相机floatif机器spacesuit返回tienervous工作ourselves花园leavewithoutgardencamera二、写出以下短语的中文意思more thanso thatthat issuch asbe able toas asbe awaygo away froma lady with long hairfloat awayin thefutureget weakalarge amount o

11、fbring back somethingget exciteda letter about三、选词填空1. Jason keeps a(daily/diary) in English2. Mostpeoplefeel(nervous/important)whentheyspeakin public(公共( 场合)3. Please turn off the lights when you(leave/return) the moon. 4.(with/without) light and water, plants cannot grow.5.She is too(weak/strong)

12、to walk home by herself.6.I will call you when I(leave/return) to London.四、写出同义词1. I feel worried when I make a speech to my classmates. 2. Iwillgoaway fromthemeetingroom assoonasthemeetingis over. 3. You should not go out if you don t have your keys. 4. The specialsuitsforastronautshelppeopletobrea

13、theinthe space. 5. She is still not strong after her illness. 五、以正确的形式完成下列句子be able tohave totake photosas.assuch as1. Everyyear millionsofpeople from allover the worlde toChina to visit interesting placethe Great Wall.2. In the future, people willtravel to the Moon. 3.Lily loveswhen she goes to oth

14、er countries.4.My father is a driver. Her hair iswhitesnow.六、用下面的短语完成这篇文章as ashave tosuch asbe able tomore thantake photosLife in the futureWhat willlifebe likeinthefuture?No one can answer thatforsure.Today, cameras in space canof places billions of light yearsaway from the Earth.Maybewithadvances( 进步)inscienceand technology,wecan alsovisitthose placesBecause the Earth willnot be able to



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