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1、recession / rsen; rsn/ n C temporary decline in economic activity or prosperity (经济)衰退; 不景气: an industrial, a trade, etc recession 工业 贸易等的衰退. Cf 参看 slump n 1. U movement back from a previous position; withdrawal 後退; 撤退; 撤回: the gradual recession of flood waters 洪水的逐渐消退. recessionary adj 1 attrib 作定语

2、 of a slowing of economic activity (经济)萧条的 , 疲软的: in the present recessionary period, conditions 在当前经济萧条的时期里 情况下. 2 likely to bring about a slowing of economicactivity 可能使经济活动减慢的: a recessionary effect on the economy 可能使经济衰退的影响 * introduce recessionary measures 采取防止经济过热的措施.dumps dmps n. 抑郁例句:If we l

3、ose the match, Im in the dumps. But theres no call to go around shouting at people.如果我们输了这场比赛,伤心的是我。可没有理由到处对人大叫大喊的。So how do we go about telling Kathy that we think Chuck is a first-class jerk and she deserves better. Or should we keep quiet and hope she sees the light and dumps this rude dude?我们如何告

4、诉凯西,我们认为查克是头号十三点,而且配不上她呢?还是应该闭不作声,而希望她醒悟过来,甩掉这个没有礼貌的花花公子?dumps / dmps; dmps/ n pl (idm 习语) (down) in the dumps (infml 口) depressed; feeling gloomy 沮丧的; 抑郁的.boycott / bkt; bkt/ v Tn (a) (usu of a group of people) refuse to have social or commercial relations with (a person, company, country, etc) (通常

5、指一群人)拒绝与(某人 公司 国家等)交往或通商. (b) refuse to handle or buy (goods); refuse to take part in (eg a meeting) 拒绝处理或购买(货物); 拒绝参加(如会议) ; 抵制: boycotting foreign imports 抵制外国货物进口 * Athletes from several countries boycotted the Olympic Games. 有好几国的运动员抵制奥林匹克运动会. boycott n refusal to deal or trade with (a person, c

6、ountry, etc); refusal to handle (goods) (对与某人 某国等交往或贸易的)抵制; (对处理货物的)抵制 : place/put sth under a boycott 对某事物实行抵制.crane krenn. 鹤, 起重机v. 伸颈, 以起重机搬移; 伸着脖子看; 踌躇nitrogen naitrdn n. 氮例句:Air consists chiefly of nitrogen.空气主要由氮气组成.If it were not for oxygen and nitrogen in the air, no man could live on the ea

7、rth.大气中如果没有氧和氮,人就无法生存于地球了。The lamp is full of gaseous nitrogen.灯里充满了气体氮。fertilizer f:tilaiz n. 肥料例句:The stalks will rot and make good fertilizer.杆儿腐烂后会成为很好的肥料。Get some more fertilizer for the garden.给花园再多施些肥料.Bone-meal and nitrates are common fertilizers.骨粉和硝酸盐是普通的肥料。maul / ml; ml/ v Tn, Tn.p sb/sth

8、 (about) handle sb/sth roughly or brutally 粗野地对待某人 某物 : (fig 比喻) Her novel has been badly mauled by the critics. 她的小说横遭评论家抨击. Tn injure (a person or an animal) by tearing his or its flesh 伤害(人或动物)(撕裂其皮肉): He died after being mauled by a tiger. 他被老虎咬死了.hijacking haidkn. 劫持,抢劫例句:The plane was highjack

9、ed while on a flight to Delhi.该机在飞往德里的途中遭到劫持.The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner.恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。Ive been told about the hijacking.我已听说了那次劫机事件。somber somber | smb(r) /sm-adj. 昏暗的; 忧郁的; 阴沉的; 闷闷不乐的groovy ruvadj. -ier, -iest 流行的;时髦的;迷人的ringtone n. a sound made by a mobile pho

10、ne when an incoming call is received. 铃声 stout statadj. 1. 肥重的;肥胖的2. 强壮的,粗壮的;坚固的He has a stout makeup.他体格强壮。3. 勇敢的;坚决的a stout fellow刚勇的人n. 浓烈黑啤酒cascade kskeidn.小瀑布cider saidn.苹果酒,苹果汁liqueur lkj(r); (US) lkrn. 烈酒promotion prmunn.提升;促进;促销宣传recommendation rekmendeinn.推荐(信);建议;优点,长处chandler tndl(r); (US

11、) tndlrn. 1. 杂货零售商2. 蜡烛商luxury lkrin.奢侈,华贵;奢侈品logistics infrastructure物流设施freelance fri:l:nsn./ a.自由职业者(的) vi.从事自由职业expiry ksparn. 期满,届满 What is the expiry date on your library novel?你从国书馆借的小说书哪一天到期?indetermination ndtmne()nn. 犹豫不决interim intrima.暂时的,临时的 n.间歇,过渡期间immediate imi:dita.立即的;直接的,最接近的;紧靠的S

12、UV SUV /es ju vi/ n C AmE sport-utility vehicle a type of vehicle that is bigger than a car and is made for travelling over rough groundleak li:kv.(使)漏;泄露 n.漏洞,裂缝;泄漏,漏出量coolant kulntn. 冷却剂;冷却用润滑油firehousefire station n. 消防队, 消防站scene si:nn.场,镜头,节;地点;景色;舞台;吵闹 the ambulance got to the scene about 30 s

13、econds after the crash!appetite pitaitn.胃口,食欲;欲望I walked to downtown plaza, but still was not having the appetite.deliberation dilibrei()nn.仔细考虑;商量trial trailn.审判(讯);试用(验);讨厌的人(物)abuse bju:zn. vt.滥用;虐待,伤害;辱骂,毁谤torture t:tvt.拷问,折磨ollision klinn.碰撞;冲突,抵触intersection intseknn.道路交叉口,交点contingent kntindnta.视条件而定的 n.一组,代表团;分遣队contingent kntndntadj. 1. (常与 on, upon 连用)偶然的;偶发性的;附带的2. 可能发生的;可能的;或有的n. 1. 分遣队;小分队2. 代表团Have the Scottish contingent arrived yet?苏格兰代表团还没到吗?woo wuvt., vi. wooed, wooing 1. (男人)求爱,求婚2. 争取支持to woo


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