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1、 原创舞剧泥人的事市场运营探析 摘 要由天津歌舞剧院集合国内一流艺术创编力量倾力打造的大型原创舞剧泥人的事,通过清末民初旧天津一对小夫妻的悲欢离合及其情感纠葛,反映了天津民间艺人离奇坎坷的人生,凸显了“历经磨难,终成英才”的人生哲理和主题思想。整部舞剧以强烈的戏剧张力和冲突,以及恸人悱恻的悲剧美,具有强烈的艺术感染力。该舞剧特别在挖掘天津的人文精神、借势地域特色和市场经营理念与经验上有所突破,寻求一种既体现民族精神又达到社会效益和经济效益双赢的结果。原创舞剧泥人的事获得了国家艺术基金 2014 年度资助项目,在票房上取得了社会效益和经济效益的双增效,特别是在文化事业和文化产业由计划经济向市场经

2、济转入深水区的过程中,如何进行更快的换轨,这个问题在当前有着亟待解决的关键性。本论文以舞剧泥人的事的市场演出为课题,从艺术特色、市场定位和营销战略策略、瓶颈和对策的三个角度上,根据市场学、管理学、音乐与舞蹈学的理论原理,采用实地调研方法,逻辑推理的方法,从抽象到具象的方法。做出了符合实际的有一定理论层次的分析,即:艺术特色的“五个凸显”、营销战略的“一高一低”、营销策略的“一分一广”和发展瓶颈的“三个矛盾”.关键词 舞剧泥人的事 艺术特色 音乐形态分析 舞蹈形态分析 创新 市场定位营销战略策略 瓶颈和对策AbstractBy tianjin dance theater set of domes

3、tic first-class art creating and strength to pour tobuild large original ballet “clay figurine thing”, through the qing dynasty old tianjina pair of small husband and wife be sensitized and its emotional entanglements,reflects the folk artists in tianjin bizarre bumpy life, highlights the “trials, a

4、ll talents”life philosophy and theme. The whole ballet with intense dramatic tension andconflict, and people - a la the tragedy of the United States, have strong artistic appeal.The ballet to exploit the humanistic spirit, taking advantage of the tianjin specialregional characteristics and market a

5、breakthrough on the management idea andexperience, seeking to reflect the national spirit, as well as a way of achieving socialbenefit and economic benefit win-win results.Original ballet “clay figurine thing” won the 2014 national arts foundation projects,at the box office has obtained the social b

6、enefit and economic benefit of the doubleincrease, especially in the cultural undertakings and cultural industries by the plannedeconomy to market economy into the deep water area in the process, how to carry outfaster in rail, this problem has to be solved in the current key.In this paper to show t

7、he market performance of the journal of clay figurine as thesubject, from the artistic characteristics, market positioning and marketing strategystrategy, bottleneck and countermeasures of three point of view, according to themarketing, management, the theoretical principle of music and dance, on-th

8、e-spotinvestigation method, logic reasoning method, from the abstract to the concretemethod. Made in accordance with the actual has certain theoretical level of analysis,namely: the artistic feature of “five highlights”, “held high” marketing strategy,marketing strategy of “one wide” and “the three

9、contradictions” developmentbottleneck.Key wordsbrand;“The clay figurine of things”; Artistic features; innovation Music morphologyanalysis;Music morphology analysis;The market localizationMarketing strategyDance morphology analysis ;The bottleneck and countermeasures目 录绪论一 研究意义二 研究对象和研究方法三 目前国内外相关研究

10、现状第一章 舞剧泥人的事艺术特色第一节 音乐与舞蹈形态分析1、音乐形态分析2、舞蹈形态分析第二节 剧情的人文精神1、新创意弘扬正能量2、妙方法讲述悲故事第三节 表演的人才聚合1、集名家凸显高水平2、转时空巧用蒙太奇第四节 舞美的运用特色1、舞美设计的剧情配合2、舞美设计的时空转换第二章 舞剧泥人的事SWOT 分析和营销策略第一节 SWOT 分析和市场定位1、SWOT 分析2、市场定位第二节 营销战略和策略1、舞剧泥人的事的营销战略2、舞剧泥人的事的营销策略第三章 舞剧泥人的事的市场瓶颈及对策第一节 市场瓶颈1、剧目瓶颈-复杂剧情与舞蹈语汇简洁的矛盾2、人才瓶颈-外借主演与本团人才匮乏的矛盾3、市场瓶颈-依托基金与观众群相对狭窄的矛盾第二节 对策建议1、广泛征集精美剧本2、突破人才培养模式3、拓展舞剧观众群体结论参考文献致谢返回本篇论文导航-全文完-



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