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1、软件工程专业(服务外包方向)课程简介汇编杭州师范大学教务处编2010年12月目 录1服务科学导论课程简介(课程编码:)12计算机科学导论课程简介(课程编码:)23程序设计基础(I)课程简介(课程编码:)34程序设计基础(II)课程简介(课程编码:)45网站设计基础(I)课程简介(课程编码:)56网站设计基础(II)课程简介(课程编码:)67离散数学课程简介(课程编码:)78计算机原理课程简介(课程编码:)89数据结构课程简介(课程编码:)910面向对象程序设计课程简介(课程编码:)1011操作系统课程简介(课程编码:)1112数据库原理课程简介(课程编码:)1213软件工程课程简介(课程编码:

2、)1314计算机网络课程简介(课程编码:)1415软件质量保证与测试课程简介(课程编码:)1516软件项目管理课程简介(课程编码:)1617面向服务的体系结构课程教学大纲(课程编码:)1718.NET程序设计课程简介(课程编码:)1819SQL Server数据库应用课程简介(课程编码:)1920ASP.NET应用开发课程简介(课程编码:)2021Silverlight应用开发课程简介(课程编码:)2122嵌入式系统课程简介(课程编码:)2223手持设备软件开发课程简介(课程编码:)23服务科学导论课程简介服务科学导论 课程编码:课程总学时:32,学分:2,课程性质:必修,适用于计算机科学与技

3、术专业、软件工程专业、电子信息工程专业、信息与计算科学专业。 学习本课程旨在使学生了解服务外包产生的背景,掌握服务外包的基础理论;掌握服务外包的概念与特征,了解全球服务外包的基本状况;掌握ITO、BPO、KPO的概念,了解ITO、BPO、KPO市场状况;了解离岸外包、近岸外包、在岸外包的基本概念及状况;了解欧美、日本发包市场的基本状况;了解爱尔兰、印度、菲律宾等接包市场的基本状况;了解中国服务外包的发展状况,为学生今后从事服务外包学习和工作打下坚实的基础。本课程主要包括以下内容:绪论,服务外包的概念和特征,服务外包的分类,服务外包发包方市场,服务外包接包方市场,中国服务外包发展状况等。Intr

4、oduction to Service Science Course Code:Total Hours: 32, Credits: 2, Course Nature: Compulsory, Specialty: Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering, Electronic Information Engineering, information and Computer Science. This course is for understanding of service outsourcing background a

5、s well as known of theory of outsourcing. To fully understanding the worldwide outsourcing service and ITO, BTO, KPO concepts, students should know the near-shore, on-site. Off-shore and right-shore outsourcing service, besides that, the worldwide Europe-USA, Japan market stand is one of important c

6、oncept to grasp, the course also contains Irish, India and Philippine market share; also the importance of China market growing, therefore, students can get the foundation of solid service outsource in China. Therefore, it will be students learning foundation of outsourcing in the future of working

7、and college learning. The course description is including the following: introduction, Outsourcing concepts and characteristic, the classification of outsourcing, outsourcing markets of taking and giving, and China outsourcing services. 计算机科学导论课程简介计算机科学导论 课程编码:课程总学时:48,学分:2.5,课程性质:必修,适用于计算机科学与技术专业、软

8、件工程专业。本课程是计算机科学与技术、软件工程专业学生的专业引导课程,导引学生认识计算机科学的主要研究领域、方向和发展动态,引入本专业的整体知识结构体系,广泛但粗浅地介绍各主要领域的概貌,为其后专业课程的学习提供知识过渡的铺垫。Introduction to Computer Science Course Code:Total Hours: 48, Credits: 2.5, Course Nature: Compulsory, Specialty: Computer Science and Technology, Software Engineering. This course is an

9、 introduction lesson for students majored in Computer Science and Technology and Software Engineering. It conducts students to understand the main research fields, developing direction and trends of Computer Science. The course introduces the whole knowledge system construction, and portrays widely

10、but superficially the general picture of computer industry. And it provides the basic knowledge for later professional courses.程序设计基础(I)课程简介程序设计基础(I) 课程编码:课程总学时:64,学分:3,课程性质:必修,适用于计算机科学与技术专业、软件工程专业、电子信息工程专业。 学习本课程旨在使学生掌握C语言的基本语法、基本语句、基本控制结构以及自顶向下的结构化程序设计方法,培养学生良好的程序设计风格和熟练使用C语言编程分析和解决实际问题的能力,为学生进一步学

11、习其他专业课程和今后从事软件开发工作打下坚实的基础。 本课程主要包括以下内容:C语言概述,基本数据类型、运算符与表达式,数据输入输出函数、C语言的语句,顺序结构程序设计、选择结构程序设计和循环结构程序设计,数组、函数、指针、结构体、共同体和枚举的应用,位运算,编译预处理,文件的建立和使用。Programming Fundamentals I Course Code:Total Hours: 64, Credits: 3, Course Nature: Compulsory, Specialty: Computer Science and Technology, Software Enginee

12、ring, Electronic Information Engineering. This course is intended to help students master the basic syntax, statements, and control flows of the C language, as well as the top-down structured programming methods, to train students with good programming habits and the ability to analyze and solve pra

13、ctical problems with the C language. And finally lay the foundation for them to learn other courses or develop software. The main contents of this course are: C language overview, basic data types, operators, expressions, I/O functions, C language statements, the sequence, conditional and iterative

14、control structures, array, function, pointer, structure, union, enumeration, bitwise operation, precompile processing, file operation, etc.程序设计基础(II)课程简介程序设计基础(II) 课程编码:课程总学时:51,学分:2,课程性质:必修,适用于计算机科学与技术专业、软件工程专业、电子信息工程专业。 通过程序设计基础(II)的教学和实验,巩固程序设计基础(I)课程中的主要知识点,培养学生的结构化程序设计思想,训练学生编写中型程序的基本思路、方法和技巧,激发学生的学习兴趣和创新思维能力,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,使理论知识和实践技



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