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1、匠心传承 公馆人生 地产项目法式盛宴私享会 每个圈层 每个世界 每个人生 体验最尊奢的生活态度 Mansion is an attitude to life Golden Tianhe mansion will enjoy private French feast Each circle each world every life Experience the most respected luxury attitude to life,地产项目项目位于天河奥体板块广州第三中轴 未来发展核心,“城市绿肺“ 广州的最后一个生态低密度豪宅区 至正风水、四合之心 本项目是金地集团倾力打造的精工智能化

2、豪宅 项目采用半合围式布局,由少量珍稀类独栋和8栋品字形高层洋房组成 园林采用法式设计,拥有十大景观,源于欧式,高于欧式 给您宫廷古堡体验,这些元素,已经帮我们决定了它的主人; 他们已经得到了社会的肯定; 他们关注项目的品牌、口碑、稀缺性、追求低奢贵族的生活方式; 不是他们选择了地产项目,而是地产项目选择了他们,广州第三中轴 发展核心 精工智能化豪宅 法式设计 宫廷古堡体验,活 动 创 想 法式风情 公馆生活 传承品鉴 French style Residence Life Inheritance Tasting,French style 法国风情,Residence Life 公馆生活,In

3、heritance Tasting 传承品鉴,开启一场关于态度的 奢华之旅. Open debate about attitudes Luxury trip,Summary of activities 活动概述 活动时间:2018年待定 活动地点:地产项目 活动目的:地产主办方方面可借本次活动,提升项目的高端品质和公馆贵族生活理念,促进目标客户认同项目营造的高尚生活享受,为产品销售营造良好的氛围。 活动内容: 1、百年烟斗珍藏钟表展览品鉴 2、法式盛宴尊享品鉴 3、顶级红酒交流会,尊奢品鉴,高端互动,法式盛宴,现场包装,一个传承的梦想 一场关于传承的品鉴盛典 打造属于贵族的生活世界 Inher

4、itance of a dream Debate about heritage Tasting Festival to create an aristocratic life of the world,尊奢品鉴 Respect luxury Tasting,烟斗 一种以品牌著称的百年手艺、似乎随便拿起一个,都是经过了百年沉淀的佳酿。而每个品牌,除了有上等的品质,自身不可替代的特点也成为烟斗客的追逐焦点。 A kind of craft brand known for centuries, seems to pick up a casual, all through the centuries

5、precipitation wines. And each brand, in addition to superior quality, the characteristics of its own irreplaceable chase has become the focus of the pipe off,百年经典 匠心之作,静态:烟斗展 现场展示各种材质、各产地不同的烟斗、及主题装饰。 Static: Pipe Exhibition A live demonstration of a variety of materials, each pipe of different origi

6、n, and theme,互动:来宾自主品鉴 现场提供各式雪茄,由专业讲师辅助来宾自由体验品鉴。 Interactive: Guest autonomous Tasting Site offers a variety of cigars, assisted by a professional instructor visitors free tasting experience,烟斗客俱乐部 成立于2008年 倡导新的生活方式 收藏与经营 哈瓦那上等手卷雪茄 欧洲各国手工烟斗 先后应邀参与了,2007青岛国际顶级私人用品(奢侈品)展 2008年中国国际顶级私人用品(奢侈品)展 第二届深圳(大梅

7、沙)国际游艇暨设备展 2009宁波奢侈品展合作机构 2008环球小姐中国区总决赛 2008欧米茄观澜湖高尔夫世界杯等活动,经典传承 见证时间巨匠的传奇 The classic tradition Legendary masters of time witness 钟表展,静态:绝世钟表展 现场展示年代、各产地不同的钟表、及主题装饰。 Static: peerless Watch Fair Live show time, each different origin of watches and clocks, and theme,高端互动 High-end interactive,一个王者的国度

8、 低吟悠扬的乐章伴随醇厚红酒的香气 铸就王者国度 A king kingdom Crooning accompanied by melodious music full-bodied red wine aroma cast king kingdom,我们所想呈现的是一场 高端奢华的“贵族盛宴” 一场纯粹的皇室文化私人“party” 一场高端人群的至尊荣耀之享 不要浓重的商业气氛 不要快餐式的表演 不要大摆宴席 更不要俗世喧嚣,红酒品鉴 顶级红酒品鉴,小提琴互动 小提琴动态表演,蓝调灵魂乐 外籍歌手深情演绎,小提琴互动-小提琴动态表演/迎宾表演 白色礼服的小提琴手在现场动态表演与来宾互动 Whi

9、te dress violinist in the field of dynamic performances and guest interaction,红酒品鉴-顶级红酒品鉴 顶级法国红酒品鉴,体验不一样的私享会 Top French wine tasting experience will not enjoy the same private,红酒品鉴-顶级红酒品鉴 专业服务员给来宾带来最尊贵的服务享受体验 Professional waiter to bring a guest to enjoy the most distinguished service experience,蓝调灵

10、魂乐-外籍歌手深情演绎 外籍歌手以舒缓的蓝调乐现场演绎,从视觉听觉给5戶最高雅的享受与极致的体验 Foreign soothing blues singer live performance, from seeing and hearing to five of the most elegant and enjoy the ultimate experience,法式盛宴 French feast,一个尊贵的体验 米其林星厨亲临现场 纯正法国西式晚宴 一对一服务 专属你的贵宾体验 A distinguished experience Michelin French chef at the sc

11、ene of pure Western-style dinner one service you exclusive VIP experience,米其林星厨亲临 Michelin star chef in personn 米其林星厨打造“公馆”盛宴 成就关于美食的舌尖艺术体验 米其林情缘 从此开启,Michelin star chef to create mansion Feast Achievement tongue artistic experience about food The Hundred-Foot Journey from opening,米其林星厨-美景品鉴交流 著名米其林

12、星厨,现场制作美食与来宾交流品鉴心得,带来视觉味觉双重享受体验 Famous Michelin star chef, on-site production and food tasting guests exchange ideas, bring visual taste experience double enjoyment,法式西餐盛宴 French food feast,高级餐具定制 Advanced customization tableware,专属服务 现场服务员将一对一“隐形服务”每一位尊贵的客户 让每一位客户都感受到最为尊贵的礼遇 也更加彰显中通水岸额品牌实力 Exclusiv

13、e Services One site waiter invisible service every distinguished customers Let every customer feel the most distinguished courtesy Also reinforce the brand strength through the water volume,现场包装 现场使用大量花艺灯光进行氛围包装,奠定高端晚会活动调性 Flower lights for use in the field a lot of atmosphere packaging, high-end ev

14、ening activities laid tonality,包装元素和色调 包装以法式风情为主线,延续出整体包装,活动主要低奢风格为主线,展现艺术豪宅生活状态,亦将欧式建筑异国风情展现的文化底蕴融入其中,整体简约不失大气,包装中运用国际极简风格; 色调以蓝金色为主计调色系,展现出商务范同时也体验出公馆贵族气息;白色等为辅助色,将项目独享的中轴豪宅智能生活特色,沉稳展现出来烘托项目低奢调性; Packaging in French style main line, the continuation of the overall package, the main activity of low

15、 extravagant style of the main line, to show the state of the art of luxury living, exotic European architecture will also show the cultural heritage into which overall simplicity without losing the atmosphere, the use of packaging international minimalist style;Blue and gold color to the main color

16、 of tune, show business but also to experience a Fan mansion nobility; white as the secondary colors, the central axis of the project exclusive mansion intelligent life characteristic, calm contrast unfolded luxury items low tone,签到区 点亮时代之光 每个嘉宾一个灯泡 所以灯泡点亮时 成就公馆生活精神 check in area Light lit era Each guest a light bulb So when the lamp Achievement mansion spiritual life,迎宾模特 男模白色西装女模白色礼服礼帽 给来宾视觉上的惊艳 增加活动期望 Welcome Model Female mold male model in a white suit white dress hat To visually stunning gu



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