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1、人教版高一英语Book 3 Unit 5一、单词拼写1. The ship sank and all the passagers a_(在船上)ended up in the river.aboard2. Australia has a long t_ (传统)of country music.tradition3. The differences between these two pictures are very s_ (微小的).slight4. The mountains in the b_(边疆)area are as beautiful as a painting.border5

2、. The good manners of the little girl are really i_(给人印象深刻的).impressive6. I wonder if there is a nice restaurant n_.(附近的)nearby7. In some developing countries, more and more people are moving to u_(城市的,市镇的)areas.urban8. Now we can even make long d_(距离)phone calls on the Internet.distance9. Even afte

3、r graduation, he always keeps in touch with his old s_. (校友)schoolmates10. Columbus reported back that he had discovered the American c_. (大洲)continent二、单词拼写1. Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new c_. (大洲)continent2. At present the local government is taking important m_(措施)to

4、save pandas.measures3. All the passagers were a_(登上)the plane and it was ready to take off.aboard4. As you know, Wangfujing Street is a famous d_(市区的)shopping district in Beijing.downtown5. Today children in Western countries continue the t_ (传统)of hanging Christmas stockings.tradition6. He told her

5、 about his t_(恐惧的,受惊吓的)experience that he met a tiger in the deep forest.terrified7. There I can enjoy the fresh air and beautiful s_. (风景)scenery8. We were near the b_(边界)between Franc and Germany.border9. D_(城市的)development needs scientific planning, while population planning is most important.Dow

6、ntown10. If you bring up a(n) t_(话题)that makes people uncomfortble, the room usally gets quiet.topic三、单词拼写1. As is well known to all, there are altogether seven c_(大洲)in the world.continents2. The weather in Harin is e_(极其)cold.extremely3. It is c_(考虑周到的)of you to call on your relatives from time to

7、 time.considerate4. Im t_(恐惧的)at the prospect of being alone in the house.terrified5. It is said that he is a m_(谦虚的) person.modest6. The pond is s_(包围)by tall trees.surrounded7. We are e_(非常)sorry for the delay.extremely8. Can we f_(找出)out whats wrong with your car?figure9. Dont t_(吓唬)yourself with

8、 strange imagination.terrify10. The countrys w_(财富)is based on trade.wealth四、单词拼写1. The play will t_ (巡游)the province next month.tour2. Can you feel your blood f_(流)around body?flowing3. He is a strong man with b_(宽的)shoulders.broad4. The medicine will s_(加快)your recovery.speed5. There are seven c_(

9、大洲)and four oceans on the earth.continents6. M_(多种文化的)means consisting of or relating to people of many different nationalities and cultures.multicultural7. Imgoingtohaveaphysicsq_(测验,问答比赛)tomorrow.quiz8. Thec_(加拿大的)industryishighlyconcentratedinontario.canadian9. Ab_(海狸)is a furry animal with a big

10、 flat tail and large teeth. Beavers use their teeth to cut wood and build dams in rivers.beaver10. Thatg_(灰熊)killedandatehim.grizzly五、单词拼写1. P_(极地的)means near the North and South Poles.Polar2. Ap_(企鹅)is a type of large black and white sea bird found mainly in the Antarctic.penguin3. You usep_(首要的)to

11、 describe something that is most important in a situation.prime4. When the government had come to power, he had been named m_(部长) of culture.minister5. In some systems of government, ag_(总督)is a person who is in charge of the political administration of a region or state.governor6. Yourb_(行李)consist

12、s of the bags that you take with you when you travel.baggage7. When peoplec_(聊天), they talk to each other in an informal and friendly way.chat8. Thes_(景色风景)in a country area is the land, water, or plants that you can see around you.scenery9. A powerful snow storm is moving e_(向东).eastward10. If a pe

13、rson or thingis s_(包围围绕)by something, that thing is situated all around them.surrounded六、单词拼写1. Within hours, she was free to resume her journey w_(向西).westward2. Ididntknowwherepearlh_(海港)was-nobodydid.harbor3. Anu_(向上的)movement or look is directed towards a higher place or a higher level.upward4. If youm_(衡量)the quality, value, or effect of something, you discover or judge how great it is.measure5. If you area_(上船)a ship or plane, you are on it or in it.aboard6. Ane_(鹰)is a large bird that lives by eating small animals.eagle7. Ac_(牛仔)is a male character in a western.cowboy8. If somet


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