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1、牛津小学英语5BUnit1词组:1在星期一上午 on Monday morning 2 今天下午 this afternoon 3 三节数学课 three Maths lessons 4 新学期 the new term 5 第一节课 the first lesson 6 立刻、马上 at once7 10门学科 ten subjects 8 一节有趣的课 an interesting lesson 9 你呢? How about you? 10 在一周内 in a week 11 欢迎回来 welcome back 12 在星期三 on Wednesday 14 星期天晚上 Sunday e

2、vening 15 这个学期 this term 16 上一堂艺术课 have an Art lesson 17 每天 every day 18一个窍门 a trick 19 让我想想 let me see 20 非常 very much 句型:1我们可以用下列句型来谈论学习的科目、课表,如:n What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon? 上午/下午你们有什么课程?n What lessons do you have on Monday/ Wednesday?(注意:在星期几用on) 星期一/星期三你们有什么课程?n What subj

3、ect do you like? 你喜欢什么科目? I like English. How about you? 我喜欢英语。那你呢? I like Science. 我喜欢科学。2我们想要询问今天是星期几时,可以用;- What day is it today? - Its Monday.- What day is it? - Today is Wednesday.词形转换 : China(形容词)Chinese here(同音词)hear lesson(同义词)class good(反义词)badinterest(形容词)interesting buy(同音词)by/bye minus(反

4、义词)plus she(宾格)her right(同音词)write he(宾格)him right(反义词)wrong 练习:一、根据单词首字母和句子意思,将对话中的单词补充完整A: Welcome b_ to school, Ben. B: Nice to m_ you, Mr Green.A: There is a n_ subject in this t_, do you know? B: Yes. Its S_ S_.A: Do you l_ it? B: Maybe. I t_ it will be i_.A: Of course. When do you h_ this l_?

5、On M_?B: No. Its on F_. W_ will teach us, Mr Green? A: Mr Zhang. He is a very good t_.二、填入适当的介词1. How many Art lessons do you have _ a week? 2. We have a Computer Studies lesson _ Friday. 3. First draw some flowers _ the paper. 4. She goes to school _ half past seven.5. Can you come and help me _ my

6、 Maths? 6. Heres a new copybook _ Nancy.7. Take _ your coat, please. Its hot today. 8. Boys and girls, this is the first day _ the new term.三、按要求写出下列句子1. He has Chinese, Maths, English and Art in the morning. (改为否定句) 2. There are four English lessons in a week.(改为一般疑问句) 3. They arent reading the boo

7、ks.(改为单数形式) 四、英汉互译1、 星期一早上 _ _ 2. a Chinese book _ _ 2、 在早上 _ _ 4. an interesting subject _ _ 5、这学期 _ _ 6. welcome back to school _ _ 7、一节英语课 _ _ 8. in a week _ _ 9、她的学生们 _ _ 10. the first lesson _ _ 11. 新学期的第一天 12.in this morning Unit2词组:a telephone call 一个电话 at school 在学校 call her(宾格) 给她打电话 after

8、lunch 午饭后 speak to Helen 和海伦通话 speak to him 和他说话 a bad cough 严重的咳嗽 a high fever 高烧be absent 缺席 stay in bed 呆在床上 stay at home 呆在家里 get better soon 尽快好起来 still feel ill 依然觉得病的 take some medicine 吃一些药 feel better 感觉好些 Classes are over. 所有的课结束了。School is over . 放学了. get some fruit for you 给你带一些水果 See yo

9、u soon. 一会见。 Anything else? 还有别的什么吗?open your mouth 张开你的嘴 have a lot of rest 多休息choose one to call 选择一个打 look at these numbers 看这些号码 wrong number 打错电话 go to see a doctor 去看医生句型:1. How do you feel now? 你现在觉得怎么样啊?I feel( tired, hot, thirsty, ill) 我觉得(累的,热的,渴的,病的)。I can get a / some for you. 我能给你一个/ 一些

10、。2. Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了? (相当于Whats the matter with you?)Ive got a ( fever, toothache, cold, cough) 我得了(发烧,牙痛,感冒,咳嗽)。Im sorry to hear that. 听到这我感到很抱歉。3. May I speak to Helen ? This is Helen speaking. 我可以和海伦通话吗?我是海伦。4. Why are you absent today? 你今天为什么缺席? 6. I hope you get better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来

11、。 难点解析1.电话用语 Whos that speaking? 请问你是谁?Is that Helen?你是海伦吗?May I speak to Helen? 我可以和海伦通话吗?This is Helen. / This is Helen speaking. 我是海伦。2. Whats wrong with you? = Whats the matter with you? Ive got = I have got Hes got = He has got Shes got= She has got练习:一、按要求写出下列句子1. Im not taking any medicine.(改为肯定句)


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