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1、任务型阅读常用词汇及词组转换 归纳类常用词汇:原因和结果:reason (for) , result;cause (of) , effect;consequence异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage功能:function观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment表方式、方法:means , way ,

2、method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth.目的:purpose , aim , goal积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic建议: advice u , suggestion , tip概括、总结:summary , conclusion特点: feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically 影响 :influence ,

3、impact , effect (on )情形 ,状况 : situation,condition建立:build , create , establish , found出现:appear ,occur(red)实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish必要,必需 : must /necessity方面,项目条款:item / aspect材料 : materials知识消息:knowledge / information日程计划 : schedule / agenda百分比:percentage性别 :sex年龄 : age满意 :satisfaction忧虑,担

4、忧,焦急 : concern worry,anxiety(不)熟悉 :familiar /unfamiliar个人,个人的: individual细节 :description , detail文化 : culture责任 : (take)responsibility贡献 : (make) contributions to重要 : valueimportancesignificance 比较 : contrastcomparison时期 : period / time存在 : existenceexist花费 : cost / expense人口 : population天气与气候 : wea

5、theru / climate c位置 : location主题 : theme背景 : setting,background情节 : plot高潮 : climax结尾 :ending反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent转换类常用句型:1.100 years = 1century= 10decades2. take advantage of = makeuseof3. parental attention = with thehelp / aid / assistanceof parents4. oppose the move = beagainstthe move =o

6、bject to =disagreewith5. consider = take intoconsideration / account6. at thebeginning= atfirst7. beresponsiblefor = take / shoulder / bearresponsibilityfor8. since the beginning of human evolution = throughout humanhistory9. Americans have been migrating south and west for decadesin search ofbetter

7、 job opportunities. = Americans have been migrating south and west for decades,seekinga better job./searching /looking fora better job.10.housing-relatedreasons = reasonsrelated / linked/relevant to/ connected withhousing11. take anactivepart in = take part in sth.actively12. encourageparticipationi

8、n quiet activities = encourage children toparticipatein / takepartin/ play arolein quite activities13. behooked onheadphones = beaddicted toheadphones14.valuableinformation = information of greatvalue15.understandclearly = have a clearunderstandingof sth.16.affect = have aneffect / influence / impac

9、ton sth.17.matter =count= be veryimportant= be ofimportance= make sense = make a difference18.killssb. = sth.costssb. sth. = claim ones life19. make anapology=apologizeto sb.20.beover=end= put to anend 21.despite= inspiteof22.shareless than 2% =account forless than 2%=make up23.online = on theIntern

10、et24.learn goodcitizenship= learn to be goodcitizens25.listthe things thatyou are good at = listwhat / allyou are good at26.explain sth. = make anexplanation27.offer sth. to sb. =provide / supplysth. for sb.28.besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from29. be better than = besuperiorto30. appr

11、ove of =subscribeto = be infavor / supportof =favorsth.31.have access to = beacceptable / accessible / availableto32.stop = quit = give pensatefor = make up for34.in part =partly35.every year = yearly = annually36.use up = run out of (主动)37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)38.be accused of = bech

12、argedwith39.most of the people = themajorityof the people40.cater to /forones needs / demands /requirements =satisfy / meetones .41.starveto death = die ofhunger/ starvation42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary43.socially responsible = social responsibility44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth mit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.46.make full use of = make the most of3


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