分享高一英语作文 读书的好处

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分享高一英语作文 读书的好处_第1页
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《分享高一英语作文 读书的好处》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《分享高一英语作文 读书的好处(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、分享高一英语作文 读书的好处分享高一英语作文 读书的好处读书的好处if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longlyWhen I m free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, I ve put my heart into it so that I ll forget all the troubles. It s in this way that I ve formed the habit of reading in any

2、time.Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won

3、 the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.Reading The Emperor s New Clothes , I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. The Little Match Girl couldn t keep me from crying for her misery. Robinson Crusoe took me into a strange world full of danger

4、. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Keller s patience and perseverance Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didn t before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.I ll never forget this famous saying, Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.



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