新目标九年级英语Unit 2练习题

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1、新目标英语九年级Unit 2练习题I.用所给单词的正确形式或根据句意和首字母提示填空:1. He _ _ (过去常常) to have a walk after supper. 2. Tom is _(害怕) of dogs.3. Can you tell me something about her _(外表). 4. Would you please describe his _(特点).5. Can you still _(记得) Jim from Australia? 6. These days I am more _(感兴趣) in soccer.7. Did you use to

2、have _(直) hair? 8. His brother is _( 恐惧的) of the dark.9. He usually goes to bed with his bedroom _(灯) on. 10. His hobby is collecting _(蜘蛛).II.词组互译:11.呆在学校里 12.带某人去听音乐会 13. 直接回家14. 变了很多 15. 和不一样 16. 举例17. 看连环画 18. 花费很多时间玩游戏 19. 在互联网上找20. 打字快 21. 由组成 22. 面对面23. 禁不住做某事 24. 思念过去的时光 25. 密码26. 踢足球 27. 弹钢

3、琴 28. 画油画III.用所给动词的正确形式填空:1. I dont want to make a wrong _ (decide) and regret it.2. Paula and Tina are _ (friend) to me . 3. _ (not talk) to me now! Im doing my homework.4. Mike is very _ in the _ (interest) movie.5. I used to be _ (terrify) of _ (speak) in front of a group.6. She spends much time

4、_ (read) English every day.7. The hard work will make you _ (stress) out.8.-Jack, how are you feeling today? -Much _ (well). I think I can go to school tomorrow.9. They couldnt afford _ (buy) a ticket to the concert.10.The _ (die) of the pet dog made Steve sad.11.Why not give up _ (smoke) , Jack?12.

5、The book that you bought yesterday is _ (exact) the one I needed.13.To our _ (surprise),they have finished the task on time.15.Whats your _ (day) life like?16.Andy likes_(chat) with his friends on the Internet.17.Dont be _(worry) about your son.18.He gave me a box of_ (candy) as presents.19.He _ (di

6、e) last year. He _ (die) for one year.20. He is _ a kind young man . (real)21.The tigers _are bigger than the monkeys(tooth)22.I think the green bike is the _of all(bad)IV.用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.The man looks _,doesnt he?(worry)2.When they _up the next morning,the hills were not there any longer(wake)3.I en

7、joyed _in the zoo last week(me)4._ your father_ (try) _ (learn) English last year? No, he_ (be) too busy.5.Mark and Sue _ (be) late for sleep tonight.6.Where is Peter? He _ (put) up the map on the wall for the teacher.7.When _ they _ (start) off? At about six p.m. yesterday.8.We often _ (have) rice

8、for breakfast. But we _ (eat) noodles for breakfast yesterday morning. Mother says we _ (drink) milk and _(have) some9. I dont think he _ (enjoy) _ (read) this kind of books.10. Mr. Chen _ (start) _ (teach) us Chinese two years ago.11. _ you _ (see) the film next month?12. Her parent _ (go) to the o

9、ffice at 7:00 in the morning.13. My friend _ (come) _(meet) me last Sunday.14. Where is the driver? He _ (eat) his lunch in the room.15. When _ you _ (bear)? In 1987.16. Everything in their rooms _ (be) clean and tidy.17. What _ his students _ (pick)? Apples.18.Here _(be) much money for you.V.单项选择:

10、1. Mario is afraid of _alone. A. be B. being C. is D. /2. You used to be outgoing, _? A. do you B. dont you C. didnt you D. did you3. I havent _him for a long time. A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing4. I used to have short hair, but now I have _hair. A. curly B. long C. straight D. brown5.- You used to

11、 be short, _you ? -Yes , I _.A. didnt, did B. usednt, used C. didnt, used D. usednt, did6. -Who do you often swim _? -I swim with my classmates, because I am _the swim team.A. /, on B. with, on C. with, in D. with, of7. The glass is broken, Try to _who did it. A. find outB. lookC. see D. found8. My

12、life has changed _in the last few years. A. a lot of B.lots of C. a lot D.a lots of9. Hes always busy. And he _working late until night.A. gets used to B. used to C. got used to D. is used for10. The light in his room was _, but nobody was_ .A. in, in B. on, on C. in, on D. on, in11. My problem is_ Im so busy. A. that B. what C. how D. /12. You can find out the answer to it only in the way.A. rightly B. right C. wrong D. true13. I used to _a lot of time _games with my friends.A. take, to play



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