【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there单元核心素养演练课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级上册英语课件

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【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there单元核心素养演练课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级上册英语课件_第1页
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【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there单元核心素养演练课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级上册英语课件_第2页
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《【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there单元核心素养演练课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级上册英语课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】六年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can I get there单元核心素养演练课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学六年级上册英语课件(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元核心素养演练,1.科学 science 2.博物馆 museum 3.邮局 post office 4.书店 bookstore 5.电影院 cinema 6.医院 hospital 7.十字路口 crossing 8.笔直地 straight 9.左 left 10.转弯 turn 11.右 right,1.Where is the cinema?电影院在哪里? 此句是一个特殊疑问句,它由疑问词where来引导。 询问地点的句型结构为“Where + be动词 + 物品/人/地点?”。答语常为“Its/Shes/Hes/Theyre +介词+地点.”。 eg:Where is the h

2、ospital?医院在哪里? Its next to the bookstore.它紧挨着书店,2.How can I get to the hospital?我怎样能到达医院? 此句是一个特殊疑问句,它由疑问词how 来引导。 get to 意为“到达”,后接地点名词,如get to the park 到达公园;如果后面接地点副词,to 则要省略,如get there/here/home到达那儿/这儿/家,3.What an interesting film!多么有趣的电影啊! 此句是一个感叹句。常用what 来引导感叹句。 常见的what引导的感叹句结构有: (1)What + a/an

3、+形容词 + 单数可数名词+主语+谓语! eg:What a great museum it is!多么棒的博物馆啊! (2)What +形容词+复数名词+主语+谓语! eg:What beautiful flowers they are!多漂亮的花啊! (3)What+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语! eg:What fine weather it is!多好的天气啊,根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1.博物馆商店在哪儿?在大门附近。 Where is the museum shop ? Its near the door. 2.我们怎么到那儿? 在书店左转。 How can we get th

4、ere? Turn left at the bookstore,根据图片和句意完成下列对话。 Mike生病了,可他不知道去医院的路,热心的小超人正在帮助他,请根据图片和句意完成对话,Excuse me.1.Where is the 2.hospital? :Its near the restaurant. :3.How can I get there? :4.Go 5.straight.You can see the restaurant. The hospital is near it. :Thank you very much. :You are welcome,Bill:Hello,Ka

5、te.There is a kite show in the museum.Do you want to go with me? Kate:Great!Id like to.But where is the museum? Bill:Its next to the Central Park. Kate:How can we get there? Bill:First,we walk straight from our school.Next,turn left at the post office and walk for 4 minutes.Then,turn right at the tr

6、affic lights.We can see the Central Park on the right.Go straight and well see the museum. 阅读短文,完成句子,1.Bill and Kate will go to the museum to see a kite show. 2.The museum is next to the Central Park,答题指导 联系上下文法。1.由对话第一、二行Bill 对Kate说“There is a kite show in the museum.Do you want to go with me?”和其后K

7、ate的答语“Great!Id like to.”可知他们相约去博物馆看风筝展。所以填kite show。 2.由Kate所说的“But where is the museum?”和其后Bill的回答“Its next to the Central Park.”可知博物馆紧挨着中心公园。因此填next to,本单元主要学习了常用建筑物的位置描述和如何问路、指路这三个内容。问路和指路一般出现在对话中,或者出示地图,让你说明去某个地方的路线图。 1.描述某个地点的方位一般用方位词,如in front of,near,next to,beside,behind 等。 2.描述路线图经常用到:go s

8、traight,turn right/left at.,at the second crossing,at the traffic lights等。 小试身手 同学们,本单元我们学习了介绍交通路线的句子,请你以“How can I get to school?”为题,用所学知识介绍一下从你家到学校的路线吧,My home is near the school.First,turn left at the shoe shop.Then go straight.And turn right at Xinhu a Bookstore.Our school is near there,范文赏读 A:E

9、xcuse me.Where is the bookstore? B:Its near the park on Yucai Street. A:How can I get there? B:Turn right at the hospital.Then go straight.And turn right at the cinema.You can see the park.The bookstore is near it. A:Thank you. B:Youre welcome,一)GPS GPS,即全球定位系统(Global Positioning System),它是一个中距离圆形轨道

10、卫星定位系统,可以为地球表面绝大部分地区提供准确的定位和高精度的时间基准。该系统是通过太空中的24颗GPS卫星来完成的。只需要其中3颗卫星,就能迅速确定您在地球上的位置。所能接受到的卫星数越多,译码出来的位置就越准确。在汽车定位时,只需要在汽车上装一台比32开书略小的“车载终端”就可以了,二)Fish and chips 人们都知道英国人每天必食bread and butter(面包和黄油),但fish and chips(炸鱼和薯条)才是英国真正的“国食”。fish and chips是从英国传播于全球的,这两种食物在英国是最便宜的,而且食用方便,用一个纸杯装上薯条,另加一包鱼块,可边走边吃,十分适合工作节奏快的上班族,因而大受欢迎


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