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1、“蒙牛特仑苏”品牌推广策略研究“蒙牛特仑苏”品牌推广策略研究 摘 要 随着中国乳业的迅速发展,产品结构发生很大的变化,已成为技术装备先进、 产品品种较为齐全、初具规模的现代化食品制造业。随着中国人民生活水平的逐 渐提高,乳制品消费市场会不断扩大并趋于成熟,中国将成为世界上乳制品消费 最大的潜在市场。现在,中国乳业正处在一个重要转型期:从粗放成长转变为集 约成长,从同质竞争转变为创新竞争,从“又快又好”转变为“又好又快” 。特别 是近年来,随着全球乳业前 20 家巨头陆续进入中国市场,本已相当激烈的本土品 牌竞争更是进入白热化阶段。从中国乳业现状来看,当前激烈的竞争环境中,新 产品的生存空间似乎

2、已经越来越小。但蒙牛高端产品“特仑苏”的推出仅仅两年, 年销售额就高达十几亿元,创造了新品市场增长速度的又一项记录。本文通过对 “蒙牛特仑苏”这一在乳业市场上迅速走红的品牌进行研究,对其品牌推广策略 进行分析,找到其成功的原因,力求能够为中式高端品牌建设找出可以借鉴的思 路和方法。 关键词:蒙牛特仑苏,品牌,推广,策略 I “蒙牛特仑苏”品牌推广策略研究 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas dairy industry, the product structure of great changes, has become the adva

3、nced technology and equipment, product varieties more complete, the modernization of the food industry beginning to take shape. With China gradually improve peoples living standard, dairy products the consumer market will continue to expand and mature, China will become the worlds largest potential

4、consumer dairy market. But now, Chinas dairy industry is at an important transition: from extensive to intensive growth of changes in growth, from changes in the same competition for innovation competition, “faster and better”into“better and faster”. Especially in recent years, as the global dairy g

5、iant before 20 have entered the Chinese market, the already intense competition in the local brand is entering a more intense phase. Chinas dairy industry from the status quo, the current environment of intense competition, new products seems to be the living space has become increasingly small. How

6、ever, Mengniu high-end products, “Te Lunsu”milk launched just two years, annual sales amounted to more than 1 billion, and created a new market and a growth rate of the record. Based on the “Mengniu Te Lunsu” in the dairy market, the gentlemen of the brand research, its brand promotion strategy for

7、analysis to find the reasons for success, to strive for Chinese high-end brand building to find that we can draw Ideas and methods. Key words : Mengniu Te Lunsu, Brand,Promotion,Strategy II “蒙牛特仑苏”品牌推广策略研究 目 录 摘 要 .I Abstract . II 目 录 .III 第一章 引言.1 1.1 中国乳业市场现状.1 1.2 蒙牛集团的发展历程.2 第二章 “蒙牛特仑苏 ”的品牌介绍.52.1 “蒙牛特仑苏”的诞生.5 诞生的条件 .5 高端品牌的建立 .5 2.2 “蒙牛特仑苏”的现状.6 第三章 “蒙牛特仑苏 ”的品牌推广策略分析.8 3.1 品牌宽度推广策略分析.9 广告宣传推广 .9 建立品牌认知 .10 独特的品牌文化 . 11 3.2 品牌深度推广策略分析. 11 3.3 品牌维护策略分析.14 第四章 “特仑苏”的成功带来的启示.16 4.1 注重品牌推广.16 4.2 善找市场盲点.16 4.3 加强产品创新.16 4.4 注重社会效益.16 参考文献 .



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