2021届英语二轮复习讲练测专题10 书面表达(I、II、III卷模式)(教师版)

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《2021届英语二轮复习讲练测专题10 书面表达(I、II、III卷模式)(教师版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021届英语二轮复习讲练测专题10 书面表达(I、II、III卷模式)(教师版)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题10 书面表达(I、II、III卷模式) 书面表达(I、II、III卷模式)-讲练测-测案时间:45分钟 满分:50I.完形填空2021安徽省皖南八校第二次联考 This afternoon after seeing my mom, I was driving home. I took the 1 that was more like a canyon(峡谷)drive with beautiful scenery. Suddenly I heard a sound and I knew a big 2 tire! I pulled to the side, but this was a

2、canyon drive with not much shoulder 3 , and it happened to be around a curve(弯道)that people couldnt 4 me. That made it very 5 . Thus, cars 6 passed me so that I couldnt get out. Within minutes I saw a car stopped at a distance 7 me. The gentleman walked out, 8 help, and I walked out of the car very

3、9 , for it was so narrow. He moved my car a bit out of the way while I was still talking to AAA(美国汽车协会). They said with all the 10 they gave me since I was in a dangerous place, they can send 11 in 20 minutes. The gentleman offered to look at my spare tire to 12 was OK before I 13 with AAABefore I k

4、new it, he look it out and 14 to change the tire. By the time I finished talking with AAA, he had changed my tire! .I 15 him and he left. I saw in my 16 that the car just followed me, making sure I was OK. At the light, I got a chance to see the 17 family in the car. A beautiful young wife with love

5、ly children in the back. They all gave me a big smile and 18 at me. I thought about what a role 19 for those young children to learn about service and sympathy. I thought how 20 I was to be the receiver of such generosity.1AphotoBrouteCriskDmenu2AflatBnewCpopularDspare3AfunBserviceCspaceDpotential4A

6、recognizeBblameCignoreDsee5AdangerousBconvenientCcomplexDembarrassed6AdeliberatelyBfrequentlyCslowlyDunconsciously7AbesideBbehindCahead ofDbeyond8AdeservingBrecordingCofferingDappreciating9AproudlyBinstantlyCpainfullyDcarefully10AconvenienceBstrengthCknowledgeDenthusiasm11AdataBassistanceCcommandDwa

7、ter12Apick outBtake overCmake sureDagree with13Aturned downBhung upCmade senseDkept up14AhesitatedBcontinuedCstartedDmanaged15AthankedBstruckCtreatedDcomforted16AkitchenBtrackCdreamDmirror17AwealthyBentireCpatientDconcerned18AstaredBlaughedCwavedDaimed19AmodelBdeliveryCprogramDtraining20AstupidBasto

8、nishedCwiseDlucky【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在开车回家的路上车胎爆了,被困在一个地势狭窄的地方,得到了一位善良慷慨的先生的帮助,作者因此很是感谢的故事。1B我沿着有美丽风景的路线开着,这条路很像一个峡谷。A. photo照片;B. route路线;C. risk风险;D. menu菜单。根据设空后“more like a canyon Drive.”可知,作者走了一条很像峡谷的路。故选B。2A突然,我听见一个声音,我就知道我的车胎扁了。A. flat扁平的;B. new新的;C. popular受欢迎的;D. spare备用的。根据下文“By the time

9、 I finished talking with AAA, he had changed my tire!”可知,作者的车胎伴随着一声巨响,爆胎了,也就是车胎变扁平了。故选A。3C我把车开到一边,但这是一个峡谷车道,路边空间不大,而且这发生在一个弯道附近,所以别人根本看不见我。A. fun乐趣;B. service服务;C. space空间;D. potential潜能。根据句意可以推断,因为这是在一个像峡谷的地方,所以路边空间并不大。故选C。4D我把车开到一边,但这是一个峡谷车道,路边空间不大,而且这发生在一个弯道附近,所以别人根本看不见我。A. recognize认出,识别;B. blam

10、e责备;C. ignore忽略;D. see看见。根据设空后“it happened to be around a curve.”可知,作者刚好被困在一个弯道里,所以很难被看见。故选D。5A这就很危险了。A. dangerous危险的;B. convenient方便的;C. complex复杂的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据前文可知,这是一个峡谷车道,路边空间不大,并且刚好在一个人们看不见作者的弯道处,所以是很危险的。故选A。6D因此,车子都无意识地经过我,所以我根本无法出去。A. deliberately故意地;B. frequently频繁地;C. slowly缓慢地;D. u

11、nconsciously无意识地。根据“and it happened to be around a curve(弯道)that people couldnt _ me.”可知,因为作者所处的弯道处人们看不见他,所以都无意识地从他身边经过。故选D。7B几分钟内,我看见有一辆车停在我后面不远处。A. beside在旁边;B. behind在后面;C. ahead of在之前;D. beyond在较远的一边。根据后文“the car just followed me.”可知,作者看见的那辆汽车是停在他身后不远处。故选B。8C一位先生走出来,主动向我提供帮助。A. deserving应得,应受;B.

12、 recording记录;C. offering提供;D. appreciating欣赏。根据后文“He moved my car a bit out of the way while I was still talking to AAA.”可知,那位先生从他自己的车里走了出去,主动向作者提供帮助。故选C。9D我非常小心地从车里走出来,因为实在是太狭窄了。A. proudly骄傲地;B. instantly立即;C. painfully痛苦地;D. carefully小心地。根据设空后“for it was so narrow.”可以判断,作者很小心地走出了车。故选D。10A他们说他们给了我这

13、么多便利因为我是在一个危险的地方,他们可以在20分钟内派人来支援。A. convenience便利;B. strength力量;C. knowledge知识;D. enthusiasm热情。根据设空后“since I was in a dangerous place, they can send in 20 minutes. ”可以判断,他们给了作者很大的便利。故选A。11B他们说他们给了我这么多便利因为我是在一个危险的地方,他们可以在20分钟内派人来支援。A. data数据;B. assistance帮助;C. command命令;D. water水。根据前文“He moved my car

14、 a bit out of the way while I was still talking to AAA(美国汽车协会).”可知,作者打电话求助AAA,他们说二十分钟内能够提供帮助。故选B。12C在我挂断与AAA的通话之前,这位先生主动提出要帮我看看我的备胎,以确保它没有问题。A. pick out挑选出;B. take over接收,接管;C. make sure确保;D. agree with同意。根据设空前“The gentleman offered to look at my spare tire.”可知,这位先生主动提出要看看我的备胎,以确保它是没有问题的。故选C。13B在我挂断

15、与AAA的通话之前,这位先生主动提出要帮我看看我的备胎,以确保它没有问题。A. turned down减小;B. hung up挂断;C. made sense有意义;D. kept up保持。根据后文“I finished talking with AAA.”可知,我挂了电话。故选B。14C我还没意识到,他就把它拿出来,开始换轮胎。A. hesitated犹豫;B. continued继续;C. started开始;D. managed管理。根据后文“By the time I finished talking with AAA, he had changed my tire! ”可知,在作者通话结束之前,这位先生就已经换好了他的轮胎,所以在作者还没意识到的时候,他就把轮胎拿出来,开始换了。故选C。15A我感谢了他,他就离开了。A. thanked感谢;B. struck撞击;C.


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