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1、(红色的为考试范围)(注意:实在感到抱歉,相对上一份上传的这一份文档,蓝底的已是改正过了的。)1,单项选择复习范围:综合练习Unit1P10-12:1B,2D3D,4D,5D,6A7C,8B,9C,10A,11B,12A,13D,14B,15C,16C, 17C,18D,19A ,20BUnit2 P26-27:1A,2D ,3A,4D, 5,B6B,7A,8C ,9B, 10C,11D,12D,13B,14C,15C,16C ,17A,18D ,19B, 20,AUnit3P41-42:1B,2D,3C,4A,5B,6D,7A,8C,9D,10C,11D,12A,13B, 14C, 15B,

2、16A, 17D, 18A,19B,20CUnit 4 P56-57:1B,2A,3C,4A,5D,6B,7C,8D,9D,10A,11C,12C,13A,14B,15B,16D,17C,18D, 19A, 20BUnit 5 P81-82:1C,2B,3C,4D,5D,6A,7B,8D,9A,10C,11B,12C,13A,14C,15B,16C,17D, 18A, 19D, 20D2.词汇:B级模拟试卷P4:26(hearing),27 (argument) ,28(having started),29(being absent)P13:26(troublesome),27(wishing

3、),34(were picking),35(would have gone)综合练习P64:2(misled),3(depth),4(spacious),P147:30(partly/partially),33(shaking),34(to drive),35(enriching)例子:(词汇例题)1Heusedtogetupearly,butheisusedto_(stay)inbednow.填staying2Whentheopportunitycomes,_(prefer)willbegiventothetopstudents.填preference3_(heat)toahightempe

4、rature,waterwillchangeintosteam.填Heated4Thedesign_(complete)bynextmonth.填willhavebeingcompleted)3.阅读题范围三篇文章,每篇5个阅读选择题,共计30分。前两篇来自unit1-5TextC,第三篇来自课外。 选项有调换,不能直接背ABCD(P36)Unit1TextC: 1A,2C,3C,4A,5D,6D,7C(P73)Unit2 Text C: 1B,2D,3B,4C,5A,6D,7A(P110)Unit3TextC: 1B,2D,3A,4B,5C,6C,7A,8B(P144)Unit4 Text

5、C: 1C,2B,3D,4D,5A,6C (P182)Unit5TextC: 1B,2C,3A,4B,5D,6D,7C,8D 4、翻译考试范围:1. 英译汉:练习册:P15 IV: 1,2,3,4 1, 事情正如教授所预见的那样2, 该跨国公司用5万美元买下了这家商号,用2000美元买下了它的信誉3, 你酒后驾车等于去闯祸4, 泰德不知道为什么警察局要他去,但他昨天还是去了 P30 IV: 1,2,3,41, 他突然插进一则粗俗不堪的笑话,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽2, 他在遗嘱中安排了自己死后的财产处理问题3, 这些旅客是和一些商人一起来的4, 他毫不费劲地帮他的妹妹解出了这道数学题。 P45

6、 IV: 1,2,3,41, 你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上2, 这个国家的西部正集中发展工业3, 上个星期天晚上我另有约会4, 勤奋的原则适用于一切事业。 P61 IV: 1,2,31, 老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的文件2, 参观者对这座城市过去十年中汽车制造工业的成就感到惊奇3, 我丈夫今晚因故不能前来,我代表他向你们致谢4, 电视里的暴力正在沾污孩子们的心灵 P85 IV: 1,2,31,我认为儿童对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力2,市长把银杯授予了获胜者3,我弟弟刚告诉我他和安订婚了2. 汉译英:书本:21 Translation 9: 1,3,61, Because of t

7、he heavy snow, the passengers had to wait at the airport until midnight when the snow stopped,2, Twenty minutes after the train started, the two boys found that they had got on a train heading for Hangzhou instead of their hometown, Suzhou3, Similar-sounding English words often result in misundersta

8、ndings among English-speaking people4, The driver heard an unusual sound from the car engine, so he pulled over immediately to check, but it turned out all right in the end5, Mr. Lee felt very embarrassed when he realized that he had made a very common mistake among speakers of English as a second l

9、anguage6,Mary felt like learning Japanese and hoped she could learn it quickly, but soon found it was too difficult for her to learn in a short period of time.P58 Translation 9: 1,2,3,41 The public noticed that since that local official left, his position had been vacant for a couple of months2 Seei

10、ng the girl looking around helplessly on the platform, the young porter asked politely if she needed any help3 I recognized your companion the minute he appeared at the door. He looked just as you had described4 We didnt bother to find a hotel, for my good friend invited us to stay in her house and

11、put a luxurious car at our disposal.5 While the professor was turning the suitcases inside out to find his glasses, his wife was sitting comfortably in an armchair watching the whole scene.6 I turned my back on her because she expected me to treat her like a queen.P96 Translation 9: 1,3,5,61,He has

12、given up running in order to focus on the long jump.,2,In his book I Cant Accept Not Trying, Michael Jordan looks back on how he approached the challenges he faced.3,If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.4,Even if you fail

13、the final examination, dont get down on yourself, because you take the examination again at the beginning of next term.5, If your ultimate goal is to become an English teacher, then the first thing you have to do is (to) learn English well,6, Not everyone is going to be world-famous. But if you have

14、 done your best, you can still be considered a success.P132 Translation 9: 1,3,4,51,This report dwells on how some species were exterminated because of the polluted environment.2,To tell the truth, I think a snide comment made out of prejudice is better than faked praise given by a hypocrite.3,Mary

15、countered the manager on behalf of all the employees by arguing that its cruel to limit the employees freedom and it will eventually affect the companys reputation.4,What on earth has enabled some people, particularly certain high officials, to abuse their powers despite the law?5,I dont think success is merely related to intelligence. In fact, many good qualities, such as innocence, honesty, humor and loyalty, can help


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