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1、做试题,没答案?上自考365,网校名师为你详细解答!浙江省2002年1月高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)试题课程代码:00795.Complete the sentences with the best choice.Write your right letter on the answer sheet:(10%)1.Have you got used ( ) late again. A.to liveB.to have livedC.to livingD.to be living2.The electricity was cut off while the film ( ). A.was sh

2、ownB.was to showC.was showingD.was being shown3.You ( ) live for ten days without food,without water you ( ) die in less than a week. A.may,mightB.might,wouldC.would,shouldD.should,might4.My sister and I have seen the film,but ( ) of us remember what its all about. A.neitherB.eitherC.noneD.both5.We

3、tried to settle the problem with them as soon as possible but they seemed to ( ) sincerity. A.be lacking inB.lack ofC.be lack forD.lack in6.I regret ( ) you that I cant go to Hangzhou for a visit next Sunday with you because Ive caught a bad cold. A.tellingB.to tellC.tellD.having told7.Of the three

4、teachers who are teaching us this semester,Prof.Wang is ( ). A.more patientB.very patient C.extremely patientD.the most patient8.Weather ( ),well go for an outing. A.being permittedB.permitted C.permittingD.permits9.( ) dull Fred may be,he is certainly popular. A.HoweverB.AlthoughC.WhateverD.Even if

5、10.( ) people are contemptuous of those who make obscene calls. A.RespectfulB.RespectedC.RespectiveD.Respectable.Complete the sentences with a word derived from the one in brackets.Write your answers on the answer sheet:(5%)1.Why dont you find a job and end your _ on your parents?(depend)2.More and

6、more people are refusing to eat _ vegetables.(freeze)3.What do you think are the factors that have a _ influence on the present economic policy?(decision)4.There are several _ books on sale in the book-store.(expense)5.After the outbreak of a _ illness,investigations revealed pollution of the towns

7、water supply.(mystery).Choose the correct paraphrasing of the underlined part of the following sentences,then write your right letter on the answer sheet:(10%)1.The children presented the guests with flowers. A.The children offered the guests with flowers. B.The children provided the guests with flo

8、wers. C.The children gave flowers to the guests. D.The children submitted flowers to the guests.2.His mind had already cracked with thirst. A.He had already died of thirst. B.He had already been out of senses because of thirst. C.He had already failed to consider thirst. D.He had lost the power of t

9、hinking.3.They all wondered at all that had happened when they were away. A.were eager to knowB.expressed their wish to know C.travelled around to knowD.felt surprised at4.When you have got ten thousand pounds of your own,and we will see about it. A.deal with itB.recognize and accept it C.stick to i

10、tD.take notice of it5.Romance is the privilege of the rich,not the profession of the unemployed. A.is the possession of the rich people,not the pursuit of the unemployed. B.is not only the right of the rich,but also the need of the poor people. C.only belongs to the wealthy people,but not to the peo

11、ple who are out of job. D.is the power of the comfortably-off people,not the career of the unemployed.Put suitable prepositions or adverbs in the blanks on the answer sheet:(10%)1.The old man loves his grandson so much that he gives him everything demand.2.For further information,please reach us _ t

12、he following number.3.If you dont believe me,you can go and ask him _ person.4.They called the police immediately,but they didnt come on the scene _ 40 minutes later.5.Her boss told her to take a week _ before the big job.6.He turned the newspaper _ and a strange personal ad caught his eye.7.He was

13、leaning _ the wall,turning the matter over in his mind.8.The more the mother expects _ her good-for-nothing son,the more disappointed she is.9.Parent,almost _ exception,hope that their children will grow up to make something of themselves.10.All your friends are concerned _ your health and want you

14、to recover soon.Cloze:(20%)Complete the passage by putting in the blanks the corrtect choice.Write your right letter on the answer sheet:About 485 years ago,a man stood alone on the coast of Spain.He looked toward the west and said to himself.The earth cannot be flat.If I sail westward, 1 ,I shall h

15、it land,India perhaps,and the queen will have a new and shorter 2 to the riches of that country.Christopher Columbus told his idea to Queen Isabella of Spain.She gave 3 men and three ships.And Columbus sailed westward for many weeks,through 4 seas. 5 ,he saw land:a group of islands now called the West I



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