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1、2009年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题注意事项:1本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。2本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。3答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。题号一二三四五总分总分人分数试卷I得分评卷人I. Vocabulary and structure (40%)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marke

2、d A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet.1. _a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.A. To work out B. Working out C. Work out D. Being worked out2. Smith regretted _ to the meeting yest

3、erday. A. not going B. Working out C. not to going D. not to be going3. A professor, along with some students, _ now working in the new laboratory. A. is B. were C. are D. was4. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred _me that I had forgotten my keys. A. on B. in C. at D. to5. Do you have any i

4、dea why he _? A. is looked sad B. is looking sad C. looks sadly D. looks sad6. My children are looking forward to _a trip to Beijing next month. A. make B. making C. be making D. have made7. Numerous studied have shown that _the teachers expectation, the greater the achievement of the student. A. th

5、e higher B. the highest C. as high D. the high8. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _one this month. A. other B. more C. the other D. another9. Why not _to professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A. go B. your going C. to go D. you go10. Only after th

6、e students have mastered the rules of pronunciation_. A. can they memorize words more easily B. when can they memorize words more easily C. then they can memorize words more easily D when they can memorize words more easily11._formal occasions, you should tale about some world issues or social probl

7、ems, not about yourself or your family. A. In B. At C. On D. By12._troublesome the problem is, he faces it with patience.A. No matter B. Although C. Despite D. However13. Since you wont lend us your motor car, you should at _tell us where we can borrow one. A. most B. least C. large D. length14._the

8、 English evening, I would have gone to the cinema.A. As for B. But for C. In spite of D. Due to15. The British painter who had been praised highly by_ to be a great disappointment. A. turned out B. turned up C. turned in D. turned down16. It is not always right to judge a person on the _ of the firs

9、t impression. A. basic B. basis C. base D. basement17. Generally speaking, your success _ your ability and efforts. A. comes of B. depends on C. belongs to D. grows up18. Everybody has access _ the large collection of books on various subjects in our department library. A. of B. for C. to D. about19

10、. Thirty miles away from the town, the robbers _ the car and disappeared into the woods. A. approached B. ground C. abandoned D. removed20. Though this house is very old and may not be worth much, it is _ great emotional value to my father who spent all his childhood days here. A. by B. of C. with D

11、. for21. Read the book carefully _ you will find lots of information related to our research. A. if B. or C. so D. and22. He prefers to rent a car _ have one of his own A. other than B. rather than C. on condition that D. would rather23. In the past ten years Jack has been with us. I think he has pr

12、oved that he _ respect from every one of us. A. qualifies B. expects C. reserves D. deserves24. It was some time _ the door opened in response to his ring. A. before B. when C. after D. since25. It is a huge task to _ in the building in such a short time. A. go ahead with B. keep up C. clean up D. w

13、ork out26. What he has done shows that he is not a man _. A. whom you can believe B. that you can believe C. whom you can believe in D. what you can believe in27. He was _ to speak the truth. A. too much of a coward B. so much a coward C. too much a coward D. so much of a coward28. If we continue to

14、 argue over minor points, we wont get _ near a solution. A. somewhere B. elsewhere C. everywhere D. anywhere29. There are some _ flowers on the table. A. unreal B. false C. artificial D. unnatural30. When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _ over his business to his son. A. take B. hand C. think D. get31. I can some noise while Im stud


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