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1、国际足联主席塞普布拉特辞职演讲塞普·布拉特在法国举行的国际足联第五十一届大会上被选举为主席,在国际足联的历任主席当中,约瑟夫·布拉特资历最浅,但他为国际足联做了相当多的工作,今天我给大家分享一篇国际足联主席塞普·布拉特辞职的精彩英文演讲,希望对大家有所帮助。国际足联主席塞普·布拉特辞职演讲英文FIFA president Sepp Blatter announced in Zurich, Switzerland Tuesday that his presidency of world footballs governing body -

2、which began in 1998 - will come to an end.Below is a full transcript of the speech he gave to gathered reporters.I have been reflecting deeply about my presidency and about the forty years in which my life has been inextricably bound to FIFA and the great sport of football.I cherish FIFA more than a

3、nything and I want to do only what is best for FIFA and for football. I felt compelled to stand for re-election, as I believed that this was the best thing for the organization. That election is over but FIFA’s challenges are not. FIFA needs a profound overhaul.While I have a mandate from the

4、membership of FIFA, I do not feel that I have a mandate from the entire world of football – the fans, the players, the clubs, the people who live, breathe and love football as much as we all do at FIFA.Therefore, I have decided to lay down my mandate at an extraordinary elective Congress. I wi

5、ll continue to exercise my functions as FIFA President until that election.The next ordinary FIFA Congress will take place on 13 May 20xx in Mexico City. This would create unnecessary delay and I will urge the Executive Committee to organize an Extraordinary Congress for the election of my successor

6、 at the earliest opportunity. This will need to be done in line with FIFA’s statutes and we must allow enough time for the best candidates to present themselves and to campaign.Since I shall not be a candidate, and am therefore now free from the constraints that elections inevitably impose, I

7、shall be able to focus on driving far-reaching, fundamental reforms that transcend our previous efforts. For years, we have worked hard to put in place administrative reforms, but it is plain to me that while these must continue, they are not enough.The Executive Committee includes representatives o

8、f confederations over whom we have no control, but for whose actions FIFA is held responsible. We need deep-rooted structural change. The size of the Executive Committee must be reduced and its members should be elected through the FIFA Congress.The integrity checks for all Executive Committee membe

9、rs must be organized centrally through FIFA and not through the confederations. We need term limits not only for the president but for all members of the Executive Committee.I have fought for these changes before and, as everyone knows, my efforts have been blocked. This time, I will succeed.I canno

10、t do this alone. I have asked Domenico Scala to oversee the introduction and implementation of these and other measures. Mr. Scala is the Independent Chairman of our Audit and Compliance Committee elected by the FIFA Congress. He is also the Chairman of the ad hoc Electoral Committee and, as such, h

11、e will oversee the election of my successor. Mr. Scala enjoys the confidence of a wide range of constituents within and outside of FIFA and has all the knowledge and experience necessary to help tackle these major reforms.It is my deep care for FIFA and its interests, which I hold very dear, that ha

12、s led me to take this decision. I would like to thank those who have always supported me in a constructive and loyal manner as President of FIFA and who have done so much for the game that we all love.What matters to me more than anything is that when all of this is over, football is the winner.下面给大



15、足联却要承担责任。我们需要从根本上进行结构性改变,执委会的规模必须被缩减,执委会成员应该通过国际足联代表大会选举产生。对于执委会所有成员的廉正审查必须由国际足联集中组织进行,而不是由各洲足联来完成。不仅仅是主席,执委会的所有成员都要有任期限制。我曾经为了这些改变做出过努力,但是正如大家看到的,我的努力处处受阻。这一次,我会成功。而这靠我一个人是实现不了的。我已经要求多梅尼科?斯卡拉来监督所有这些举措的引进与实施。斯卡拉先生是国际足联审计&监督委员会独立主席,由国际足联代表大会选举产生,他还担任特别选举委员会主席,同样他将监督继任者的选举过程。斯卡拉先生在国际足联内外均享有广泛的信任,并且拥有推动这些重大改革所必备的知识和经验。国际足联及其利益是我深深关切的所在,也是我一直珍视的东西,这最终让我做出了辞职的决定。感谢在我担任国际足联主席期间一直以建设性姿态支持我、忠于我的那些人,也感谢那些为了我们所热爱的足球做出了那么多贡献的人们。于我而言,最重要的事情莫过于,当这一切尘埃落定时,足球才是赢家。 6 / 6


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