
上传人:木** 文档编号:179734172 上传时间:2021-04-13 格式:PDF 页数:39 大小:382.74KB
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1、21 附录 词汇表 本表共收词汇 3000 个,包括入学时应掌握的词汇 2100 个、基础模块词汇 500 个(用*标记)和拓展模块词汇 400个(用*标记)。 A a/an * abandon able * abnormal * aboard about above abroad absent absolutely * absorb * abstract * abuse * academic * accent accept * access accident * accommodation * accompany * accomplish * according account * accu

2、rate * accuse ache achieve * acid * acknowledge acquire across act active actor/actress actually * AD adapt add addict address adjust * administration admire admit * adopt * adorable adult advance advantage adventure * advertise advertisement/ad advice advise * advocate affair * affect afford afraid

3、 after afternoon * afterwards again against age * agenda agent ago agree agriculture ahead 22 * AI/artificial intelligence aid aim air airline airport * aisle alarm album * alcohol * alert alike alive all allow almost alone along * alongside aloud already also * alternative although * altogether alw

4、ays a.m. * amateur amazing * ambition ambulance * amendment among amount * amuse * analyse * ancestor ancient and * angle angry animal * ankle announce * annoy annual another answer ant * anticipate * antique anxious any anybody/anyone * anyhow * anymore anything anyway anywhere * apart apartment *

5、apologise * apparently * appeal appear appetite * applaud apple apply appointment appreciate approach * appropriate * approve * arch * architect area 23 argue * arise arm army around arrange * arrest arrive * arrow art article * artificial as * ashamed * aside ask asleep aspect * assess * asset * as

6、sign assistant * association assume * assumption * astonish * astronaut * astronomer at athlete ATM/Automatic Teller Machine * atmosphere attach attack * attain attempt attend attention attitude attract audience aunt author authority * auto/automobile automatic * autonomous autumn/fall available * a

7、venue average avoid awake award aware away * awesome awful awkward B baby back backache background * backwards bacon bad badly badminton bag bake balance ball ballet balloon bamboo * ban 24 banana band bank bar barbecue * barely * bark * barrier base baseball basic basin basis basket basketball bat

8、bath bathroom bathtub battery battle * bay * BC * be (am, is, are) beach bean bear beard beat * beauty because become bed bedroom beef beer before begin * behalf * behave * behaviour behind * being * belief believe bell belong below belt * bend beneath benefit beside besides best * bet better betwee

9、n beyond big * bike/bicycle bill * billion biology bird birth birthday biscuit bit bite bitter black blackboard * blame blank blanket * bleed * bless 25 blind block blog blood blouse blow blue board boat body * boil * bomb * bond bone * bonus book booklet bookshop * boost boot border * bore born bor

10、row boss * botanical both bother bottle bottom * bounce * bound * boundary * bow bowl * bowling box boxing boy brain * brake branch * brand brave bread break breakfast * breast * breath breathe * brick * bride/bridegroom bridge brief bright brilliant bring broad broadcast brochure broken brother bro

11、wn brush budget * buffet build * bunch burger burn * bury bus business * businessman/ businesswoman busy but * butcher 26 butter button buy by C * cabbage * cabin caf * cafeteria * cage cake * calculate calendar call * calligraphy calm * calorie * camel camera camp * campaign campus can * canal canc

12、el cancer * candidate candle candy * canteen cap capable * capacity capital * capsule captain * capture car carbon card care career * cargo carpet carrot carry cart cartoon * carve case cash cashier * cast castle cat catch * category cattle cause * caution * cave * cease ceiling celebrate * celebrit

13、y cell cent * centimetre central * centre century cereal certain * certificate chain chair * chairman/chairwoman/ chairperson 27 chalk challenge champion chance change channel * chaos chapter character charge charity * chart chat cheap * cheat check * cheek cheer * cheese chef chemistry * cheque che

14、ss chest * chew chicken chief * child childhood * chilli chip chocolate choice * choke choose * chop chopsticks chore * chorus Christmas church * cigarette cinema circle * circuit * circumstance * circus * cite * citizen city * civil * civilian * civilisation claim clap * clarify class classic class

15、mate classroom * clay clean clear clerk clever click * client climate climb clinic clock * clone close * cloth clothes cloud clown club 28 * clue coach coal coast coat code coffee coin cola cold * collapse * collar * colleague collect college * colour * column comb * combine come * comedy * comfort

16、* comic * command comment * commerce * commission * commit committee common communicate * communist community company compare * compete * competence complain * complaint complete * complex * complicated * component * compose * comprehension * comprehensive * comprise computer concentrate * concept concern concert * conclude * concrete condition conduct conference confidence confirm * conflict * Confucianism * Confucius * confuse congratulation connect * consequence * conservation * conservative



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