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1、非谓语动词之“现在分词”的用法现在分词由“动词原形+ing”构成,具有动词的特点,在句中可作宾语补足语,定语,状语。一、作宾语补足语。 (有“主动”的意思)感官动词后可用现在分词作宾语补足语。感官动词有:一 感。 (feel)二 听。 (hear,listen to)四 看。(see,watch ,notice,find)如:I heard the girl singing an English song when I came into the room.例题:1.-Do you often find Tom (play)on the playground after school ?-Ye

2、s,and I found him (play)on the playground just now .2. Do you often see Mary (draw)picture in her room ?- Yes,and she was seen (draw)a horse just now.区别:现在分词作宾补表示宾语动作的瞬间,省 to 不定式作宾补表示宾语动作的过程。补充:keep sb doing sth 使某人干某事,stop sb doing sth 阻止某人干某事二、作定语。 (有“主动”的意思)1、There is a girl singing an English so

3、ng in the room. 有个女孩在房间里唱英文歌。2、The man wearing a black coat may be Lucys father . 穿着黑色外套的那个男子可能是 Lucy 的爸爸。例题:1、This is the best way (solve )the problem.2、I know the woman (wait)at the bus stop.区别:现在分词作定语有被修饰的人“正在做某事”的意思,但动词不定式没有。三、作状语。 (有“主动”的意思)1、The students came into the classroom ,singing and ta

4、lking.(表伴随)学生们说唱着走进来。2、Hearing the words , his face turns red. (表时间)听到这些话,他的脸变红了。3、Being a Party member,she always does her best to do everything.(表原因)作为党员,她总是尽力做一切事情。例题:Many people hate advertisements, (say) that they make the cities and countries ugly.非谓语动词之“过去分词”的用法过去分词具有动词的特点,在句中可作宾语补足语,定语等。一、 作

5、宾语补足语(有被动意思)1、 Students shouldnt get their ears pierced. 学生们不应该打耳洞。 (使耳朵被穿刺)2、 I will have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我将理发。 (使头发被理) (cut 是过去分词)3、Have you made the trees watered ?你已让某人浇树了吗?(使树被浇了吗)区别: have 和 make 用法:使某人干某事 have/make sb do sth使某事被干 have/make sth doneget 用法:使某人干某事 get sb to do sth使某事被干 ge

6、t sth done例题:1、-Have you had the flowers yet?-Yes,I had someone them yesterday .A. water,water B watered,watered C water,watered D watered,water 2、-In America, can you understand the native speakers?-yes, but I cant myself .A understand B understood C to understand D understanding二、作定语。 (有被动意思或完成了的意

7、思).单个过去分词要放在被修饰词的前面,过去分词短语要放在被修饰词的后面。1、I cant understand spoken English.2、I like reading the books written by luxun .3、China is a developing country and America is a developed country .(发展中国家) (发达国家) (有完成了的意思 )区别:过去分词具有被动的意思 ,而现在分词具有主动的意思 。 例题: The student on the chair was reading a book by Hemingwei .A sitting,writing B sit,written C sitting, written D is sitting, is written


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