八年级上册第一单元测试题人教版 (2)

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1、 人教版 八年级上册Unit1 检测题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_词组互译(2*10=20)1. 砍到_ 2.举起_ 3.让某人做某事_4. 外出_ 5.度假_ 6.一些特别的事_7. 决定去做某事_ 8.玩的高兴_9. 去海滩了_ 10.记日记_单项选择2*8=161. What do you think_ your vacation? A.of B.for C.at D.in2. How _the weather yesterday? It _hot. A.was was B.were was C.was were D.were were3. The boss made him_12 ho

2、urs a day. A.to work B.work C.working D. Works4. She_at 6:30 this morning. A.gets up B.got up C.get up D.got to5. I helped him_ his father. A.find B.finds C.finding D.found6. My kite broke,_ I didnt have much fun. A.because B.but C.so D.or7. Its very hot in the room. He has to _his coat. A.put on B.

3、take off C.talk about D.get to 8. _ homework, most students do it every day. A. As for B. With C. As D. To 完形填空 1*10=10American people like to _31_ “Thank you” when others help them or say _32_ to them. Many Chinese people do so, _33_. It is a very _34_. You must say “Thank you” when someone passes

4、you something on the table, when someone _35_ the door open for you, when someone says you do your work _36_, or you buy a nice thing or your city is _37_. “Excuse me” is another sentence(句子)they often say. When you hear someone say “Excuse me” _38_ you, you know he wants to pass you without touchin

5、g(接触)you. If you want _39_ others, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. Lets _40_“Thank you: and “Excuse me” from now. ( )31. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk ( )32. A. something good B. anything good C. good something D. good anything ( )33. A. also B. so C. either D. too ( )34. A. healthy

6、 habit B. good habit C. good lifestyle D. healthy lifestyle ( )35. A. keeping B. keep C. keeps D. kept ( )36. A. hardly B. good C. well D. nice ( )37. A. beautiful B. dirty C. crowded D. boring ( )38. A. next from B. across to C. in front D. behind ( )39. A. break B. to break C. breaking D. breaks (

7、 )40. A.say B. to say C. saying D. said 根据汉语意思完成句子(一空一词,含缩写)(2*5=10分) 1.你多久同你的朋友一起去买一次东西? _ _ do you _ _ with your friends? 2.我们每周锻炼三到四次。 We exercise _ _ _ _ a week. 3.她的母亲要他每天都喝牛奶。 His mother _ _ _ _ milk every day. 4.你认为Mary有一个健康的生活习惯吗? Do you _ Mary has _ _ _. 5.我们班大多数的学生每天都做作业。 _ _ in our class

8、do homework _ _. 按要求变换句型(一空一词,含缩写)(2*5=10分) 1.The boy eats junk food three times a week. (就划线部分提问) _ _ does the boy eat junk food? 2.Mike always watches TV on school night. (变为否定句) Mike _ _ TV on school night. 3.The students are playing soccer in the park. (就划线部分提问) What _ the students _ in the park

9、? 4.John did his homework last night. (变为否定句) John _ _ his homework last night. 5.Theres some milk in the glass. (变为一般凝问句) _ there _ milk in the glass? 根据首字母完成单词2*5=101.You must learn to eat hand take exercise regularly.2.Do you find the d_between the twins? 3.Our eating h are good, so I am in good

10、health.4.The old man _(锻炼)every morning.5.Katrina doesnt often _ (喝)coffee she likes green tea.选词填空 1*10=10 tradition tired unimportant perhaps should medicine popular lifestyle stress welcome health relax_1_Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be _2_.For example, are you oft

11、en weak and _3_? _4_you have too much yin. You_5_ eat hot yang foods, like beef. Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this. But people who are too _6_ out and angry may have too much yang. Chinese doctors that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. Chinese _7_(is now _8_ in many western countries. Its easy to have a healthy _9_ , and its _10_to eat a balanced diet.书面表达:1*15=15假如你是李平,今天你去学校英语角练习口语,英语角讨论的话题是 My summer vacation 请你根据下面的提示,向同学介绍一下你的暑假生活提示:1.在家呆了一周,写作业、练钢琴 2.看望爷爷奶奶,陪他们聊天,帮他们做家务3.去大连旅游、购物. 要求:语句通顺,逻辑连贯,不少于100词_


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