【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版

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【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版_第1页
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【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版_第2页
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【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版_第3页
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【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版_第4页
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【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版_第5页
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《【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【高考复习方案】届高三英语一轮复习(佳作晨读 基础梳理 考点探析 跟踪训练)第15讲 unit 5 canada“the true north” 新人教版(57页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,佳 作 晨 读,基 础 梳 理,考 点 探 析,跟 踪 训 练,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,请根据下列提示写一篇今年十一期间第一次离家去加拿大的短文。 1离多伦多较远,早晨从旅馆乘车去,下午5点返回。 2上午参观动物园,并在动物园附近的公园野餐,下午参观爬行动物馆。 3第一次离开父母和同学们一起旅游,第一次见到鲸鱼和熊等,返回目录,佳 作 晨 读,精 彩 美 文 It was the first time that I had been away from home without p

2、arents during the National Day. I went on a trip with my class to the zoo in Toronto. We left the hotel where we stay very early in the morning because we had a long journey. We spent the whole day in the zoo. I could remember seeing whales, bears and some other animals for the first time. I was ver

3、y excited,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,佳 作 晨 读,At midday, we had our picnic lunch in a park near the zoo. After lunch, we visited the Reptile House and saw many kinds of animals. It was fantastic. At 5 oclock, we got on the bus and drove to the hotel. In conclusion,it is the best trip I have

4、 enjoyed,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,佳 作 晨 读,名 师 点 睛 1行文逻辑:总体介绍行程描述个人感受。 2词汇短语:运用了较高级的词汇和短语。如:for the first time(第一次),fantastic(极好的),in conclusion(总之),after lunch,many kinds of等。 3句式句法:运用了多样化的句式结构。如:定语从句:where we stay very early, I have enjoyed;原因状语从句:because we had a long journey;itbethat完

5、成时: It was the first time that I had been等,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,佳 作 晨 读,单词荟萃 1_vt. 包围;围绕_ n(复)周围的事物;环境_ adj. 周围的 2_n行李_ n(同义词) 3. _n距离;远方_adj.遥远的 4. _n传统_adj.传统的 _ adv.传统地 5. _vt.使印象深刻_n印象_ adj.留下印象的 6. _vt.使恐怖,恐吓_adj.恐惧的,受惊吓的_ adj.令人恐惧的,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,基 础 梳 理,s

6、urround,surroundings,surrounding,baggage,luggage,distant,tradition,traditional,traditionally,impress,impression,impressive,terrify,distance,terrified,terrifying,7. _vt. was Bthat; is Cwhich; is Dthat; was,解析 B考查同位语从句。remark是先行词,后是一个同位语从句,knowledge is power(知识就是力量)是一句名言,用一般现在时;从句中不缺成分,所以用that,它在同位语从句

7、中不作成分。故选B,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,基 础 梳 理,4The teacher left word with our monitor _ she would explain the problem again next time. Awho Bwhich Cas Dthat,解析 D考查同位语从句。本题中的同位语从句that she would explain the problem again next time是对前面的名词word的内容进行解释说明,that在句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用。故D正确,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5

8、Canada“The True North,基 础 梳 理,5The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years. Awhich Bthat Cas Dwhat,解析 B考查同位语从句。句意:这些年来地球变得越来越暖和这个事实让很多科学家担忧。本题中that引导同位语从句,解释名词the fact的内容。that在同位语从句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用。故B正确,单词点睛 1surroundvt.& vi.(to be around)包围;围绕 (1)surrou

9、nd sb/sth with sb/sth 使某人/物包围某人/物 be surrounded by/with 被包围 (2)surrounding adj. 周围的 surroundings n. 环境(常用复数,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,温馨提示】 surroundings用复数形式,主要指周围的具体的物质环境。而environment是集合名词单数,既可表示抽象概念,也可表示具体意义,指对人的发展产生影响的自然环境或生活环境,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,活学活用】

10、 (1)2013北京卷阅读C Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. 身边围绕着可信的朋友和家人或者躲到远离大城市的偏远地区,一些明星才得以安宁下来。 (2)_for a few days, the enemies had to throw up their arms and give in. 被围困了几天,敌人只好举手投降了,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“

11、The True North,考 点 探 析,Having been surrounded,3)With the house _ in all directions, the thief couldnt flee and was caught. 因为房屋被四面八方包围了,小偷无法逃脱,结果被抓了,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,surrounded,2measurevi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定 n计量制;计量单位;措施 (1)measureby 用衡量 measure sb for a suit(make a suit to sbs

12、 measure) 给某人量身做一套衣服 sth measures 2 metres by 4 metres 某物长4米宽2米 (2)take sbs measure 给某人量尺寸 maketo ones measure 依照某人的尺寸做 take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,活学活用】 (1)2013天津卷阅读B They call on people and the government to take measures to fight against it. 他们号召人民

13、和政府采取行动来抵制它(光污染)。 (2)Success should _ only by educational achievement. 成功与否不应只用学业成绩来衡量,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,not be measured,3)It was difficult_ the precise impact of the strike. 对此次罢工影响多大难以做出准确的评估。 (4)The mayor expressed his wish _ immediately to control the air pollution. 市长

14、表达了他的愿望,要立刻采取某些措施来控制空气污染,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,to measure,that some measures should be taken,3distancen. (the amount of space between two objects or points)距离;远方;遥远;疏远 v不介入,与疏远 (1)in the distance 在远方 at a distance 隔一段距离;距离稍远 a distance of 在远的地方 from a distance 由远处 keep sb at a

15、 distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远 keep ones distance from 与保持距离 (2)distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;久远的,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,活学活用】 (1)2012江西卷阅读D Distances between them appear no greater to a modern traveller than those which once faced men as they walked from village to village. 对于现在的旅行者来说,它们之间的距离并不比过去从一个村庄走到另一个村庄远。 (2)The railway station is _ two miles from our school. 火车站离我们学校有两英里的路程。 (3)She was warned to _ from John if she didnt want to get hurt. 有人警告她说,如果不想受到伤害就离约翰远一点儿,返回目录,第15讲Unit 5Canada“The True North,考 点 探 析,at a distance of,keep her distance,4confirmvt



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