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1、 2020年呼和浩特市中考试卷英语注意事项:1. 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填涂在试卷和答题卡的规定位置。2. 考生要将答案写在答题卡上,在试卷上答题一律无效。考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。3. 本试卷满分120分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷(选择题)I. 单项选择: 1. What did you do yesterday afternoon? First I did my homework, and then I played _basketball for half_ hour.A. /; theB. the; /C. /; anD. the; an【答案】C【解析】【详解】句

2、意:你昨天下午做什么了?首先我做作业,然后我打了半个小时篮球。考查冠词辨析。an不定冠词,表泛指,用于元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词,表特指;/零冠词。句中“basketball”为球类,其前不加冠词,即play basketball;“一个小时”表泛指,且hour以元音音素开头,其前应加不定冠词an。故选C。2. What a lovely present! Who sent it? _it be your brother? It _be my brother. He doesnt know today is my birthday.A. Can; cantB. Can; mustntC

3、. Must; mustntD. Must; cant【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:多可爱的礼物啊!谁送的?会是你哥哥吗?不可能是我哥哥。他不知道今天是我的生日。考查情态动词。Can可能;Must一定;cant不可能;mustnt表禁止。由“Who sent it?”可知,此处应为不知道谁送的礼物,所以应用情态动词can“可能”引导疑问句表推测;由“He doesnt know today is my birthday”可知,哥哥不知道我的生日,所以这不可能是他送的,故应用情态动词cant表不可能。故选A。3. What would you like to eat, honey? _.A.

4、Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of ricesB. Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of riceC. Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of riceD. Chickens with vegetable and two bowls of rices【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:亲爱的,你想吃什么? 鸡肉加蔬菜,两碗米饭。考查可数名词和不可数名词。chicken意为“鸡肉”时为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故C、D选项可排除。rice是不可数名词,没有复数形式,表

5、达“两碗米饭”时要用two bowls of rice,故选B。4. Why do you live so far from school? The cost of renting(租)houses in central Huhhot is higher than _in any other area of the city.A. thatB. thoseC. itD. one【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:你为什么住得离学校那么远?呼和浩特市中心的房屋租金比城市其他任何地区都要高。考查代词辨析。that指代“同名异物”的可数名词单数或不可数名词;those指代“同名异物”的可数名词复数;it

6、代指上文出现的“同名同物”;one代指 “同名异物”的可数名词单数。“呼和浩特市中心房屋租金”和“其他地区房屋租金”为“同名异物”,且 “租金”为不可数名词,故应用that来指代。故选A。5. A survey of the opinions of experts_ that three hours of outdoor exercise a week _good for our health.A. show; areB. shows; isC. show; isD. shows; are【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:一项专家意见的调查显示,每周3小时的户外运动对我们的健康有好处。考查主谓一

7、致。本句为一般现在时,主句主语A survey of the opinions of experts“一项专家意见的调查”为第三人称单数,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式shows;从句主语three hours of outdoor exercise a week“每周3小时的户外运动”为用时间表示的一个整体概念,故应用be动词is。故选B。6. She said_ tears in eyes on stage, I have been lucky, but Ive had my share of heartbreak _the way.A. with; inB. with; alongC.

8、in; alongD. in; by【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:她在舞台上含泪说道:“我很幸运,但是一路走来我也有过心碎的经历。”考查介词用法。由“She saidtears in eyes”可知,此处应用“with tears in eyes”的复合结构表伴随;由“Ive had my share of heartbreakthe way”可知,此处应用介词短语along the way“一路上”作状语。故选B。7. A break between classes is very important for students because it _helps with students

9、 health by doing sports _improves their social skills by communicating with their classmates.A. too; toB. either; orC. neither; norD. not only; but also【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:课间休息对学生来说是非常重要的,因为它不仅有助于学生通过体育锻炼获取健康,还可以通过与同学的交流来提高他们的社交能力。考查连词辨析。tooto太而不能;eitheror要么要么;neithernor既不也不;not onlybut also不但而且。分析句意可知,

10、课间休息不仅有助于学生的健康,还可以提高学生的社交能力,故应用连词not onlybut also。故选D。8. My mother_ reading books at home_ invited to dinners at times.A. preferred; to beingB. preferred to; rather thanC. preferred; than beingD. preferred; to be【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我母亲喜欢在家看书,也不愿偶尔被邀请去吃饭。考查动词短语及被动语态。分析结构及语意可知,我母亲喜欢看书,不喜欢被邀请去吃饭。prefer接两个动

11、作时构成“prefer doing sth to doing sth”。根据句意可知,“母亲”与“邀请 ”之间有逻辑上的动宾关系,故应为被动语态,故第二空格处应为to being。故选A。9. In this company a large number of people, _ my parents, _over 1000 yuan to help Wuhan.A. includes; gave inB. include; gave outC. including; gave upD. including; gave away【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:在这个公司,大量的人,包括我的父母

12、,捐赠超过一千元帮助武汉。考查介词和动词短语。根据“a large number of people”及“my parents”可知此处表达的是“包括我的父母”,现在分词作状语。give in屈服,让步;give out分发;give up放弃;give away捐赠。根据“over 1000 yuan to help Wuhan”可知此处表示“捐钱”用动词短语give away。故选D。10. Mary, have you finished _the novel?Oh no, I am too busy_ it. Professor Li asked me to hand in my mat

13、h paper this week.A. reading; readingB. to read; readingC. reading; to readD. to read; to read【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:玛丽,你读完那本小说了吗?哦,没有,我太忙了而没有读它。李教授让我这周交我的数学论文。考查非谓语动词。finish doing sth“做完某事”,因此第一空用动名词reading。too+形容词/副词+to do sth“太.而没有做某事”,因此第二空用动词不定式to read。故选C。【点睛】11. You look nice on the dress. Could

14、 you tell me _?A. where did you buy itB. where you bought itC. where do you buy itD. where you buy it【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你穿这件衣服很好看。你能告诉我在哪儿买的吗?考查宾语从句。由“Could you tell me”可知,本句为宾语从句,应为陈述句语序,故排除A、C两项;且“买衣服”为发生在过去的事,故应为一般过去时,故排除D选项。故选B。12. If Tom _ the film The Wandering Earth, hell never forget the scene

15、in which many people make the hard journey back to their hometown.A. sawB. seeC. will seeD. sees【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:如果汤姆看了电影流浪地球,他将永远不会忘记许多人艰难地返回家乡的场景。考查条件状语从句的“主将从现”原则。saw表一般过去时;see动词原形,表一般现在时;will see表一般将来时;sees动词的第三人称单数,表一般现在时。根据英语语法,在if引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时替代一般将来时,且从句主语Tom为第三人称单数形式,应填sees,故选D。13. The si



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