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1、Author,Reviewer,bc,Develop the Individuals,December 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain discuss facts, events, examples Objective - do not be influenced by previous performance or hearsay from other cases; base feedback on direct experience Descriptive - be descriptive, not judgmental Balanced - always give bo

2、th positives and areas for improvement Actionable - discuss specific action steps for improvement,From your perspective - speak for yourself, not for others Open/honest - do not pull punches, do not sugarcoat, and do not overstate Sensitive of feelings - criticize actions, not the person; use carefu

3、l language Positive - express confidence that the person can succeed Non-discriminatory - avoid any language that suggests racial/gender or other biases Tentative - be mindful that you are presenting perceptions, not absolute truth Sincere - understand that change is difficult; be tolerant and willi

4、ng to help,Clear,Motivated,17,DeveloptheIndividuals,Coaching Process,Where you say it,When you say it,How you say it,The process of coaching is as critical as the content,Appropriate location give negative feedback in private, not in front of caseteam or client give positive feedback in public, when

5、ever possible In person - avoid voicemail, especially for negative feedback Coaching is an ongoing process; day-to-day feedback is critical Feedback must be timely Schedule sufficient time and do not allow interruptions Prepare - keep a journal of specific examples Separate positive from negative, a

6、nd give positive feedback first Make it a discussion, not a speech Listen/question understand their perspective probe for background issues/concerns give them opportunity to ask questions and respond Check for understanding - summarize and agree on key points,18,DeveloptheIndividuals,Positive Feedba

7、ck,Regular positive feedback is a big part of successful coaching,Why is positive feedback important,Motivational: increases individual satisfaction, willingness to continue contributing Reinforcing: explicitly acknowledges behaviors that are good; encourages continuation of positive behaviors Creat

8、es greater openness to negative feedback: builds credibility and trust,When is it appropriate,Upon completion of a good piece of analysis After an effective meeting After a good presentation Anytime positive feedback is given by a third party (e.g., a client, an expert,How do you give it effectively

9、,Be specific, provide detailed feedback. Explain why the work was effective in obtaining results for the client Separate it from negative feedback so it is not diluted/overshadowed Acknowledge publicly, whenever possible,19,DeveloptheIndividuals,Tips for Receiving Feedback,As part of the coaching pr

10、ocess, it may help to review with the team member these tips for receiving feedback,Receiving feedback will allow you to see things about yourself that you could not see in any other way. You will then be able to correct behaviors that are inhibiting your growth. Constructive feedback is an importan

11、t gift. Every time you are able to use it wisely, you will have taken another step in your own development,1.Listen closely to the person giving you the feedback, and try not to interrupt. 2.Avoid being defensive. This can be difficult, especially if the person giving you the feedback is not highly

12、skilled. You may have different perceptions of yourself, but it is important that you understand the perceptions of others. 3.Assume the feedback giver is trying to be helpful. 4.Try to understand the feedback. If the feedback is not clear, ask for clarification and examples,20,DeveloptheIndividuals

13、,The Learning Dilemma,Source: “Teaching Smart People How to Learn,” Harvard Business Review May-June 1991,Sometimes overachievers find it difficult to accept negative feedback,Overachievers are unaccustomed to failure,They may exhibit defensive behavior,Rationalization Aggressiveness Rejection Cynic

14、ism,Are unwilling to “hear feedback Fail to change behaviors,Denial,Become depressed, withdrawn Shift behavior from “guardrail to guardrail” (i.e., from one extreme to the other,Reluctant acceptance,These behaviors are a signal that the benefits of receiving feedback need to be reinforced,21,Develop

15、theIndividuals,Reactions to Feedback,As a caseteam leader, you should encourage reactions to feedback that demonstrate maturity and an interest in improving,Deny the feedback Attribute mistakes to external factors Assume coach has negative feelings about the direct report Express passivity - have no

16、 reaction Take an aggressive stance toward the coach Laugh it off Reject coachs authority to give feedback Show cynicism about improvement suggestions,Accept responsibility for the behavior or understand the coachs perceptions Analyze why behavior was shown Understand the coachs point of view Ask for more information Enlist coachs to help in understanding the feedback Show concern for improvement Listen carefully to feedback Accept feedback and check in with others,Defensive Reactions,Desired Re



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