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1、一、常考经济类词汇/词组:count on 指望,依靠 fair play 公平竞争 financially 财务上 pink slip 解雇通知书(源出解雇通知书多用红色复写本) side effect 副作用 budget 做预算 parachute 保护伞;降落伞 setback 挫折 back-up 替补的,备份的 weather 平安地渡过(风雨、困难等),经受住 disruption 破坏 make up 弥补 stock market 股票市场 fluctuation 波动(动词fluctuate) harsh 严酷的;刺耳的 retiree 退休人员(结尾ee表示“处于某种情况

2、下的人”或“受动者”) tradefor 以与相交换 investment return 投资回报 legislative 立法的 deductible (保险、税收等的)扣减额 dose 剂(量);数量 demographics 人口分布 work against 对不利 odds 可能性,机会;冲突 attendant 伴随的,随之产生的;出席的;n.出席者,服务员 perspective 角度;透视 wholesale 大批的,数量大的;批发的;n.批发(retail零售) overburdened 负担过重的 fallout 附带结果,余波;放射性坠尘 distinctly 突出地 h

3、ostile 怀有敌意的(名词hostility) present 呈献;提出,提供 superb 极好的;杰出的 townsfolk 城镇居民;市民 largely 主要地 live off 靠过日子,依靠生活 worthy 优秀的;值得的 frankly 直率地,坦白地 deliciously 有趣地,怡人地;可口地 ironic 具有讽刺意味的(名词irony反语) do ones share of 分担;分享 stream 一连串;川流不息 sightseer (名词sightseeing观光)观光者 playgoer(名词playgoing看戏) (经常)看戏的人,戏迷 conten

4、d 主张;竞争,斗争 council 委员会;理事会 contribute 贡献 subsidy 补助,津贴 cocktail 鸡尾酒 lounge休息厅,休息室; 闲逛 decorate 装饰,装修 and so forth 等等 in a row 连续 rocket 飞速上升;n.火箭 clientele 顾客;委托人 dedicated 专注的,献身的 box office 票房,售票处 bite ones nails 束手无策;咬指甲 softening 变软弱,变暖和,变软(动词soften) indicator 指标, 尺度(动词indicate) do without 免除,不用

5、 downscale 降低规模 middle-brow 中产阶级趣味的(人);文化教养一般的(人) dealership 商品特许经销商 lag 滞后 temper 调和,使缓和;脾气 sound alarms 敲响警钟,发出警报 panic 恐慌,惊慌失措 belt-tightening 紧缩开支 despair 绝望 gold rush 追逐暴利的热潮;淘金热 predominantly 占主导地位地,显著地 bonus 额外给予的东西;奖金 frenzied 疯狂的,狂热的,极度激动的(名词frenzy) overbidding 出价高于(某物的)价值;出价过高 real-estate

6、broker 房地产经纪人 silver linings 一线希望(或安慰) bubble 泡沫,气泡 swing 摇摆 ingredient 成分,因素 sustained 持续的 merge 合并 heighten 使提高,加强 monopoly 垄断 freight 货物,运费 substantial 可观的,大量的;实质的,真实的 coordinated 协调的 bulk 体积,大量;块 haveby the throat 掐住的脖子 consolidation 巩固,加强 appeal 申诉,上诉;吸引 captive 被俘虏的 rate relief 费用减免 discrimina

7、tion 歧视;区别 on the grounds that 基于理由 subscribe 同意,赞成;订购,订阅 flourish 繁荣 arbiter 裁决人,决定者;仲裁人 brightening 光明的 surging 急剧上升的 decline 衰退;下降 crude oil 原油 barrel 桶 triple 三倍 scary 引起惊慌的 quadruple 四倍 gloom and doom 厄运 suspend 暂停,中止;悬,挂 grip 抓住 hemisphere 半球 muted 暖和的,趋缓的;缄默的,无言的 swing 摇摆;秋千 conservation 保护;保

8、存 energy-intensive 能源密集型的 emerging 新兴的(经济)(动词emerge浮现,显现,暴露) squeeze 挤,压榨 against the background of 以为背景 常识术语:可持续性发展sustainable development风险投资risk in vestment通货紧缩deflation通货膨胀inflation扩大内需to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学computer-assisted in struction (CAI)网络空间cyberspace虚拟现实virtual reality电脑犯罪comput

9、er crime 电子商务the e-business网上购物shopping on line(on-line shopping)应试教育exam-oriented education学生减负to reduce study load全国人民代表大会(简称全国人大)National Peoples Congress(NPC)全国人大代表deputy to the National Peoples Congress中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协)National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Confe

10、rence(CPPC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC政府工作报告governments work report新闻发布会press conference 弱势群体disadvantaged groupsassistance should be given to members of disadvantaged groups应对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助加快经济结构调整accelerate economic restructuring城镇社会保障体系urban social security system下岗职工基本生活费subsi

11、stence allowances for laid-off workers离退休人员基本养老金basic pensions for retirees特困行业和企业industries and enterprises in dire straits全球经济衰退the global economic slump医疗改革health care reform扩大内需,刺激消费expand domestic demand and consumption 乡镇企业township enterprises 关贸总协定(世界贸易组织的前身)GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs

12、and Trade)世界贸易组织WTO (World Trade Organization)最惠国待遇(现通常称“正常贸易关系”)MFN (most-favored-nation)treatment实行国民待遇grant the national treatment to粮食安全food security知识产权IPRs (Intellectual property fights)最不发达国家 LDCs (Least-developed countries)AA制Dutch treatment; go Dutch奥委会Olympic Committee 艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合征)AIDS(

13、Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)爱心工程Loving Care Project爱国统一战线patriotic united front安理会Security Council按劳分配distribution according to ones performance按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a houseBP机beeper; pager脱贫shake of poverty; lift oneself from poverty拜金主义money worship版权法copyright law白色污

14、染white pollution 笔记本电脑notebook computer贬值devalue,devaluate,depreciate(of a currency)毕业生分配制度assignment of graduates闭关政策closed-door policy蹦迪disco dancing保持国民经济发展的良好势头maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy保护生态环境preserve the ecological environment保护主义protectionism保健食品health-care food

15、北约NATO(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)不明飞行物unidentified flying object(UFO)重复建设building redundant projects; duplication of similar projects菜篮子工程shopping basket program畅通工程Smooth Traffic Project从粗放经济转变为集约经济shift from extensive economy to intensive economy促进全球经济一体化foster integration with the global economy春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival around the Chinese l


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