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1、Unit 4 Quotations, Sales Letter, Firm Offer and Counter Offers 报价、推销信、报盘及还盘,Unit 4 Part 1 Quotations and Offers,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Objectives of this part: Understand the quotation and grasp the relative expressions. Understand the difference between firm offer and non-firm offer and grasp their re

2、lative expressions. Be familiar with the terms - the validity of the offer. 2) The main parts: - Name of commodities, quality, quantity, and specification; - Details of prices, terms of payment, commissions, or discounts, if any; - Packing and date of delivery 3) Close,16,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,2.2 The

3、 Writing Skills of Firm Offers,The beginning of an offer : (It usually includes the offers validity) 开始报盘,通常一起注明该盘有效期 例如:(p. 73 ) In reply to your letter of July 14, we are giving you an offer, subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time, Tuesday, August 5 , as follows (validity,17,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报

4、盘及还盘,p.74) In reply to your inquiry, we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, provided your reply reached us within 7 days from today (validity): (p. 75) Now we are making you an offer as follows: This offer is subject to your reply here on or before 25th August.(validity,18,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函

5、、报盘及还盘,The main part of an offer 产品描述、产品名称 Commodity Description 产品规格、产品型号 Specification,19,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Quantity (1) 重量 (weight) 公斤 ( ) 公吨 ( ) 长吨 (long ton) (1016kg) 短吨 (short ton) (907kg) (2) 数量 (number) 件 ( ) 双 ( ) 套 (,20,kilogram (KG,metric ton (M/T,piece,set,pair,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,3) 长

6、度(length) 米 ( ) 英尺 ( ) 英寸 ( ) 码 ( ) (4) 面积(area) 平方米 ( ) (5) 体积(cubic) 立方米 ( ) (6) 容积(capacity) 公升( ) 加仑(,21,meter,yard,inch,foot,square meter, m2,cubic meter, m3,liter,gallon,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Price - Major World Currencies,dollar (美国) US$ (加拿大) Can$ (香港) HK$ (澳大利亚) A$ (新加坡) S$ (新西兰) NZ$ (中国台湾)新台

7、币 NT$ New Taiwan dollar,22,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Pound (sterling) (英国)镑 (或Stg) Renminbi / Yuan (中国)人民币,元 (RMB¥) Yen (日本)日元 ¥ Won (朝鲜、韩国)元 W Euro (欧盟国家)元,23,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Packing,塑料袋(plastic bag、polybag) 纸箱(carton) 木箱(wooden case) 板条箱(crate) 麻袋(gunny bag) 布袋(sack)(cloth bag) 牛皮纸袋(kraftpaper bag,2

8、4,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,铁桶(iron drum) 塑料桶(plastic drum) 木桶(cask) 捆(bundle) 包(bale,25,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,每件衬衫要用塑料袋包装,每一打装一纸箱,每4个纸箱装1板条箱,Each shirt should be packed in plastic bag, one dozen to a carton, 4 cartons to a crate,26,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Shipment,Delivery/shipment: be effected by sea from U.S

9、.A within one month after receipt of the L/C. 将在收到信用证之日算起一个月内从美国装船。 These goods should be shipped within one month. 这些货应在一个月内装运。 Please ship/deliver the goods (effect the delivery) within one week. 请在一周之内装运,27,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Payment,Please pay by. Please make/effect the payment by . 请用方式付款。 关于支

10、付方式是信用证的表达,请见PPT Unit 3Page 26、27,28,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Insurance,Insurance : to be effected by the buyer / covering All Risk / for 110% of the invoice value / as per China Insurance Clauses. 由买家 根据中国保险条例,按发票金额的110%投保综合险,29,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,30,Unit 4 Part 2 Sales Letter,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,The P

11、urpose of Writing Sales Letters : to expand business by selling a particular kind of goods or service to selected types of customers. to persuade the readers to buy what you are trying to sell,31,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,A sales letter should have the following two factors: (1) Offer the information abou

12、t products (2) Arouse interest and stimulate desire for buying,32,Products Customers Competitors,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,AIDA Principle,1) catch the readers Attention (2) arouse their Interest (3) stimulate their Desire (4) induce their Action of purchase,33,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Writer a letter with the

13、following points: 推销新款电脑桌 质量上乘,价格合理,颜色多样 尽快交货,支付方式有利,34,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,Dear Sirs, We are very glad to introduce our new computer tables that are unique not only in style, color but also moderate in price. We can send you a price list and samples of our new product, which can enable you to test

14、on its quality and compare them with others. For owners of old fashionable computer table, our product is no doubt a sound choice which make your life more comfortable. At the same time, we can offer preferable terms of payment and supply our products as soon as possible. We look forward to your rep

15、ly. Yours faithfully, John Smith,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,36,Unit 4 Part 3 Counter Offers,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,1. Introduction,A counter offer is made when a (potential) buyer finds the terms and conditions in the offer is unacceptable or as an attempt to gain more favorable terms,37,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,2

16、. Aims and key points,Know the definition of counter offer. Understand the structures of writing counter offer letter. Master some useful words, expressions and sentences of a counter offer letter,38,外贸函电第五讲报价、销售函、报盘及还盘,2.1 What is Counter-offer,The buyer may show disagreement to the price, or packing, or shipment and state his own terms instead. The effect of a counteroffer is that the original offer is no longer valid, and the now offeree becomes the offeror as the counteroffer becomes the new



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