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1、第十五章 句子(二)简单句:结构一:主语+系动词(包括半系动词)+表语(除了原形动词以外)例 He is a good student. 他是一个学生。(名词) This backpack isnt mine. 这包不是我的。(代词)My grandfather is over 80.我爷爷年过八十。(数词) The girl looks very beautiful.这女孩看起来挺漂亮的。(形容词) The food tastes delicious食物尝起来很香(形容词) My mother is at home. 妈妈在家。(介宾结构)My mother is not in. 妈妈不在家

2、。(副词) His dream is to be a professional athlete.他的梦想是成为一个职业运动员。 (不定式) His subject is running around with me.他的功课就是围着我转(动名词短语)结构二:主语+不及物动词 例 He runs very fast(fast是状语)I usually get up at six in the morning.(划线部分是状语)结构三:主语+及物动词+宾语 例 I have a sister结构四:主语+及物动词+双宾语-直接宾语(人)+间接宾语(物),可以互换例 Please give me a

3、n apple=give an apple to me.请给我一个苹果。 He showed me the way to the hospital.他指给我去医院的路。结构五:主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语例 Lets play soccer.(省略to 的不定式)That made me feel very happy.(省略to 的不定式) Old henry watched his dog play with a black cat.(省略to 的不定式)My mother wants me to drink milk.(不定式) Teenagers shouldnt be allow

4、ed to get their ears pierced.(过去分词) I am sorry to keep you waiting for me so long .(现在分词)I find English very difficult.(形容词)并列句:连词and(和)or(或者,否则)but (但是)-时态一致例Work hard, and you will get good grades.努力学习,然后你就会取得好成绩。 Be quick,or well be late for class.快点,否则我们上课迟到的。 My father bought me a new bike,but

5、I didnt like it.我爸爸给我买了一辆自行车,可是我不喜欢。 主从复合句 一 宾语从句(动词或介词之后的句子)A不是所有的动词都可以跟宾语从句,可以跟宾语从句的单词:ask sb问某人add补充 agree同意 believe相信 complain抱怨 discuss讨论 decide决定 xpect期待explain解释 find发现 forget忘记hope希望hear听说 imagine想象 know知道 learn学会 notice注意到 predict预测 understand理解remember记得realize意识到 suggest建议 seem好像 say说thin

6、k认为tell sb告诉wish希望 B宾语从句的连词1 当宾语从句是陈述句时,用 that,that在句中不作成份,故可以省略2 当宾语从句是一般疑问句,选择疑问句时,分别使用if和whether,他们在句中不做成分,但不可省略3 当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,用原有的Wh,在句中做成分,不可省略C宾语从句的语序:陈述句语序,即:连词+主语+ 系动词、助动词、情态动词+其他D宾语从句的时态时态:一般现在时变为一般现在时(当句子表示客观真理或自然现象时)一般现在时变为一般过去时(am is are -was were ,do does-did)一般将来时变为过去将来时1 Will do-would

7、 do,will be-would be2 Am is are going to do-was were going to do现在进行时变为过去进行时Am is are doing-was were doing过去时态不变解释:当主句是一般现在时时,从句可以是任何时态,当主句是一般过去时时,从句须使用过去时态,(不仅仅是一般过去时)表客观真理或自然现象永远使用一般现在时 E宾语从句可以和带wh 的不定式互换I dont know what I should do next.=I don know what to do next.我不知道下一步该干什么。注:直接引语变间接引语(去掉冒号、引号、

8、问号,变人称,变时态,变时间状语,变语序)举例说明1) 陈述句 Thrillers are too scary ,I think =I think that thrillers are too scary我认为恐怖片太可怕了Comedies are not interesting ,I think=I dont think comedies are interesting.我认为喜剧片并不有趣。2)一般疑问句,选择疑问句“Can I copy your homework?” Lily asked us.Lily asked us if she could copy our homework.丽

9、丽问我她可不可以抄我的作业。“Is it right to copy others homework”the teacher asked her.The teacher askedher if it was right to copy others homework.老师问她抄别人作业是否正确注意:Whether 也有“是否”之意,但常与or连用,即用于选择疑问句中He asked me: “will you go there today or tomorrow?”= He asked me whether I would go there today or tomorrow.3)特殊疑问句

10、例“How is your father ?”he asked me-He asked me how my father was.他问我爸爸身体状况如何。注意:当引语是下列句子时,无需变换语序He asked me:”whats wrong with you?”= He asked me what was wrong with me.他问我我怎么了。He asked lucy: “what is happening to you?”=He asked lucy what was happening to her.他问路西发生什么事了。I asked him: “what is in you h

11、and?” =I asked him what was in his hand.我问他他手心里有什么东西。The teacher asked her:“who is on duty today?”=The teacher asked her who was on duty today。老师问她今天谁值日。4)祈使句 “Dont open the window”, the teacher said to me.=The teacher told me not to open the window.老师告诉我不要去开窗。注意:将祈使句的动词原形变为带to 的不定式,并在不定式前加tell,ask,

12、order 等动词,如果是否定式,在不定式前加not即可)5)感叹句 “How happy we are!” they said.-They said how happy they were.他们说他们好开心啊!注意:语序不变,时态变,人称变二 状语从句 (句子之后的句子,所有状语从句不能用将来时,应该使用一般现在时代替将来时,状语从句可以和主句调换位置,此时加逗号)1) 时间状语从句when当时候 /while 当时候/after之后/ before之前 /until直到 /since自从 /as soon as一就/ once一旦注1:when 和while的区别:例 When he wa

13、s four, he could hum some difficult songs. 当他四岁时,他就能哼一些难的曲子。(主从句-一般过去时) When he came to her window, she was playing the piano. 当他来到她的窗前,她正在弹钢琴。 (从句-一般过去时,主句过去进行时) While she was playing the piano, he came to her window.当她弹着钢琴时,他来到她的窗前。(从句-过去进行时,主句-一般过去时) While my father was washing his car, my mother

14、 was cooking.当爸爸在洗车的时候,妈妈正在做饭。(主从句-过去进行时,表示同时进行) 注2:Until常与not连用,(notuntil直到才) 例I will stay here until my father comes bac.k我将呆在这儿直到爸爸回来。 I didnt go to bed until my father came back.直到爸爸回来我才去睡觉。He did his homework until 2:00 last night. 他昨晚做作业直到两点。I will give you a call as soon as he comes bac.k他一来我

15、就给你打个电话。2)地点状语从句:where/ wherever例Please put your bag where it is 请你把包放在它应该的位置。3)目的状语从句:so that以便/ in order that为了 例He sat in the dark so that he couldnt be seen.他坐在暗处以便不被别人看到4)原因状语从句:because 例 I dont like documentaries because they are very boring.我不喜欢纪录片,因为它们很无聊。注意:because 和so的互换, because及because of 的区别Because the weather is bad ,we have to put off the meeting= The weather is bad ,so we have to put off the meeting =Because of the bad weather ,we have



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