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1、常用词组及搭配(D)词语解释deaf to拒绝听取delighted to因.而高兴depend on取决于,依赖于different from与.不同doubtful about对.有怀疑的due to因为,由于deal with跟.达成教育;安排, 处理, 涉及We closed the deal with them yesterday.昨天,我们跟他们做成了那笔交易。die down变弱, 逐渐停止, 渐渐消失The wind is dying down.风慢慢停了。die out灭绝, 逐渐消失, 渐渐止息Many old customs are gradually dying out

2、.许多旧习俗都在日渐消失中。do away with废除, 弄死They did away with that department several years ago.他们几年以前已撤掉了那个部门。do ones best尽全力I must do my best to help him.我必须尽力帮他的忙。do without不需要, 不用We had to do without fresh fruit.没有新鲜水果,我们不得不将就一下了。We shall have to do without a holiday this summer.今年夏天我们不能有假日了。draw in(or int

3、o)收, 引诱, 接近黄昏, 紧缩开支The boat was drawing into the dock.船正驶近船坞。raw on戴上, 吸收, 利用, 引诱, 向.提取, 招来, 临近Take off those boots you are wearing and draw on these of mine.脱掉你的靴子,穿上我的。The feeling that he was near his destination drew him on.他感到终点在望,于是继续向前。draw up草拟, 停住, 逼近, 追上, 整队The country drew up a new constit

4、ution.国家起草了一部新宪法。dress up盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装He dressed up as a cowboy.他穿着牛仔的服装。drop by随便走访Will you drop in tomorrow evening for a talk?你明晚能顺便来走走,聊聊天吗?drop off卸下;放下;睡着The leaves began to drop off.树叶开始凋落了。Could you drop off the books at the library?你到图书馆时顺便把书交给图书馆好吗?drop out不参与, 离去, 放弃Three of the runners

5、dropped out.三位赛跑者弃权。常用词组及搭配(E)词语解释eager for热切希望equal to等于,与.平等essential for / to必不可少的excited about为.所激动ever since从那时到现在every other每隔, 所有其他except for除.以外常用词组及搭配(F)词语解释faithful for / to忠于familiar to为.所熟悉familiar with通晓,熟悉famous for由于.而闻名fatal to对.是致命的favorable to对.有利,赞成fearful of害怕,担心filled with充满fit

6、for适当的fond of喜欢foreign to对.陌生free from免于free of无.的,免于full of充满face to face面对面地I have heard about him, but I never met him face to face.我曾经听说过他,可是没有会过面。fall behind落在.的后面, 拖欠Youll certainly fall behind if you dont work hard.如果你不努力,你将会掉队的。fall in love with爱上He fell in love with her at first sight.他对她一见

7、钟情。fall through失败, 成为泡影His scheme fell through.他的计划失败了。far from远离, 远非, 远远不, 决不He is far from content.他一点也不满意。What he said is far from what I could understand.他所说的远非是我们所能听懂的。feed in输入, 传回If you feed the data in, you get the analysis a few minutes later.如果你把数据输入,几分钟后就可以得到分析的结果。fill in / out填充, 填写, 填满,

8、 替代/ v.填写, 使长大, 变大Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with appropriate verbs.在下列句子的空格中填入适当的动词。Please fill out a cheque.填写支票。find out找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发I found him out when I called.我去看他时,发现他不在家。first of all首先for a moment一会儿, 片刻for a while暂时for good永久地,一劳永逸地for instance例如for short简

9、称, 缩写for the best出于好意for the present暂时for the purpose of为了, 因.起见for the sake of为了for the time being暂时from time to time有时常用词组及搭配(G)词语解释generous to对.慷慨good at善于good for有益于grateful for对.感激guilty of犯罪gain access to= have access to有机会,可以获得gain an advantage over胜于,优于get across(使)越过, 通过, 被理解She tried to ge

10、t her ideas across to us.她想让我们理解她的想法。get along度日;相处We cannot get along on his salary.我们无法靠他的薪水过活。How does she get along with her brother?她与她哥哥相处得如何?get away逃脱, 离开, 把.送走The lion was shut in a cage and unable to get away again.这狮子关在笼子里无法再逃跑了。You cant get away from it.这事你无法回避。get by应付;通过, 混过Please let

11、me get by.请让我过去。Well have to get by with one car.我们不得不靠一辆小汽车勉强对付过活。get by heart记住,背诵get down(从.)下来, 吞下, 写下, 使沮丧She got the book down from the shelf.她从书架上把书取下来。Well get down at the next station.我们下一站下车。get hold of抓住, 得到get on with继续做They got on with their work after a short rest.他们休息片刻后继续工作。How does

12、she get on with her brother?她与他的哥哥相处得如何?She is getting on nicely with her English.她的英语大有进步。get on/off有进展,成功,进步;离开,逃脱;下车,从.下来He got on his horse.他骑上了马。How are you getting on?你过得怎样?We get off the next bus stop.我们在下一站下车。I may be able to get off this Monday.这个星期一我也许能离开。get out离开,离去,(消息等)泄漏,取出,除去They cou

13、ld not find a way to get themselves out.他们无法找到一条逃生之路。Dont let this news get out.不要让这消息泄露出去。get out of逃避;改掉 ;(使)摆脱I couldnt get out of doing it.我不能不做这件事。get ready准备好get rid of摆脱, 除去get round走动, 传开来It is still difficult for him to get round without a cane.他不用手杖走动还是有困难的。The news soon got round.消息不久就传开了

14、。get round to腾出时间来做He says he will get round to it next week.他说下周将抽出时间去做那件事。get the better/best of打败, 智胜/ 战胜,从.中得到最大益处Dont always try and get the better of her over every incident.不要总试图在每件事上都胜过她。get through到达(目的地), 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通Ive got through my work.我已完成了我的工作。She finally got the message through to them.她终于把信息传送给了他们。get together聚集, 收集, 积累;取得一致意见We finally got together on a compromise.我们双方终于同意一个折衷办法。We got together with some friends last night.昨晚我们和一些朋友在一起相


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