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1、海底两万里英文摘抄归纳 20,000 leagues under the sea is one of a series of French scien _ fiction writers Jules vernes scien _ fiction series. Its story is a thrilling and exciting story, and its pictures are colorful and exciting. 20,000 leagues under the sea _s the story of professor aronnax, a French natural

2、ist. Author with referen _ to track sea monster, set off a long, professor kang Sel _ and his servant, canadians go nautilus DE Netherlands in the wonderful and fascinating story, show a elegantly _gnifi _nt picture: mysterious sea monster, beautiful underwater world, the solemn funeral under the se

3、a, rich treasure of the o _an floor, breathtaking Antarctic. Reading this book, like the hero, and swim with the sea world, the red sea, the Mediterranean and the Aegean sea, black sea, the Atlantic, the arctic and Antarctic, the arctic o _an, met with _ny rare plants, seafood, re _ins of sea ani _l

4、s, _ntury warships and so on, a lot of interesting things, I have opened up the field of vision, enrich their knowledge and _ke me feel mysterious o _an world. 20,000 miles under the sea is a thrilling story that _s us to learn professor aronnaxs optimistic spirit. Learning the servant conseils loya

5、lty and selflessness to his _ster, learning the courage of captain nemo, and the spirit of daring to rescue him when he saw a friend in danger. The novel also _s us that we must have the spirit of daring to explore and discover the beauty of nature. Read the scien _ fiction, I lament the authors fla

6、ir, these great writers use their knowledge and wisdom to create the world of life, with its charm of the long-running, affecting generation after generation of people. The author of 20,000 leagues under the sea. Jules verne is an i _gination a _zing scien _ fiction writer in the 19th _ntury, Fran _

7、, the surprising thing about him is not only just exaggerated, he wrote beautiful and rich scientific significan _ of the novel, what is more surprising in his book, he wrote the story, although in the 21st _ntury today is not surprising, but in the time of the Jules verne, and there have been no in

8、vention can navigate the underwater sub _rine, even there is no light, in this context, verne in the sub _rine two miles suessful model a nautilus sub _rines, and in the novel published 25 years later, people create the real sub _rine, and novels about the same, this is how to forecast, how rich bac

9、kground knowledge! So, I with the feelings of a kind of reveren _, the start and in the book _ster explorers ayoob naturalist, that take a nautilus sub _rine, began his legendary tour of the o _an floor. The _ster of the nautilus captain nemo is an angsty, knowledgeable people, together they travele

10、d around the Pacific O _an, Indian O _an, red sea, the Mediterranean and the Atlantic and arctic and Antarctic, met with _ny rare sea plants and ani _ls, and underwater caves, conduits and sites, including the famous sunken city of Atlantis, which has quite a history and culture of ancient civilizat

11、ions with Gree _. The books contain a lot of scien _, culture and geography, geology. Aryunus showed his admiration for captain nemos outstanding talents and knowledge during the voyage. But in the fascinating story, it also warns people to pay attention to the behavior of preventing bad people from

12、 using and endangering hu _ns own crisis while seeing the benefit of scien _ and technology. We should love seals, whales and other Marine life, and condemn the con _pt of indiscriminate killing. These is still popular topic of enviro _ental protection, already had seer called for in two hundred yea

13、rs ago, visible left deeper thinking about hu _n justi _, is the book let the reader feel rich knowledge of adventure and involved vividly, inspire us to mind greater gains. Ingenious of this book is pletely natural knowledge of enlighte _ent, although the book _s the story of a lot of knowledge abo

14、ut o _an, for example in the red sea is a sour _ of sea, a tiny organi _s called triangular algae mucus secretion caused the water color red as blood. But there is no one in the reader aept very deliberately or difficult, just a journey of what is seen, this _kes people for view of ideas and harvest

15、 to the preservation of the solid. Is not each scien _ fiction book like the sub _rine two miles rich, strong readability it as this is not i _gination but vision and knowledge aumulated into novel, not only for not detailed knowledge of the seabed readers interpret their journey, more let posterity saw the wisdom of the ancients and civilization. 模板,内容仅供参考


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