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1、仁爱版英语九年级下册2020-2021学年词汇运用拓展学习法第117组 a.d.中文是什么意思 中文翻译 公元 医 右耳 d 口语 1. had: Id . I had . 2. did: Whered . Where did . 3. should (或 would): Hed . He should (或 would). 4.-ed: fosterd. a and d入院和出院 a ddisk重折光盘; 放弃的; 是一组对立项; 重折光盘,暗带 d D flat 【音乐】降 D 调。 D major minor 【音乐】 D 大调小调。 D sharp 【音乐】升 D 调。 a D stu

2、dent 劣等生。 a D slide valve D 形滑阀。 CD 400. DC 600. d anddd and d, d & d 美俚1.drunk and disorderly (警察用语)酒醉后扰乱治安的。2.deaf and dumb 又聋又哑的;比喻装聋作哑的(尤指因为怕报复而对坏事不加告发)。; 仪器公司 d by受到.困扰 d no第号 d sD S, D.S Doctor of Science 理学博士。 d tD T, D.T. Doctor of Theology 神学博士。 d 口语 1. do: How dyou . How do you . 2. did. i

3、n din d L. in dis (处方用语)每日。 no d常见英语单词/技术单词 t d八去; 后面的字母 theyd1.they had. 2.they would. d and d D and D, D & D 美俚 1.drunk and disorderly (警察用语)酒醉后扰乱治安的。 2.deaf and dumb 又聋又哑的;比喻装聋作哑的(尤指因为怕报复而对坏事不加告发)。 d-scope; d-scan d型显示 a d d ddour阴郁的/ a-d ad d-a conversion模拟 a-d and d-a conversion模拟 a-d; a-d (ana

4、log-digital)模拟 a,d vitmin a, d维生素 class d amplifier d类放大器 class d d类火 class d fire d类火 class d furnace d类加热炉 例句与用法1. The period during which the romans figured in history extends from about 750 b.c. toa.d.476 .罗马人活跃于历史舞台上的时期大约是从公元前750年到公元476年。2. The vandals took rome in 477a.d.and stole its treasure

5、s, but didnt damage its works of arts .汪达尔人在公元477年攻占了罗马,盗走了罗马城的珍宝,但没有损坏它的艺术品。3. It was clear from the accounts of the historian pliny(23-79a.d.)that the romans also possessed burning-glasses .从历史学家普林尼(公元23-79年)的记述中清楚知道罗马人也有点火镜。4. The seismograph invented in 132a.d.by zhang heng, chinese scientist of

6、 the east han dynasty ( 25 a.d.-220 a.d. ), was the first seismograph in the world .中国东汉科学家张衡于公元132年发明的地动仪是世界上最早的地震仪。5. The seismograph invented in 132 a.d. by zhang heng, chinese scientist of the east han dynasty ( 25 a.d.-220a.d.), was the first seismograph in the world .中国东汉科学家张衡于公元132年发明的地动仪是世界上

7、最早的地震仪。6. China boasts the world s earliest observatory, built in nanking in 1385 in the ming dynasty ( 1368 a.d.-1644a.d.), three centuries ahead of the greenwich observatory built in britain in 1670 .中国建有世界上最早的气象台。7. The giant stone buddha at leshan mountain in sichuan province of china, carved in

8、 the tang dynasty ( 618 a.d.-907a.d.), is 71 metres high, making it the largest statue of buddha in the world .中国四川的乐山大佛是世界上最大的佛像雕刻。8. Papermaking originated in china in the second century b.c. paper made from linen in the early west han dynasty ( 206 b.c.-24a.d.) was the world s earliest kind of pa

9、per made from plant fibres. by pooling the expertise of craftsmen in papermaking, cai lun of the east han dynasty ( 25 a. d.-220 a.d. ) succeeded in producing quality paper from linen craps, rags, and used fish nets. papermaking technology was introduced to the west in the third century .公元前2世纪我国发明纸

10、,而汉初造的麻纸是世界上现存最早的植物纤维纸。9. Papermaking originated in china in the second century b.c. paper made from linen in the early west han dynasty ( 206 b.c.-24 a.d. ) was the world s earliest kind of paper made from plant fibres. by pooling the expertise of craftsmen in papermaking, cai lun of the east han d

11、ynasty ( 25 a. d.-220a.d.) succeeded in producing quality paper from linen craps, rags, and used fish nets. papermaking technology was introduced to the west in the third century .公元前2世纪我国发明纸,而汉初造的麻纸是世界上现存最早的植物纤维纸。10. The kangxi dictionary, completed in the qing dynasty ( 1644 a.d.-1911a.d.) and rel

12、eased in the 55th year of the reign of emperor kangxi ( 1716 a.d. ), was the world s earliest and biggest dictionary with 47035 entries of chinese characters .中国清代的康熙字典是世界上最早、字数最多的字典。11. The kangxi dictionary, completed in the qing dynasty ( 1644 a.d.-1911 a.d. ) and released in the 55th year of the

13、 reign of emperor kangxi ( 1716a.d.), was the world s earliest and biggest dictionary with 47035 entries of chinese characters .中国清代的康熙字典是世界上最早、字数最多的字典。12. The celestial globe invented by zhang heng, chinese scientist of the east han dynasty ( 25 a.d .-220a.d.), was the first of its kind in the world. it determined that the angular diameter of both the sun and the moon was 0.5 .中国东汉科学家张衡发明的天球仪是世界上最早的天球仪。5


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