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1、新概念第一册59-60课完整版,Lesson 59 Is that all? 就这些吗,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,Think and say,envelope envlup,n.(c)信封 an envelpope many envelpoes writing paper n.(u) a piece of writing paper paper n.(u) 纸,assistantsistnt,n. 1) 助手,助理 an assistant 2) 店员,售货员 a shop assistant,pad pdn(c).信笺簿,a pad two pads i-pad 平板电脑 gluegl

2、u: n(u). 胶水 a bottle of glue,sizesaiz n. 尺寸,尺码,大小,chalkt:k n.(u) 粉笔,a piece of chalk a box of chalk,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,changeteind n(u). 零钱,找给的钱 Theres your change. keep the change. I have no change. v.变化 I changed a lot. 更换 Could I change this blouse for a larger size,envelope n.信封 writing paper 信纸 sh

3、op assistant 售货员 size n. 尺寸,尺码,大小 pad n. 信笺簿 (可数) glue n. 胶水 (不可数) chalk n. 粉笔 (不可数) change n. 零钱,找给的钱 paper (论文)/ newspaper 中的 paper 是可数的 writing paper 是不可数的,Learn the text,LADY: I want some envelopes, please.SHOP ASSISTANT: Do you want the large size or the small size?LADY: The large size, please,

4、LADY:Do you have any writing paper? SHOP ASSISTANT: Yes, we do,SHOP ASSISTANT: I dont have any small pads. I only have large one. Do you want a pad?LADY: Yes, please,LADY: And I want some glue.SHOP ASSISTANT: A bottle of glue,LADY: And I want a large box of chalk, too.SHOP ASSISTANT: I only have sma

5、ll boxes. Do you want one?LADY: No, thank you,SHOP ASSISTANT: Is that all?LADY:Thats all, thank you,SHOP ASSISTANT: What else do you want?LADY: I want my change,Grammar,一般现在时态 动词:have/ has,主语单三用has, 其它全部用have,1) 当 have 表示“有”这个概念的时候,其否定形式和疑问形式各有两种,第二种,I have a sister I dont have a sister. Do you have

6、 a sister? He has a sister. He doesnt have a sister. Does he have a sister,可以象普通 动词那样, 借助一般现 在时助动词 do/does 表示否定和疑问,第一种,I have a sister. I havent a sister. Have you a sister? He has a sister. He hasnt a sister. Has he a sister,可以像be 动词那样, 自身发生 变化,2)当have表示行为动作,代替一些普通动词的时候 不可以 在have/has后直接加not。 而要 借助一

7、般现在时助动词do/does来表示否定和疑问,I have my lunch at twelve every day. I dont have my lunch at twelve every day. Do you have your lunch at twelve every day,造句练习 我有一些零钱。 I have some change. 你有一些信纸。 You have some writing paper. 他们有一瓶胶水。 They have a bottle of glue. 他有些大号的便笺簿。 He has some large size pads. Lily有一小盒

8、粉笔。 Lily has a small box of chalk,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,in the shop,Do you have any,Do you want any,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,At the stationers,What do you want,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,Some和any的用法,Some用在肯定句中, any用在否定句和疑问句中。 Some 和any可修饰可数名词的复数和不可数名词。 Some 表示一些;any表示任何,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,Example,I want some envelopes. I dont h

9、ave any small pads. I want some glue. Do you have any apples? She has some writing paper. I dont have any writing paper,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,Lesson60 Whats the time,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,bananas,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,beans,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,beer,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,biscuits,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,bread,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,butter,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,cabbages,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,cheese,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,chicken,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,eggs,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,honey,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,jam,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,mince,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,peaches,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,peas,新概念第一册59-60课完整版,potatoes,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好


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